LED Noobs, STOP Buying China Junk

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Well I absolutely agree with you that it is all about the quality of the diodes used. However, I must reiterate that all Chinese made fixtures do not use "el cheapo" components. You do not have to pay through the nose to get a good fixture. People here seem to be swayed by the cost of the fixture. Look how the units they promote are also the most expensive.
The components are actually lower grade...even the custom for resellers are. All those 3-5 major factories have a catalogue of parts that all the resellers can choose their "custom" spectrum from. The problem is that the catalogue is full of low grade parts and no "customizing" is going to change that.

When people on here say "china" they may not know the details...but they do get the jist. China has much lower quality standards than the US. If anyone has ever have been on a factory audit for any industry, they can tell you that no matter how well the US side setup and "monitor" china workman ship and procedure, they just cannot keep them to the US standards.

In short the common person just know this as "Fucking China Lights" in our world. It's kinda like stereotyping...how many times are stereotypes pretty damn right??? But does that mean 100% are...No.
open up a kind led and you will see its the same low quality half ass light with knock off parts as cidly.. A51 gets their casing from china. Everything else is from the U.S. and assembled in the U.S. Apache, Nichia leds are from Japan and I think casing too. Everything else is U.S. Made and assembled in the U.S. Learn some facts before spouting off nonsense. Chinese factories do not have quality control. Nor any innovations. They copy and build with low quality parts and sell cheap...

The chips from japan because that is what nichia is...Japanese.
And taiwan drivers because meanwell(Taiwanese) are the best for drivers.
Both the at600 and at200's are made in america...heatsinks, housing, circuit boards, assembly, all the rest.
The lenses are the only thing on/in an AT that is made in china. They were designed/tooled by some swedish company I believe though.
ok china and import haters that love the us products . that are not really made entirely here in the us and 99 % of the parts are imported ., why is it I can buy a Hyundai . or even a kia get a 100000 thousand mile 10 year warranty . and a gm general motors American car will only give you 32 or 36000 mile warranty or 5 years what ever comes first . total bull shit warranty . what does that say about the quality reinsurance ? we cant guarantee your car will last more then 40 thousand miles sorry ! could blow up before its paid off . face it were getting are buts kicked by these other country. its shipped from china even a pair of work boots is less then 1/2 price as an American pair . with the same quality . same as led . its just more practical to build over in these other country and ship it back to the usa . im sorry to say. with the economy here in he us it sucks . most china led are the same as the ones that are expose to build in the us which are not . all we do is place a new sticker on them and mark the unit up 10 times so some people think the unit is that much better . try both lights before you bash others people opinions about china led . there are a lot of people that have used china led for years and years with good grows . and others drop 900 on a light and fail on a grow .
meaning to say kind lights costing 4 or 6 times more then china lighting same results .
Kind lights are made in China. There are many people selling "USA designed" lights that are just junk bought wholesale from the lowest bidder in China and passed off as high quality.
ok china and import haters that love the us products . that are not really made entirely here in the us and 99 % of the parts are imported ., why is it I can buy a Hyundai . or even a kia get a 100000 thousand mile 10 year warranty . and a gm general motors American car will only give you 32 or 36000 mile warranty or 5 years what ever comes first . total bull shit warranty . what does that say about the quality reinsurance ? we cant guarantee your car will last more then 40 thousand miles sorry ! could blow up before its paid off . face it were getting are buts kicked by these other country. its shipped from china even a pair of work boots is less then 1/2 price as an American pair . with the same quality . same as led . its just more practical to build over in these other country and ship it back to the usa . im sorry to say. with the economy here in he us it sucks . most china led are the same as the ones that are expose to build in the us which are not . all we do is place a new sticker on them and mark the unit up 10 times so some people think the unit is that much better . try both lights before you bash others people opinions about china led . there are a lot of people that have used china led for years and years with good grows . and others drop 900 on a light and fail on a grow .

a Hyundai will break down before a gm. Hyundai, Honda, Toyota, etc.... All are assembled in the U.S. Parts come from other countries. There isn't a single car from china in the U.S. Hyundai and Kia use lower quality parts like Chinese leds. For example their blocks are aluminum. Gm's are cast iron. Nissan and Toyota have cast iron blocks too
they don't offer the same warranty. They are all made in 12 hours on an assembly line by machines. Ferrari Lamborghini, Bentley , rolls, all tale 7-12 months to build and are built by hand. So again quality dictates price

with china lights. You spend $200 less for the same footprint. Twice the watts. Lower par. Then they don't hold up warranties. Where the u.s. Led companies that you bash have a life time limited warranty. Full coverage for 2-3 years and 50% cost for life. Then Inda gro has 10 year warranties. Name one china company that has that. with kind / cidly it takes About 920 watts to cover a 4x4. With a51 or apache its 300w less. So the savings in electrical costs make up the difference in 2 months.. A51 and apache will last 20 times longer than kind. There's been hundreds of Apollo failures on riu. I even had an apollo 10 that failed too.. Most don't even make it 6 months.. You can keep doing your b.s. Comparisons.. Kind and other china lights are crap. You can polish a turd all you want but its still a turd..
kind led is Chinese junk. Cidly Apollo rebranded. So not much of a comparison.
Hey , guys . Who really lie to us ?? We think it's clear . Check out my post , those people who say something and post something to lie people .What do they really want ?? we think we know that already .
The components are actually lower grade...even the custom for resellers are. All those 3-5 major factories have a catalogue of parts that all the resellers can choose their "custom" spectrum from. The problem is that the catalogue is full of low grade parts and no "customizing" is going to change that.

