the police are really watching you now...


Well-Known Member
hey seamaiden, what would happen if u got caught on street with a couple of o, cause over here it would just mean a few hours in the nick and a small fine? i hear they are really harsh in some states.


Well-Known Member
hey seamaiden, what would happen if u got caught on street with a couple of o, cause over here it would just mean a few hours in the nick and a small fine? i hear they are really harsh in some states.
a couple of o's I would be looking at like 6 months +


Well-Known Member
wow, just got a paper through door,the police here are getting hand held heat cameras andthey have a potable hand held machine for testing surfaces and a persons hands, they are doing it at random,fuck day by day we become prisoners of the state.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, we haven't got the ID cards just yet.. there gonna be manditory in a few years i think..
bad times ahead.
Actually I think this plan was scapped a few month back, the government has admitted that it is unfeasable.

Hey, don't you lot have your national ID cards yet? How about all those CCTV cameras in your cities? I'm sorry, but when I hear from my English friends what the government does, all the laws enacted, and the fines OHMYGOD the fines.. I'll stay here, thank you very much. I have a fighting chance here.
Yeah.....I'd much prefer to be locked up for unpaid parking fines and other misdemeanors.....that was sarcasm....I like my LIBERTY personally.

Not that it's a big deal, but according to the Home Office website, parliament still needs to approve the Home Secretary's recommendation (which goes against the recommendations of the law enforcement and mental health communities and the Home Office's own Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs) and if they do, the reclassification will be effective next year.
The ACMD Report which was released this month says
You will note that, after a most careful scrutiny of the totality of the available evidence, the majority of the Council’s members consider – based on its harmfulness to individuals and society – that cannabis should remain a Class C substance. It is judged that the harmfulness of cannabis more closely equates with other Class C substances than with those currently classified as Class B.
This looks legit to me, thanks for the link.



Well-Known Member
Eh, I don't have to worry about such in Alaska! But... I think it has mostly honorary purposes. I don't tolerate real criminals, and I think this will be used much more so on real criminals than ganja tokers.
alaska sounds cooler n coolr brah..(no pun intended)


Well-Known Member
that drug bustin shit is horrible,
see its all over if not a fuckin spyin chopper its spyin equipment...

to swab for past resedue...that means you can get busted for something that hasnt been in the vehicle for weeks days months,as long as theres traces it will show up...

thats fucked up.. get busted for last weeks smoke, or last months sniff sniff.



Well-Known Member
hey seamaiden, what would happen if u got caught on street with a couple of o, cause over here it would just mean a few hours in the nick and a small fine? i hear they are really harsh in some states.
I honestly think it depends on where, what's happening, whether it's divided up, and the OFFICER. I don't have my med card yet, but next county over approved something like 2oz. Lots of police will just make you dump the weed. A few may take it. If it's been divied up then an officer could book you for intent to distribute. First time offender would be let off on probation.

I was popped for weed twice in my life. Once, I was in high school and my friend lit up a joint right at Newport Beach (SoCal). I told her, "What are you doing? We're gonna get caught!" So, she passes me the joint and as I'm putting it out this jarhead looking guy asks me for some. I tell him to ask my friend, it's hers, then they flashed the badges. Back then it was only a ticket.
Second time I got arrested, but the cop who had to book me felt that I shouldn't have been popped, so he recommended that the charges be dropped (I also had a small amount of meth on me, he "lost" it) and so they were.

Either way, if you're arrested in Cali, if you can't make bail you're staying in the hole until your arraignment (get before a judge). If it's a Friday, you're not seeing daylight til Monday morning at the earliest.


Well-Known Member
guess we are not much different but i am thinking it may b harsher in other states?
ive been raided 3 or 4 times and fined each time,you know our prisons are full and they suddenly let thousands out early so they can put a few more would be surprised how short some of our sentences are.


Well-Known Member
My dad just sent me a thing about a really nice looking prison in the UK. He had his panties in a wad, I said who cares? It's their country, they have a right to do things as they see fit, don't they? Besides, it's the U.S. who has the largest percentage of our civvie population locked up.

Yes, other states can be QUITE harsh in their treatment and handling of pot people.


Well-Known Member
yeah we have open prisons,home leave,sometimes people just walk out.i know lots of people in and out and just treat it as a part of life,no bills to pay, watch tv and get stoned.they say they going to get tougher though,we shall c.


Well-Known Member
lol, gas kills that thing..

Hey sacata, what are you intending to pay in the ak?

I personally would go there as a retirment..nothing like sitting by the fire and not doing anything but toking..Everyday!