the police are really watching you now...


Well-Known Member
Class B now mate.
5 years minimum for manufacturing cannabis.

How is that more softer?

i dont know ne 1 here local in my circle who has been caught to get prison,u get lots of slapped wrists first in my experience ,class b te hee


Well-Known Member
Hey, don't you lot have your national ID cards yet? How about all those CCTV cameras in your cities? I'm sorry, but when I hear from my English friends what the government does, all the laws enacted, and the fines OHMYGOD the fines.. I'll stay here, thank you very much. I have a fighting chance here. :D


Well-Known Member
Hey, don't you lot have your national ID cards yet? How about all those CCTV cameras in your cities? I'm sorry, but when I hear from my English friends what the government does, all the laws enacted, and the fines OHMYGOD the fines.. I'll stay here, thank you very much. I have a fighting chance here. :D

Yeah, we haven't got the ID cards just yet.. there gonna be manditory in a few years i think..
bad times ahead. :(


Well-Known Member
yep they r using this terrorist crap to strengthen police powers, viva le revolution, n e way the world is going to wipe us out soon so fuck em all, what u say we up 4 a fight, let me av another go on me volcano first though.


Well-Known Member
I doubt many police departments will have the budget to buy one of those. Hell they can't even afford the fuel to run it with the prices the way they are now.

I don't have any worries here in Oregon as I am a legal patient.
6 mature plants and 18 plants under 12" per person!


Well-Known Member
Erm no.
it's a class B.

and has been for a good few months now, they knocked it back up to a B..

BBC NEWS | Politics | Cannabis laws to be strengthened

That's from ages back, i'll try finding one that shows it WAS reclassified..
Not that it's a big deal, but according to the Home Office website, parliament still needs to approve the Home Secretary's recommendation (which goes against the recommendations of the law enforcement and mental health communities and the Home Office's own Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs) and if they do, the reclassification will be effective next year.

The ACMD Report which was released this month says

You will note that, after a most careful scrutiny of the totality of the available evidence, the majority of the Council’s members consider – based on its harmfulness to individuals and society – that cannabis should remain a Class C substance. It is judged that the harmfulness of cannabis more closely equates with other Class C substances than with those currently classified as Class B.​
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Well-Known Member
what ever the class is , theyll still see your stoned ass, and whats ever bud n shit you got. you think this only exist in america.
overseas is doing way better than us financially.
i seen the camerea in london all around the train station, its scary , who watching you...and its here in america to, and now in the sky, what the fuck, thats just not right.


Well-Known Member
what ever the class is , theyll still see your stoned ass, and whats ever bud n shit you got. you think this only exist in america.
overseas is doing way better than us financially.
i seen the camerea in london all around the train station, its scary , who watching you...and its here in america to, and now in the sky, what the fuck, thats just not right.
google earth man.

I can't fight a fight alone, in America you have freedom weed marches and such, in the U.K there are none, fuck knows.

maybe we've lost our balls after our kingdom fell??

Full out war on our controllers is needed, sadly no one will rise to the challenge, just spreading conspiracy theories and saying 'im doing my part by telling people'

do ya think telling ppl solved anything?

no...not inthis day and age...


Well-Known Member
spy planes round the coast, radio control mini police jelicopters fitted with cameras,swat jelicopters,tazer,mace,new international border patrols,euro police ,armed police units,rain,floods,stabbings,bomb threats,high food prices,crap summers,crap houses,crap wages,identity cards,bio something passports THIS ENGLAND. Whats iraq like this time of year.


Well-Known Member
spy planes round the coast, radio control mini police jelicopters fitted with cameras,swat jelicopters,tazer,mace,new international border patrols,euro police ,armed police units,rain,floods,stabbings,bomb threats,high food prices,crap summers,crap houses,crap wages,identity cards,bio something passports THIS ENGLAND. Whats iraq like this time of year.

Fuck it man, i had some shit posted through my door about the police around my parts using IR cameras to detect criminals.
Fuck that man.

These parts are not safe anymore!!


Well-Known Member
"windows have eyes"

nothing new here, the police can walk up to a house and look inside. police can look at a house with infrared cameras. nothing new here. just more expensive. i hope that helicopter burns petroleum products.


Well-Known Member
One of my sisters lives in west Oakland. She told another sister that the local PD has now started a new policy of pulling over and searching ANY man who is caught riding a bicycle at night. There is no curfew, no crime need have been committed nor any suspicion of a crime. It is simply this: MAN + BIKE = POLICE INTERROGATION, right there on the street. Now, in Oakland (cuz, we are talkin' about Oakland here), chances are they're gonna get a lot of people with a lot of drugs. That's the majority of the busts that I see in her area, too. Prostitution, vehicle thefts, narcotics.. here, lemme give y'all a link, you'll see.
Oakland Crimespotting
Now, when the page comes up, you'll see a graph bar on the lower left populate itself. What you may need to do is mouse over and grab some days, then drag them. That will pull up two yellow markers. Put one at today's date, and the other as far back as it'll let you. Then, sit back and watch the dots pop.
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Well-Known Member
One of my sisters lives in west Oakland. She told another sister that the local PD has now started a new policy of pulling over and searching ANY man who is caught riding a bicycle at night. There is no curfew, no crime need have been committed nor any suspicion of a crime. It is simply this: MAN + BIKE = POLICE INTERROGATION, right there on the street. Now, in Oakland (cuz, we are talkin' about Oakland here), chances are they're gonna get a lot of people with a lot of drugs. That's the majority of the busts that I see in her area, too. Prostitution, vehicle thefts, narcotics.. here, lemme give y'all a link, you'll see.
Oakland Crimespotting
Now, when the page comes up, you'll see a graph bar on the lower left populate itself. What you may need to do is mouse over and grab some days, then drag them. That will pull up two yellow markers. Put one at today's date, and the other as far back as it'll let you. Then, sit back and watch the dots pop.

new world order and whatnot!
One day...
We will grow our weed in peace!