If you don't like it then move.

A white, Arabic, Jew.....

So much fail.

adjective: ruddy; comparative adjective: ruddier; superlative adjective: ruddiest
(of a person's face) having a healthy red color.
"a cheerful pipe-smoking man of ruddy complexion"
well it would be nearly impossible to be ruddy and a non-white. oh and here ya go a picture for your definition. why talk out your ass about wordz you know nothing of?
well it would be nearly impossible to be ruddy and a non-white. oh and here ya go a picture for your definition. why talk out your ass about wordz you know nothing of?

Oh, my mistake. I wasn't aware that because you could find a picture of a white guy with a ruddy complexion that it only applied to white people.

No wonder everyone on here thinks you're an idiot, it's because you're an idiot.

Ruddy just means healthy red color to the cheeks. It doesn't mean you are an old, white, alcoholic.
Just because you incorrectly use a term for a portion of your life doesn't mean it's correct, even if other people make the same mistake too.
Just a few counter points to this otherwise rational and we'll thought out post.

The variance in iq scores between whites and blacks is only marginally smaller in areas where Blacks are similar to the more well to do whites; suburbia. When blacks have similar wealth, the same schools, and the same opportunities, only ever so slightly do their scores improve.

In the poor inner cities, the blacks score way lower. But so do the whites who have the same schools, similar wealth and opportunity. Still there the average white score is well above their black neighbors.

I'm not saying innate ability makes up 100 percent of the difference, and that it means that all blacks are inevitable failures.

We cannot know for certain either way. I applaud you for recognizing that. This tells us nothing about an individual you meet during the course of your daily affairs.

What it explains is why government statistics on racial progression still show blacks earn less on average, and also don't have significant proportion of their population living in prosperity.

The reality is the persons in this country who have the easiest time getting ahead are those blacks who fall above average intelligence levels. Companies love having a very qualified african American candidate to choose.

The study you sited, says the gap closes substantially when blacks are raised by white parents..... until adolescence. It seems that either black people suddenly get dumber at adolescence (not likely) or some other factor comes into play, e.g. environment. The article stated that black people that were less visibly 'black' didn't show drops in scores as much. To me, this says something about the way black people are approached in an academic setting. Maybe white kids get more help, or attention from teachers. Maybe expectations of black students are lower.... I really don't know. There is/are obviously some environmental hurdle(s) for black people.
Oh, my mistake. I wasn't aware that because you could find a picture of a white guy with a ruddy complexion that it only applied to white people.

No wonder everyone on here thinks you're an idiot, it's because you're an idiot.

Ruddy just means healthy red color to the cheeks. It doesn't mean you are an old, white, alcoholic.
Just because you incorrectly use a term for a portion of your life doesn't mean it's correct, even if other people make the same mistake too.
it's your definition that said like a ruddy old man smoking a pipe? don't get mad that ruddy old men are white unless you're a racist. Really is that what they all think? well get out your fe-fe's about how i'm right and you post the definition but can't even grasp that it's about impossible to be ruddy if you already have a brown complexion.
here you go from the thesaurus for kids:
Entry Word: ruddy
Function: adjective
Text: having a healthy reddish skin tone <his ruddy complexion runs in the family>
Synonyms blooming, florid, flush, glowing, rosy, rubicund, sanguine
Related Words bronzed, brown, suntanned, tanned; flushed, pink, pinkish, warm; cherubic
Near Antonyms ashen, ashy, pale, pallid, pasty, sallow, wan, waxen, waxy; blanched, white, whitened; anemic, peaked, sick, sickly; bloodless, cadaverous, deathlike

now notice the antonyms, related wordz and synonyms here. not a single one is describing a non-white. so if Jesus is being described it clearly is saying that Jesus is a white person.
it's your definition that said like a ruddy old man smoking a pipe? don't get mad that ruddy old men are white unless you're a racist. Really is that what they all think? well get out your fe-fe's about how i'm right and you post the definition but can't even grasp that it's about impossible to be ruddy if you already have a brown complexion.
Yup, you really are retarded. Not everyone from the middle east has this complexion;


Take these fine folks for example;


P.S. some 'pics' of David there too.

