AutoFlowering Yumbolt & Northern Lights


Hi everyone, I have two plants growing on my balcony here in Switzerland. This is the first year Ive tried the Autoflowering Feminised Yumbolt, and the other plant being Northern Lights.
Was wondering what experiences were if growing these outdoors. At the moment both plants seem strong, they are only 40cms high and the Northern Lights is flowering already :/ Wanna hear your thoughts on these and any outdoor grow tips would be really nice. Do you prefer AF seeds?photo 1.JPG photo 2.JPG photo 3.JPG photo 6.jpg photo 1.JPG photo 2.JPG photo 3.JPG photo 6.jpg photo 1.JPG photo 2.JPG photo 6.jpg Thanks is advance,

Hi Simon. I have grown the Norther Lights outdoors. However I grow in the ground and not in pots. I use pots indoor. You did not say how old they are. I suspect about 30-40 days. One of the best things I can say that helps me get big Auto's is bubbling your water and getting lots of oxygen in it.I also grow organic in dirt.The other BIG factor is light. The more the better. Some people say 18-6 is OK but I get the most at 24 hr of light. Is it worth it? Need to count the numbers and see.They have stretched allot but that is OK. Will make a bigger plant to make more medicine. Keep us posted and Luck to you Bro.
Hi Da Mann, will prove to be a great help, so thank you. I'm not a professional grower, this is my third year growing pot on my balcony, purely for my own pleasure, 2 plants seem to last me a year hahaha (originally from London), here in Switzerland we are allowed to grow 4 plants per person per household - the deal is, they must be balcony plants (no lights) its illegal to sell the seeds here and also you must be present to water your own plants are right, they are now heading into 40 days, I will definitely try boiling the water first, and giving them that- on the other hand, Switzerland is full of fresh water lakes and streams, one being 20 minute waking distance, do you think that would be even better? Our tap water here is very unchlorinated, and soft, when i return back to London, I always recognize it when showering, stining the eyes....either way, I will definitely boil a reserve of water for my plants...The days are still a little juggled in terms of natural sun...we have a very Mediterranean summer, shit cold winters -20oc this week we have had nothing under 28-32 oc, however when i planted the seeds I think it may have been a little early and didn't get the best conditions when they were very young. Yesterday I planted another 1 of each, Yumbolt and the Northern Lights, in the hope that now our summer has arrived they will have a better start.

Ive heard people using Bat Guano as a nitrogen source, Is there any supplements that you could also suggest that may be a benefit for my plants?

Thanks so much! Your a diamond lol
Hi Simon. I did not mean to boil water. I meant get a air stone and air pump like aquariums use. Put it in a 5 gallon bucket and bubble it. That will raise the oxygen level in the water. I also use either air-pots or Smart Pots for a container. The more air to the roots the better. What kind of fertilizer you using? If there is no chlorine in your water it is fine. I would just fill 5-6 gallon bottles and let them sit for several days to let any thing evaporate out. Just rotate your bottles of water. And PH. Stay on that. Keep it in the 6-7 range.I would keep them out in the day and bring them in at night and put in a closet with a light. Auto's do not grow well in low temps either. Again the more light the better. Will keep watching.
Hi here in Switzerland we are allowed to grow 4 plants per person per household - the deal is, they must be balcony plants (no lights) its illegal to sell the seeds here and also you must be present to water your own plants lol...

Kinda sweet deal Simizh, 4 per person! I'll take over my current situation lol. I'm growing 2 autos now that I give supplemental light to get my complete 20/4. They love it! So if you are fine with your yield just follow the rules, but if you don't then get creative with some cfls and a closet. Good luck!
haha, i was thinking today about the air stone and wondered if that could be an option, I have already been through eBay and purchased., so looking forward to putting that into action; what do you think about fresh lake water? do you think it would be any benefit at all? At the moment the only fertisliler Ive used is this, maybe I should think about giving it some more, Ive not given too much as I didn't want to over fertilize. Its now 10.30pm the sun has litterally gone down, sunrise is at 5am, so im thinking i need to increase the light available too.. lol@green monster and skinnysmoke, yes were lucky, just a nightmare to get anything for growing them... Just wanna thank you all for your replies esp to Da Mann you've been a great help....
Good day Simon. Lake water can be good or bad. It does have some good stuff in it but it can have bad as well. Running stream water is a bit better. If you just use you tap water and let it sit out a few days before use you will be ok. That is what makes grow3ing such a joy. Trying different things. You have 2 plants of the same type so try tap on one and lake or stream on the other. Just enjoy it.