When people on here say "china" they may not know the details...but they do get the jist. China has much lower quality standards than the US. If anyone has ever have been on a factory audit for any industry, they can tell you that no matter how well the US side setup and "monitor" china workman ship and procedure, they just cannot keep them to the US standards.

In short the common person just know this as "Fucking China Lights" in our world. It's kinda like stereotyping...how many times are stereotypes pretty damn right??? But does that mean 100% are...No.

The chips from japan because that is what nichia is...Japanese.
And taiwan drivers because meanwell(Taiwanese) are the best for drivers.
Both the at600 and at200's are made in america...heatsinks, housing, circuit boards, assembly, all the rest.
The lenses are the only thing on/in an AT that is made in china. They were designed/tooled by some swedish company I believe though.
Hi Greengenes707 , spazatak is interested in purchasing Apache led light , maybe he needs your help from your Apache friend .
Hahaha u should get that checked out!
OHHHHH I have to bad the apple we produced turned out more like the other one. She was a good kid till she became a young lady, then Dad didn't matter any more. Went through years of court just to be told that a little use of medicine would kill my case. Some day it will all come back around when the truth comes out. Teenagers can be very judgemental at that point in my life I was loosing money hand over fist with my new business, vacations ended, frills ended so it was no longer FUN. Now things are turning around for me ( I HOPE), and time to lay down some positive karma I deserve.
i agree about china crap. they flood the market with cheap shit and when it breaks they give you the runaround. this is specifically a review for apollo led grow light and more generally all the other chinese companies too. i have learned my lesson the hard way (a couple times) and will pay more for quality and pay once instead of paying over and over and kicking myself in the ass.
Really ????? It seems that you support the Kind LED grow light . When you purchase , please post the pictures .we look forward to that . Maybe Greengenes707 , he can help with your purchase .

Are you obsessed with me?... I don't even mention your name and you follow after me...seems your jimmies are rustled on levels not yet seen on the internet...
As someone said earlier, China is fully capable of quality when they are charged to do so, but even then QC is problematic, and copying assured, albeit it using cheaper parts. Several 'mercan hi-end audio companies had that experience

BYSEN/Helios sent me their newest offerings Product sheet is dedicated on how easy they are to repair. Hmmmm
Pet,you little ' firestarter ' ....

Shit,I can't resist ....

Kinddiesel,you're so hot, girl !
So far ,so good !

Now ,you ' led junkies ' ....

I'm throwing my opinion ...(everybody's got one ...Samewise ,like with a 'certain ' hole ... )

Well ,my 'shit' goes-in simple words - like this :

I 've worked with both low quality electronic parts -including leds - mainly originating from
unstandardised manufacturing processes and mainly coming from China factories ...

And with mid/high quality parts originating from China,Taiwan,Korea,Japan,India,Malaysia,Vietnam,Hong-Kong,USSR,EU
and USA ....

My opinion for ....
Cheap -unbranded ,uncertified,-low-end ,Chinese- mainly-made quality parts / devices :

-Do they work ?

Yes .

-Do they grow (leds/led grow lights)?

Yes .

-Can they become a possible fire /health hazard ?

Yes .

-Are they efficient ?

Just forget it.Next question ,please ...

-Will they last ?

You must be joking ..Next question ..

-Why would you use them ?

Cause I'm a cheap -poor fuckin bastard .That's why .
I don't have any 'extra' pennies for the good stuff ..
From absolute 'nothing', that is ,at least,a 'viable' option ...

No more ,no less .

Can't be compared by any means ...
But,I guess ,now it's time to leave you back ,
arguing for such those things ....

" No ,number 2 has blue color and smells like roses .."

"Are you fuckin' nuts ? That is number 9 !! Number 2 is green and smells
like fresh cut grass ..."

" What about the letter G ? What color does this letter have and what it tastes like ? "

Oh ...
I like the example ....

To put it else ....

Look at your wrist ...
At your watch-clocks ...

A 'Swatch " wrist-watch clock " is Swiss made ...
Same as a "Vacheron - Constantin" one ...
Both Swiss-Made ...

They both show the time ...
(We've all, lost over that issue ....)

But ,then....

That's about how far it goes ,the 'comparison' thing
between a Swatch and a Vacheron-Constantin ,wrist-watches goes ....



70 € ' versus' 2.043.662 €....

Ok ...There are differences there ,beyond any comparison ....
Kinda same like this 'topic' ," firestarting " thread of Pet ...

What actually are you folks ,comparing ?
And this one should fit ,perfectly Kinddiesel's wrist ...
That's a pic I 'd love to see,girl ...
Of you wearing that watch ...

Damn I bought a China 900 watt Nov. 24 2013 and then a 1200 watt Apr. 07 2014 from the same Chinese company. I fucking love my lights they have 5 watt diodes not 3 watt. Also I haven't had any problems yet. I will start a thread on my next grow to show you how my Chinese junk works.
Damn I bought a China 900 watt Nov. 24 2013 and then a 1200 watt Apr. 07 2014 from the same Chinese company. I fucking love my lights they have 5 watt diodes not 3 watt. Also I haven't had any problems yet. I will start a thread on my next grow to show you how my Chinese junk works.
Why wait...how are they doing so far/on the first run. How do you quantify your love for your lights.
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