here you go from the thesaurus for kids:
Entry Word: ruddy
Function: adjective
Text: having a healthy reddish skin tone <his ruddy complexion runs in the family>
Synonyms blooming, florid, flush, glowing, rosy, rubicund, sanguine
Related Words bronzed, brown, suntanned, tanned; flushed, pink, pinkish, warm; cherubic
Near Antonyms ashen, ashy, pale, pallid, pasty, sallow, wan, waxen, waxy; blanched, white, whitened; anemic, peaked, sick, sickly; bloodless, cadaverous, deathlike

now notice the antonyms, related wordz and synonyms here. not a single one is describing a non-white. so if Jesus is being described it clearly is saying that Jesus is a white person.

noun: idiot; plural noun: idiots
a stupid person.
synonyms:fool, ass, halfwit, dunce, dolt, ignoramus, cretin, moron, imbecile, simpleton;
informaldope, ninny, nincompoop, chump, dimwit, dumbo, dummy, dum-dum, loon, dork, sap, jackass, blockhead

  • Medicine archaic
    a mentally handicapped person.
Yup, you really are retarded. Not everyone from the middle east has this complexion;
Take these fine folks for example;


P.S. some 'pics' of David there too.

noun: idiot; plural noun: idiots
a stupid person.
synonyms:fool, ass, halfwit, dunce, dolt, ignoramus, cretin, moron, imbecile, simpleton;
informaldope, ninny, nincompoop, chump, dimwit, dumbo, dummy, dum-dum, loon, dork, sap, jackass, blockhead

  • Medicine archaic
    a mentally handicapped person.

p.s you don't have any pictures of david there
p.s that picture that you claim has david in it comes from a very trustworthy website.
p.s her's a link to this awesome website in case anyone wonders where child porn gets his info from:
No David not have red hair. He was ruddy. So how can a brown face native of the middle east become ruddy?

p.s here are some other article's from his source:Yarmulke - The beanies worn by Europeans calling themselves Jews has no connection to the laws of Moses and no Israelite wore such a thing.

Who has deceived would be Christians into vile hate against Arabs? What did Christ himself have to say about Arabs... at the bottom of this web page.

Negro racist vs the K.K.K. Who is the real super race?

Jesus King of the Jews? What did Christ say about that?

Racism against Jews, Oh yeah what race would that be?

Scriptures proving some Israelites were white, in a pigs eye

If 'Jews' are descendants of the Israelites, where are the WW2 films of black 'Jews' in the nazi prison camps?

Success of Jews prove they are descendants of Israelites.. giggle

I am *PART Jewish. Who but an idiot says or believes such stupid things. They can't be part Jew and they are not the descendants of the Israelites

Holo hoax 6 million 'Jews'. They never followed the laws of Moses, they are not the descendants of the Israelites but are the relatives of the rest of the Europeans and they were killed by their own relatives !

actually fuck it that site is about 90% true as far as I can tell.
p.s you don't have any pictures of david there
p.s that picture that you claim has david in it comes from a very trustworthy website.
p.s her's a link to this awesome website in case anyone wonders where child porn gets his info from:
No David not have red hair. He was ruddy. So how can a brown face native of the middle east become ruddy?

p.s here are some other article's from his source:Yarmulke - The beanies worn by Europeans calling themselves Jews has no connection to the laws of Moses and no Israelite wore such a thing.

Who has deceived would be Christians into vile hate against Arabs? What did Christ himself have to say about Arabs... at the bottom of this web page.

Negro racist vs the K.K.K. Who is the real super race?

Jesus King of the Jews? What did Christ say about that?

Racism against Jews, Oh yeah what race would that be?

Scriptures proving some Israelites were white, in a pigs eye

If 'Jews' are descendants of the Israelites, where are the WW2 films of black 'Jews' in the nazi prison camps?

Success of Jews prove they are descendants of Israelites.. giggle

I am *PART Jewish. Who but an idiot says or believes such stupid things. They can't be part Jew and they are not the descendants of the Israelites

Holo hoax 6 million 'Jews'. They never followed the laws of Moses, they are not the descendants of the Israelites but are the relatives of the rest of the Europeans and they were killed by their own relatives !

actually fuck it that site is about 90% true as far as I can tell.
What in the fuck are you talking about? I didn't even read any of that bullshit you posted.

