Cliven Bundy, conservative hero and rancher, is actually a bigoted POS.

87% of Americans consider the word "Republican" to be synonymous with greed, racism, and violence.

The independent political polling company NSON Opinion Strategy [1] recently published the results of a case study in which 250,000 randomly selected American voters were asked a series of questions. The details of how and where the study was conducted have yet to be released but the results are clear: 87% of Americans consider the word “Republican” to be synonymous with greed, racism, and violence.

The NSON Opinion Strategy poll was conducted by interviewing random individual in the downtown area of 12 different U.S. cities: New York, Hanover, Providence, Louisville, Indianapolis, Nashville, Atlanta, Orlando, Miami, Denver, Seattle, and San Diego.

Regardless or different biases that can be argued about how the cities where chosen it comes to no surprise that GOP is loosing touch with the electorate. Perhaps if the GOP really wants to reinvent themselves they will have to start with a new name.

congrats racists!'ve outdone yourselves this time..

87% of Americans consider the word "Republican" to be synonymous with greed, racism, and violence.

The independent political polling company NSON Opinion Strategy [1] recently published the results of a case study in which 250,000 randomly selected American voters were asked a series of questions. The details of how and where the study was conducted have yet to be released but the results are clear: 87% of Americans consider the word “Republican” to be synonymous with greed, racism, and violence.

The NSON Opinion Strategy poll was conducted by interviewing random individual in the downtown area of 12 different U.S. cities: New York, Hanover, Providence, Louisville, Indianapolis, Nashville, Atlanta, Orlando, Miami, Denver, Seattle, and San Diego.

Regardless or different biases that can be argued about how the cities where chosen it comes to no surprise that GOP is loosing touch with the electorate. Perhaps if the GOP really wants to reinvent themselves they will have to start with a new name.

congrats racists!'ve outdone yourselves this time..

Seriously, the downtown area? Yeah, that won't skew the results at all.
you complain that there are those who continue to reference this debacle..consider it a reminder for all the current practicing racist brethren, neo nazi's long as that mind set exists, we will continue to VOICE our opinion:

"Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it."

we will be here to remind you..say, WW Red BnB ? aren't you part of the "no effect" crowd?..why so racist?

I have a problem with ignorance. It really has nothing to do with skin color. Present yourself with manners, morals and basic decency and I have nothing but love for you. Sag your pants, make up new words that have no meaning, cry about your victimization and use it to be a nonproductive citizen and it's going to be hard for me to respect you.

I'm sure if we forget about slavery it will come back. Riiiiiiiiiiight.

429406_10150608354469206_745604205_8847243_1501436543_n 'past quote by Joel White.jpg
I have a problem with ignorance. It really has nothing to do with skin color. Present yourself with manners, morals and basic decency and I have nothing but love for you. Sag your pants, make up new words that have no meaning, cry about your victimization and use it to be a nonproductive citizen and it's going to be hard for me to respect you.

I'm sure if we forget about slavery it will come back. Riiiiiiiiiiight.

View attachment 3142278

what are you talking about? never went anywhere.
what are you talking about? never went anywhere.

you complain that there are those who continue to reference this debacle..consider it a reminder for all the current practicing racist brethren, neo nazi's long as that mind set exists, we will continue to VOICE our opinion:

"Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it."

we will be here to remind you..say, WW Red BnB ? aren't you part of the "no effect" crowd?..why so racist?

What exactly are you trying to say then?
Isn't that one of the most man like faces you've ever seen on a bride?

Look at that masculine jaw and chin. I'll bet she has a 3 inch clit.

She's thick like me. I'm sure since the wedding she's packed on a few more as well. The way she stuffs her face full of cupcakes and all.
She, Sky is saying you seem quite the explanatory racist, I think, These are excuses to me,

You are so smug to think everyone had a fine upbringing and it is all meant to satisfy you and your sensibilities.

You are showing no empathy for the plight of birth, You act like everyone is supposes to get their shit together according to you. But, have you got your shit together according to us?
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Is it cos you hate Jews?

BigNBushy's current list of hates:
Jews √
Blacks √
Gays √
Non Christians √
I could see how some here might think I don't like black people. Although I don't equate observing a lack of intelligence with dislike.

But nowhere, this forum or anywhere, have I had anything derogatory to say about Jews, gays, or heathens.

I'm for gay marriage, pro Israel, and wish all who don't know, would come to know the love of Christ.