Two Cops, Three Others Killed in Las Vegas Shooting Spree

apparently some here think the militiamen are not tea.

millitiamen = tea

Totally agree, just look at all those Gadsden flags that were at the Bundy ranch, which is where the killers stayed at for a few days. The killers then draped one of the dead police officers with a Gadsden flag to signify the tea party. According to the police the Nazi flag was used because they viewed the police as Nazis. The militia members at the Bundy ranch should all be investigated.

These killers were definitely tea bagger milita people.

Jerad Miller at the Bundy ranch
My questions for the Cliven Bundy supporters at the ranch, not the armchair tea baggers, follow:

I. Why didn't they notify federal authorities if the Millers had such extreme views?

II. If their views were dangerous enough to cause the militia to expel them, why wasn't law enforcement notified of these dangerous individuals and what exactly did they do to make them be viewed as dangerous?

They have blood on their hands.
My questions for the Cliven Bundy supporters at the ranch, not the armchair tea baggers, follow:

I. Why didn't they notify federal authorities if the Millers had such extreme views?

II. If their views were dangerous enough to cause the militia to expel them, why wasn't law enforcement notified of these dangerous individuals and what exactly did they do to make them be viewed as dangerous?

They have blood on their hands.

Scenario: They notified the Feds that some members had extreme views.

What the fuck can the feds do? You can't arrest people for their opinions can you?

Think the Feds would have gotten warrants based on that evidence? Think they could have made arrests on that evidence? Think they would have been competent enough in the first place to stop anything? Even if they DID KNOW, they would have let them do it anyway so as to demonize militias, TEA party , Conservatives, and anyone who believes in self ownership, as murderous thugs.

Ever notice that the MSM claims that every crazy ass shooter is a TEA party member? Then when the facts come out and the majority of the assailants are registered Democrat the MSM never retracts their error.
My questions for the Cliven Bundy supporters at the ranch, not the armchair tea baggers, follow:

I. Why didn't they notify federal authorities if the Millers had such extreme views?

II. If their views were dangerous enough to cause the militia to expel them, why wasn't law enforcement notified of these dangerous individuals and what exactly did they do to make them be viewed as dangerous?

They have blood on their hands.