the police are really watching you now...


Well-Known Member

An ubertech "verti-bird," as Fox News is calling it, is flying over the skies of Manhattan allowing police to see and recognize a face from two miles away, peer inside a building from three to four miles away, and track a suspect car from 12 miles away.

The story came out a week ago, but Fox News now has video inside the copter. The $10 million vehicle was designed by Bell Helicopter and has infrared night-vision and GPS navigation that allows police to zoom in on a location by typing in an address. Live footage captured by the helicopter's cameras can be transmitted to a police command center or to handheld devices on the ground.

Police used it in a recent gun situation to determine that a man holed up inside his car had killed himself, making it safe for authorities on the ground to approach the vehicle.

Police insist they're only using the helicopter for legitimate law enforcement purposes in public places and would never peer inside someone's home, but privacy activists have concerns.

just though i would share this with folks...
this is whats heading to friendly skys eventuallyand thats with a year or so.

you watch yourself people.
the technology we once knew and loved is being used against us.



Well-Known Member
Eh, I don't have to worry about such in Alaska! But... I think it has mostly honorary purposes. I don't tolerate real criminals, and I think this will be used much more so on real criminals than ganja tokers.


Well-Known Member
How to stop the camera from seeing into your home...

Curtains, they work really well against most cameras, as for IR I wouldn't worry too much about it as long as you aren't pumping all your heat out a single pipe.. and such..


Well-Known Member
wtf man. you just up and move to alaska? or just temporary

they might get temped with all that technology to scan some houses but i doubt they are sending that kind of shit to anywheres around me


Well-Known Member
How to stop the camera from seeing into your home...

Curtains, they work really well against most cameras, as for IR I wouldn't worry too much about it as long as you aren't pumping all your heat out a single pipe.. and such..
Eh are you a lemon?

Of course they would be able to see your grow room.. :-?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm outta this shithole August 28th... permanent move. I've always wanted to live in AK, now I got my chance and I'm taking it! Being able to legally grow 25 plants makes it even more enticing!


Well-Known Member
yeah i hope to get out REAL fucking soon. never been to AK but ive always wanted to go, beautiful country. and cant really complain about legally growing 25 plants. im sure youll love it.

dont think they have crawfish though.


Well-Known Member
i dont know what they have here in houston, but choppers fly by all the time, if not every 2 to 3 hours i hear them.
the ghetto birds.
its scary to think what america may turn into