LED Noobs, STOP Buying China Junk

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Are you obsessed with me?... I don't even mention your name and you follow after me...seems your jimmies are rustled on levels not yet seen on the internet...
Quickly start another thread in the KIND LED CRAP SECTION. He will jam over there and WE can properly discuss PF's topic.

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To get back on point I personally have tried the China route and did OK. I also used a 100$ t5 with 2700k tubes and rocked it ! Point is I've failed and succeeded but NEVER BLAMED MY EQUIPMENT! just learned from my screwups not once did the nationality of my light,fan or strain ever impact my grow. Do your best with what you got :)
The point of this thread is to help led noobs from blowing their money on mediocre products that aren't even developed SPECIFICALLY for mj

Companies like A 51 make a hell of light for $250, with one great grow that I have seen (sorry can't recall his name)

or Onyx


BML bars

sorry if I've forgotten any contenders
Chinese "crap" led vegging under a apollo 6, I simply turn on more Leds to up intensity and spectrums during flower, when I flip to 12/12 I add the apollo 8 and a red spectrum joyhydrogrow into the mix and blend the spectra, last 2 hrs of each day under just the red joyhydo led, just something im trying long story why, but so far Im not disappointed been using them for quite some time now Ill post a few pics when another site im on is up and running again, unfortunatly i deleted them off my phone but theyve done fine by me so far ;)


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I read through all 9 pages of peeps bustin' each others balls... Who gives a shit let people do what they do, both work. Ones clearly better quality and no one argues that so chill gawd damn! I have two Chinese LED's that have worked for me and the lack in yield is solemnly because of a lack of experience both work after 2 years and I have pulled 2+ ounces a plant off my 180w with lots of mistakes throughout.. Now I know there are better led's and better growers who can destroy my milestone. But that is not the point, I am happy with my product as well as the price I paid for it and so I'm satisfied.

I am not telling anyone to by Chinese over U.S. But if you cannot afford top of the line like many of us the Chinese knock off will do just fine. There is clearly down right crap on Ebay but, there also some products which aren't half bad either. The last thing I want is to see people putting down each other when we are supposed to be bettering ourselves as a community!

You all sound like some materialistic egotistical assholes and it hurts me to say that... honestly. I grew up wearing Mikey's not Nike's because my family couldn't afford it and I still ran faster than some of those name brand wearing motha-fuckers and my feet are just fine after wearing them we make the best out of what we have. Just cause you don't want to spend the extra loot for the name brand doesn't mean the equipment we get is irrelevant. We just do what we can do and don't need people bashin' our shit. GET OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE IF YOU KNOW YOU ARE RIGHT WHY BOTHER ARGUE AND PUT PEOPLE DOWN. Let our ignorance be bliss then. This isn't even about led's half this thread, its about whose dicks bigger WTF shame.. Sad thing is I spent an hour reading this thread and didn't learn jack shit!:finger:
I read through all 9 pages of peeps bustin' each others balls... Who gives a shit let people do what they do, both work. Ones clearly better quality and no one argues that so chill gawd damn! I have two Chinese LED's that have worked for me and the lack in yield is solemnly because of a lack of experience both work after 2 years and I have pulled 2+ ounces a plant off my 180w with lots of mistakes throughout.. Now I know there are better led's and better growers who can destroy my milestone. But that is not the point, I am happy with my product as well as the price I paid for it and so I'm satisfied.

I am not telling anyone to by Chinese over U.S. But if you cannot afford top of the line like many of us the Chinese knock off will do just fine. There is clearly down right crap on Ebay but, there also some products which aren't half bad either. The last thing I want is to see people putting down each other when we are supposed to be bettering ourselves as a community!

You all sound like some materialistic egotistical assholes and it hurts me to say that... honestly. I grew up wearing Mikey's not Nike's because my family couldn't afford it and I still ran faster than some of those name brand wearing motha-fuckers and my feet are just fine after wearing them we make the best out of what we have. Just cause you don't want to spend the extra loot for the name brand doesn't mean the equipment we get is irrelevant. We just do what we can do and don't need people bashin' our shit. GET OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE IF YOU KNOW YOU ARE RIGHT WHY BOTHER ARGUE AND PUT PEOPLE DOWN. Let our ignorance be bliss then. This isn't even about led's half this thread, its about whose dicks bigger WTF shame.. Sad thing is I spent an hour reading this thread and didn't learn jack shit!:finger:

You missed the Gist altogether,
The point of this thread is to help led noobs from blowing their money on mediocre products that aren't even developed SPECIFICALLY for mj

That was the original intent. Where most of these Chinese companies make the most is in spectrums that aren't conducive to actual plant growth.

Not about being cheaply made, although by virtue, sometimes that goes hand in hand. Damn. What a waste of a rant.
I don't think I did. That was only one point discussed in this thread there were multiple posts of individuals bashing durability, efficiency, and and quality as a whole not just wavelengths/spectrum there are plenty of Chinese led's that offer proper spectrum range for cannabis growth. Although all Chinese led's fell under the same category of incompetence. Which simply isn't true.
I don't think I did. That was only one point discussed in this thread there were multiple posts of individuals bashing durability, efficiency, and and quality as a whole not just wavelengths/spectrum there are plenty of Chinese led's that offer proper spectrum range for cannabis growth. Although all Chinese led's fell under the same category of incompetence. Which simply isn't true.

But that was the OP, all other points are negligible for the points that you are trying to make. Cree's are made in China too, nobody is bashing them.
Ok that is true with the OP. Well i'm no specialist so i am not going to argue further. All i'm saying is I feel like the thread got out of hand.
Which I guess is irrelevant because who the hell am I? Just saying throughout the thread the argument came off.. sort of prejudice in aspect of Chinese craftsmanship .
T5 or T8 for VEG.............HPS for FLOWERING. LED just doesn't cut it for the full spectrum lumens needed to grow a decent plant. Buy American. China and wherever else is just going to make you frustrated. Its a market like every other electronic. You get what you pay for. Go cheap and the bud will be the quality you provide for it.
T5 or T8 for VEG.............HPS for FLOWERING. LED just doesn't cut it for the full spectrum lumens needed to grow a decent plant. Buy American. China and wherever else is just going to make you frustrated. Its a market like every other electronic. You get what you pay for. Go cheap and the bud will be the quality you provide for it.
T5 or T8 for VEG.............HPS for FLOWERING. LED just doesn't cut it for the full spectrum lumens needed to grow a decent plant. Buy American. China and wherever else is just going to make you frustrated. Its a market like every other electronic. You get what you pay for. Go cheap and the bud will be the quality you provide for it.

HPS has a far narrower spectrum than most LEDS! What are you talking about, Diodes are now more efficient. Define full spectrum?

America doesn't make shit anymore, almost literally.
Which I guess is irrelevant because who the hell am I? Just saying throughout the thread the argument came off.. sort of prejudice in aspect of Chinese craftsmanship .

Well sheeple can be led down a narrow path rather easily, there must be a saying about "ignoring the ignorati, they only make toiletpaper" :)
So you're saying a LED light will provide bigger, denser buds over a HPS? Let me guess, you're someone who takes a jumble of chrismas lights and hangs it above your plants? AND full spectrum is the emulation of natural light and an LED doesn't provide near as much as a HPS as far as a Reddish/orange light (late summer/early fall sun tone)
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