Microbes dictate is correct and if someone without experience in building there soils and observing issues with plants the key is obviously what is going on in the life of the soil. An experienced grower like yourself with keen insight and knowledge on your inputs to your soil and the effect they will have on your soil life is your PH meter, you may not use an actual meter to confirm what you can analyze in your mind, that is your knowledge of inputs used and visual information you receive by examining the health of your plants.
However not all growers are where you are at, they will need a PH meter to verify whether or not they have a PH problem. A PH meter is an essential tool for new and inexperienced growers for it will give them confidence they are building and amending their soils correctly. So it is good for assurance and building confidence and it helps me when mixing new soils with new recipe to confirm the soil is finished cooking, for we both know depending on the environment the soil is cooking in and what has been add the soil could be ready as little as two weeks or longer.
Bottom line I don't eat a pork roast until I have check it a temp probe to ensure the right temp has been reach, for I may not see any pink but that doesn't mean the shit that could make me sick isn't still there. I can be assured with a temp probe my pork roast is safe to eat. Just like I can be sure after cooking some soil that it is safe (PH ready) for my plants to eat from it.
So congratulations on becoming your own PH meter, but sure as your reading this the first sign of trouble that you have difficulty resolving or haven't seen before a PH meter will instantly confirm or deny if your are heading down the right track as you go about attempting to correct the issue.
So I will say this again PH is not important to the experience grower who has found their grove using organic soil and their selection of amendments, for that is the nice thing about nature. She is consistent in her ways and doesn't change her mind about how things should be making her the perfect woman. And as you said you have observed her ways and are in tune with it.
But for those testing her learning how all her goodness interacts with each other a PH meter is a great tool for confirming what is going on in the soil.