Feds Charge White Man With Hate Crime In First ‘Knockout Game’ Prosecution

not because "Mom" is 16 years older than him, un-married, beat him as a baby, wears a magenta coon-skin cap made from Indian peoples hair, is illiterate, screams as a form of communication...............
does that scenario I described equally inflame you? American black women are the worst stewards of children. sorry...........its not about their melanin, or the angle of their occular orbits.

Growing up in Detroit, I've met the mom you are talking about, many times, but she wasn't always black. In fact, some of my friends moms were just flat out tough with the discipline, more so than my mom.

While the person you describe is a problem, she's not limited to a race.
not because "Mom" is 16 years older than him, un-married, beat him as a baby, wears a magenta coon-skin cap made from Indian peoples hair, is illiterate, screams as a form of communication...............
does that scenario I described equally inflame you? American black women are the worst stewards of children. sorry...........its not about their melanin, or the angle of their occular orbits.
lol.......a set-up segway, for my man.........Misterrrrrrrrr Tommyyyyyyy Sotomayor........

its time to address the high rate of non-empathetic parenting, and non-involved males, in the black community. if this remains an elephant, in the corner there will be no change. again.........ad nauseum.........I care not, about anyone's melanin levels (mine are ample, indeed), the texture of your hair, or the AP ratio of your skull. do I care if black Americans are carrying out high rates of corporal punishment, and other aggressive parenting, leading to a disintegration of their families, and high criminality, which allows Uncle to build warehouses for these kids? yeah.......I do. O doesn't mind. he made some remark, about the good ole days, when folks would hit even other people's children. musta been his Illuminati white half reminiscing.............
if it makes me a racist, to address an issue, that involves a community, grouped around race, then I'm a racist. but, you may fuck my sister, drink from my glass, engage in fair trade with me, and introduce me to your dark-skinned sister, as long as she has natural hair. that kinda racist :)

its time to address the high rate of non-empathetic parenting, and non-involved males, in the black community. if this remains an elephant, in the corner there will be no change. again.........ad nauseum.........I care not, about anyone's melanin levels (mine are ample, indeed), the texture of your hair, or the AP ratio of your skull. do I care if black Americans are carrying out high rates of corporal punishment, and other aggressive parenting, leading to a disintegration of their families, and high criminality, which allows Uncle to build warehouses for these kids? yeah.......I do. O doesn't mind. he made some remark, about the good ole days, when folks would hit even other people's children. musta been his Illuminati white half reminiscing.............
Wrote a 4 paragraph reply, was nearly finished and thought "nah, fuck it".

Guess you'll have to wonder what could've been.
lol.......he sure get's called that. callin' out poison, in his own people. good for him. other citizens may not even admit there is an elephant in the corner. we're "racists," if we say there is a problem in American black culture. sad, indeed.
What an Oreo he must be.
That is not what makes you racist. What makes you racist is your "pride in your race" which is arbitrary. You didn't choose to be white. It is compounded by your refusal to consider the bigger societal picture which created a crowd of pissed off black youth.
These days sneezing the wrong way makes you a racist. If having "pride in your race" makes a person racist, then the vast majority of people in this country are racists? Being proud of who you are and where you come from makes a person racist...wtf? I understand the bigger societal picture which created a crowd of pissed off black youth that decided to just beat the shit out of innocent people. Is it your belief that because they were pissed about something that it somehow makes what they did okay? Is that supposed to justify their actions somehow? Maybe this group of people are just racist assholes who decided to go drag innocent people out of their cars and beat the shit out of them. You have an odd way of looking at things, imo. I'm assuming that you and i just have a different view on what exactly makes an individual racist.