A Cruise Missile Slammed Into the Pentagon on 911

teh fux?

i am aware centrifugal force is not a property of matter, and that it is a property of inertia, thats pure semantics.
objects in rotation, when released from their restraint move in a direction which is in fact the direction they would have been going if unrestrained.
if you wish to pretend that centrifugal force is imaginary, then you must also assign that same fictitious nature to inertia.

aluminium doesnt come in a forged variety, nor does it come in a super strong version that makes it suitable for use as armour, crush bearings, or in fact, any variety that will withstand forces that would heat it (low melt point), abrade it (low abrasion resistance) compress it (low hardness and low tensile strength) flex it (low malleability) or shock it (it is both weak and brittle when compared to steel or even copper). take a piece of aluminium stock and beat it with a hammer on an anvil, and in short order youll have tiny broken pieces ( i have done this)

as a solid chunk of stuff, aluminium doesnt burn readily, but if you shave it on a lathe, grind it with a file, or powder it with a grinding wheel, you can light it on fire easily (add a little iron oxide powder and you have a party!)

why doesnt your aluminium frying pan catch fire on the stove? because it transfers the heat throughout it's mass rapidly, making ignition difficult. as a powder it burns like a motherfucker.

alloying aluminium with other metals doesnt magically transform it into "adamantium" suitable for making wolverine style blades, it is still a weak brittle metal that spalls when applied with friction and pressure (thats why aluminium engine blocks have steel sleeves for the pistons), and while aluminium is highly resistant to natural oxidation thanks to it's patina of aluminium oxide which stops further oxidation, even a weak solution of any caustic material will pit it out rapidly (like when you put your aluminium pans in the dishwasher) in a stronger solution, it dissolves fast.

US Army tests on the Bradley Fighting Vehicle clearly demonstrated that when hit with a high velocity round (even non-incendiary rounds), aluminium armour can, and does powder then ignite. with a secondary fuel source it burns like a chanukah candle.

BLOCK aluminium "increases strength" when under pressure, but airplanes arent solid blocks of aluminium, they have "crumple zones" that allow it to collapse rather than resiting impact forces.

"stressed aluminium" has been used for a long time in making aircraft skins and fuselage structures, because it is LIGHT, not because it is particularly strong. "stressing" it allows you to make the shit even thinner without sacrificing much strength, but no matter how you slice it, aluminium is WEAK AND BRITTLE (not many aluminium knives, axes, wrenches, crowbars, hammers, or saws out there) it has shit strength. even titanium doesnt work well as a wrench or hammer because it is brittle.

if aluminium and it's alloys had the strength and versatility you ascribe to it, then my entire tool box would be full of shit made from this Wonder Metal Of The Millennium, but it aint.
You're so wrong.


EDIT: And thats just one commonly forming type of Aluminium Oxide.

you done lost your damned mind.

no, people like you get confronted with the truth that they cant handle and they try to post a funny picture, good one bro i know exactly where my mind is
It is a religion. It has Catachism.


It has sophomoric questions of logic. "Would not a just god....do xyz?" (why just?)

"Why did it take longer for one tower to fall?"

"Why were the upper portions in free fall?"

"How can there be nano-thermite coating the walls?"

"How can steel bend? There was not enough jet fuel." (there was plenty of other fuel)

How can concrete blow into powder if there were no explosions."

It is the nattering of fools. I can say the physical explanations, and all the math, and I have. But, if you believe in magic then science does not matter.

People think we went through all this complexity for a few law changes, And if it was true, then why didn't the Democrat Congress change it back? WHY????

Here is the god of the 9/11 religion, Open your minds,

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no, people like you get confronted with the truth that they cant handle and they try to post a funny picture, good one bro i know exactly where my mind is

You are full of poop and lack the science. Nothing but lies you spread in a very boring topic.
You are the one that is confronted with facts and choose to believe the bullshit,

It is a religion. It has Catachism.


It has sophomoric questions of logic. "would not a just god....do xyz?"

"Why did it take longer for one tower to fall?"

"Why were the upper portions in freefall?"

"How can there be micro-thermite coating the walls?"

"How can steel bend?" How can concrete powder if there were no explosions."

It is the nattering of fools. I can say the physical explanations, and all the math, and I have. But, if you believe in magic then science does not matter.

People think we went through all this complexity for a few law changes, And if it was true, then why didn't the Democrat Congress change it back? WHY????

Here is the god of the 9/11 religion, Open your minds,

You keep speaking up like you have a science background.

You don't.

Self rule and all that, war cults, yada yada.
Well, I'll match paychecks and resumes, college background, anything,

But, you don't have an adequate forfeit. Minimum for me is a years pay....my year's pay.

So, you would need to put up an new small airplane or a new 35 ft sailboat, or something like that to call.
Well, I'll match paychecks and resumes, college background, anything,

But, you don't have an adequate forfeit. Minimum for me is a years pay....my year's pay.

So, you would need to put up an new small airplane or a new 35 ft sailboat, or something like that to call.

If you wanna have a dick measuring contest, in this situation you'll find I'm black from the waste down.

No that is not the cred you questioned. And sure Irish are known thet world over for being quite small, like Japanese.

So, I'm not sure you want to sweve your horse pucky, from lying against my acumen to a brag on your meager physique,

Any gal will tell you to bring a brag like that to the conversations surely means....

Tiny Peeny Syndrome. The gals a very alert to that and it why you are passed by.
No that is not the cred you questioned. And sure Irish are known thet world over for being quite small, like Japanese.

So, I'm not sure you want to sweve your horse pucky, from lying against my acumen to a brag on your meager physique,

Any gal will tell you to bring a brag like that to the conversations surely means....

Tiny Peeny Syndrome. The gals a very alert to that and it why you are passed by.
What the fuck are you talking about?

It was an analogy.

How can you say so many words, yet say absolutely nothing at all?
Because I questioned his credentials?

Or because I used an analogy to imply I make SHITLOADS of cash when Doer tried to counter and questioned my paycheck?

Sorry you all missed the analogy, I guess the American education system really is fucked...
Because I questioned his credentials?

Or because I used an analogy to imply I make SHITLOADS of cash when Doer tried to counter and questioned my paycheck?

Sorry you all missed the analogy, I guess the American education system really is fucked...

Actually it sounded like a stereotype.
9/11 was a false flag. To pass the patriot act to take away your freedom and cover up the trillions of dollars they stole. As well as to steal the oil from Iraq and the lithium from Afghanistan... & to keep the poppy fields open & rockin for the World Bank and the Rothschilds .

No plane hit the Pentagon! . Come on now! Yall gotta be smarter than that.

Welcome to the NWO.
9/11 was a false flag. To pass the patriot act to take away your freedom and cover up the trillions of dollars they stole. As well as to steal the oil from Iraq and the lithium from Afghanistan... & to keep the poppy fields open & rockin for the World Bank and the Rothschilds .

No plane hit the Pentagon! . Come on now! Yall gotta be smarter than that.

Welcome to the NWO.
all of it true........except we didn't need to fake it. we've pissed off the world to the point that all that is required is sitting back and waiting for blow-back. don't sell Islamo-Fascism short.