The pic is from google, you moron. lol The source is irrelevant, the point was to find a ruddy middle eastern man. I did, you basically said it was impossible. Click the link below!

What in the fuck are you talking about? I didn't even read any of that bullshit you posted.

The pic is from google, you moron. lol

you're the guy getting pics off of anti jew web sites and posting them here while calling me an idiot. you don't even know the sources of your material and you present it like fact. that's pretty dumb. it's also pretty dumb to think that Egyptian pharaohs had someone carve King David into there temples or wherever those gliphs are from. you're a fucktard of the highest level
The source is IRRELEVANT in this case. It's a fucking picture you dumb ass.

It's funny you're calling me dumb, while maintaining that it's impossible for a non-white to be ruddy. LOL

The source is IRRELEVANT in this case. It's a fucking picture you dumb ass.

It's funny you're calling me dumb, while maintain that it's impossible for a non-white to be ruddy. LOL

it's completely relevant you're calling me an idiot while saying you have pictures of David that have been proven to not be pictures of David. they are of egyptians. The source of the picture is from an article that agrees with me that arabs or persians can't be ruddy because it's a white trait. you presented it as your side of the debate. I've only presented facts and you're just pulling random shit off of google in an attempt to look smart. I researched your side of the debate and so far you have insulted me for no reason other than your insecurity about your own intelligence. You're not all that bright just to be honest and you are flailing but i'm like phil collins just watching you drown in your own bucket of piss.
it's completely relevant you're calling me an idiot while saying you have pictures of David that have been proven to not be pictures of David. they are of egyptians. The source of the picture is from an article that agrees with me that arabs or persians can't be ruddy because it's a white trait. you presented it as your side of the debate. I've only presented facts and you're just pulling random shit off of google in an attempt to look smart. I researched your side of the debate and so far you have insulted me for no reason other than your insecurity about your own intelligence. You're not all that bright just to be honest and you are flailing but i'm like phil collins just watching you drown in your own bucket of piss.
it's completely relevant you're calling me an idiot while saying you have pictures of David that have been proven to not be pictures of David. they are of egyptians. The source of the picture is from an article that agrees with me that arabs or persians can't be ruddy because it's a white trait. you presented it as your side of the debate. I've only presented facts and you're just pulling random shit off of google in an attempt to look smart. I researched your side of the debate and so far you have insulted me for no reason other than your insecurity about your own intelligence. You're not all that bright just to be honest and you are flailing but i'm like phil collins just watching you drown in your own bucket of piss.
You and I have been having a different debate with them, but the trend is the same.

You and I present solid evidence. They don't challenge a thing of substance either of us present. But instead find some obscure and irrelevant factoid about where what we post comes from. Meanwhile they present no evidence and proclaim victory.

I'm not saying you agree with me or I agree with you, but the pattern of their debate is the same. Blame and claim.
Guys, when the bible talks abut David being "ruddy" it was in the context of David being outdoors with the sheep herds of a lot. Ruddy was used to convey that his complexion was healthy. In other translations the word "healthy" is used instead of ruddy.
it's completely relevant you're calling me an idiot while saying you have pictures of David that have been proven to not be pictures of David. they are of egyptians. The source of the picture is from an article that agrees with me that arabs or persians can't be ruddy because it's a white trait. you presented it as your side of the debate. I've only presented facts and you're just pulling random shit off of google in an attempt to look smart. I researched your side of the debate and so far you have insulted me for no reason other than your insecurity about your own intelligence. You're not all that bright just to be honest and you are flailing but i'm like phil collins just watching you drown in your own bucket of piss.
You didn't demonstrate ANYTHING. lol

Ruddy means a healthy glow to the cheeks. I've shown you pictures of arabic people with reddish cheeks, and paler skin. You have decided that the actual pictures I've presented don't apply (for some reason) and that ruddy means 'white', which it DEMONSTRABLY does not.

I've also posted the definition of ruddy, which you claim is wrong.

So, you're claiming that the pictures aren't real or aren't worthy of being used as 'evidence' that darker skinned people can still be ruddy, and you've rejected the actual definition of ruddy because it doesn't agree with your preconceived notion of what you BELIEVE ruddy means.

To sum it up, you've completely rejected any evidence that proves you wrong and continue to be a willfully ignorant fool.
