A Cruise Missile Slammed Into the Pentagon on 911

corundum is an abrasive, used to grind shit.
corundum disintegrates into a fine powder as it is used
any sharp blow will break it
it is hard but brittle and WEAK

how does corundum's weak and brittle but hard nature make me wrong?
Are you genuinely retarded?

Aluminium oxide can be crystallised into rubies, sapphires, etc.

It can be hard and strong as fuck, depending on the crystalline structure its arranged in, much the same as when casting metals, etc.
I've seen the wreckage of many planes that hit the ocean. It's like hitting concrete at high speeds. I've seen many engines salvaged from plane crashes.
The clue is in the word "like":wall:
When people say "its like hitting concrete",it still doesn't compare to actual fucking concrete!
Its a saying,not a scientific like for like!
If I fell at 120mph into water,would I obliterate? NO,I would be pretty fucked up,and no doubt dead.
If I fell 120mph into concrete,I would look like strawberry jam,and no doubt dead.
Water is not concrete...
Concrete is concrete lol.
Are you genuinely retarded?

Aluminium oxide can be crystallised into rubies, sapphires, etc.

It can be hard and strong as fuck, depending on the crystalline structure its arranged in, much the same as when casting metals, etc.
and i can smash a ruby or sapphire with a hammer.
hard does not equal strong.

diamonds are the hardest substance known, yet they are NOT suitable for any work except abrasion.

diamonds are also very weak.

a wrench made of diamond, in exactly the same dimensions as any of my steel wrenches would SNAP if i tried to loosen a lugnut on my truck.
so, you are unaware that the Rothschilds are jews?
you dont know that they are the favourite whipping boy for racist (actual racists...) assholes who want to blame jews for everything under the sun?
you just pulled the rothschilds out at random, instead of the Rockerfellers, or the Warburgs, the Morgans, the Chases, or even the Bin Ladens?
you just randomly pulled up the only JEWS in the bunch...


Why would I do that home slice?

No I pulled up the 1s that are now & have been running the opium trade. I don't give a damn what religion these bastards are.

Stick w it Doc K you'll get there ...you know deep down whats being said is true... your mind just cant handle it yet.
Please explain why Zionism is fundamental to the jewish faith
I thought the original zionists were athiest
there are alot of jews critical of Israel
in the torah...

Zion was a city blessed by jehovah for it's righteousness, and taken up to heaven.
jews, during the diaspora received prophesies foretelling their eventual return to the land of Canaan (Israel/Palestine/The Levant) if they were found worthy.
the term "Zionism" expresses this desire to once again find favour with their god, end their punishment, and return to The Holy Land

returning to the land of Israel is the dream celebrated at every Shabbat, at Chanukah, at Passover, etc etc etc.

"Zionism" is the desire of the Jews to prove themselves once again worthy that they may return to Israel, "The Promised Land Of Milk And Honey", and any Jew who claims he does not want the Chosen People to return to Israel is stating that the Jews are not yet worthy of the Lord's Blessing.

"Zionism" is essential to the jewish faith and the jewish character.

Why would I do that home slice?

No I pulled up the 1s that are now & have been running the opium trade. I don't give a damn what religion these bastards are.

Stick w it Doc K you'll get there ...you know deep down whats being said is true... your mind just cant handle it yet.
really, the Rothschilds are running the Opium Trade?

got any docs to back that claim up?
So was Bob Marley Jewish? He sang about zion alot, so does Max Cavallera come to think about it....
Well, I'll match paychecks and resumes, college background, anything,

But, you don't have an adequate forfeit. Minimum for me is a years pay....my year's pay.

So, you would need to put up an new small airplane or a new 35 ft sailboat, or something like that to call.
No that is not the cred you questioned. And sure Irish are known thet world over for being quite small, like Japanese.

So, I'm not sure you want to sweve your horse pucky, from lying against my acumen to a brag on your meager physique,

Any gal will tell you to bring a brag like that to the conversations surely means....

Tiny Peeny Syndrome. The gals a very alert to that and it why you are passed by.

you are a strange strange man, you realize paychecks, resumes, and a college background don't just make what you say any more credible?? where is all your science at man?? science tells me 9/11 was a false flag

Dr. Kynes and Doer i feel really bad for you guys...seriously see through the lies guys, its funny we are on a Marijuana website and theres tons of people on here that go "Yeah right the Gov. would never do that you are crazy" yeah the same Government that has been trying to convince us forever that Marijuana is a terrible deadly drug, you guys have so much trust in the system its scary
How much science do you have? Are you pulling in the 6 figures in a 30 year science career?

How much peer reviewed science have you read on this? Did you read the materials report from Princeton? Of course not. I doubt you could follow it, I have a Physics Education. I work in Reduced Instruction Set Processor Design, It all about the energy and materials.

Tiny there, said I lie about that. I said I'd bet, him and match qualifications with him, but he has no valuable forfeit, if he loses.

Do you? I'll be you I have deep qualifications compared to your none.

But, my years pay is your forfeit if you can't show better than I.
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So was Bob Marley Jewish? He sang about zion alot, so does Max Cavallera come to think about it....
yes, rastas use the term zion all the time, in reference to HEAVEN or an imagined earthly utopia of peace love and ganga, NOT the land of Canaan/Israel/Palestine/The Levant
yes, rastas use the term zion all the time, in reference to HEAVEN or an imagined earthly utopia of peace love and ganga, NOT the land of Canaan/Israel/Palestine/The Levant
You don't have to get uppity in every post, I do ask sincere questions occasionally

Dr. Kynes and Doer i feel really bad for you guys...seriously see through the lies guys, its funny we are on a Marijuana website and theres tons of people on here that go "Yeah right the Gov. would never do that you are crazy" yeah the same Government that has been trying to convince us forever that Marijuana is a terrible deadly drug, you guys have so much trust in the system its scary
so that annecdote from the post 9/11 hyper-rage representing the unbridled fury after the attacks of sept 11th is your proof that 9/11 was an inside job, a false flag, or done by the jews????

iraq and saddam had been pushing the US's buttons for a DECADE before 9/11/2001
we never had a peace treaty with iraq, we had a CEASE FIRE which was contingent on saddam abiding by several conditions, and he broke EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM

suddenly, we got suckerpunched, and the pentagon lashed out at the first asshole to come into reach (thats iraq BTW) and this surprises you?

yeah, youre very wise.

you just "scienced" away all the bullshit, and revealed the unvarnished Troof:

that Troofers are stupid.
Like the boy who cried wolf you mean?

What is it you call occasional sincerity, anyway?
How about our discussions about wing chun or when I asked you about kettle bells?

Edit: Fuk 'em if they can't take a jut