Cliven Bundy, conservative hero and rancher, is actually a bigoted POS.

Hey, She, I know.

1/3 is foreign investing, persons and govts, The USA is a solid bet and really the only bet when the times get Terror War.

2/3 of US debt is debt to self, in self rule. WE the Peps. borrow and pay back ourselves with interest for most of it. It is investment to keep the economy growing at 2-5% a year.

Hard to nail that, but WE do it, decade after decade except during Carter, lately.

All federal operating agencies by law are required to park ALL CASH as Treasury Notes.

In fact, they are issued T-bills to operate from as their budget and all paid funds from the public they serve, must be converted, each day, at min., to overnight T-bills,

That is 1/3.

The other 3rd is US citizens investing in our future.

There is no debt problem. All made up. I have posted it all several time before, so I am quite convinced now the entire thing is a scam.

We are in line by any measure of debt to GDP. Look it up.

No problem, just politics.
Mormons ain't got shit on Jahovas. Those fuckers are cray!
How bout some of those mennonites?
They barter and dodge taxes, don't get searched at borders, get in everyone's way with those damn buggies.
Shit man, sounds good. I should convert!. lol
How bout some of those mennonites?
They barter and dodge taxes, don't get searched at borders, get in everyone's way with those damn buggies.
Shit man, sounds good. I should convert!. lol

Well, aren't the Mormons and the Cartels at war, right now? No one likes all messengers and this one is.....hated. So. Buck, so what? Different subject, OK?

45 mins from VICE. The only news that doesn't lie so much....yet.
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not surprising to see sirgreendumb defending a racist mooch all the while distracting the issue by complaining that we are not shooting illegal immigrants.

about what i would expect of someone who proudly cites jared taylor and the white supremacists at american renaissance.
cliven bundy is wrong and should pay his bill..the government is wrong for letting their accounts receivable accumulate this much and should have acted upon it sooner.

Oh please. What about how we stole this land from the native american indians. Government also steals the land back over a plant.
Oh please. What about how we stole this land from the native american indians. Government also steals the land back over a plant.

i couldn't agree with you more however it (currently) is government land now and that old fuck needs to pay up.

it's not even like he's a struggling farmer or something..he has the money..multi-milionaire..he does NOT need a subsidy.
Fuck off. My "disorder" means I'm annoying. If anything, I should be afraid of what one of you drug addicts will do to me because you ran out of money for your next fix and go nuts with reefer madness.

youtube comment:

Republicans furiously masturbate to this every morning. Most of them can't make it past talking about creating federal big government laws. Nothing makes Republicans hot like hypocrisy, racism, and misinformation.

i couldn't agree with you more however it (currently) is government land now and that old fuck needs to pay up.

it's not even like he's a struggling farmer or something..he has the money..multi-milionaire..he does NOT need a subsidy.

If it was some lefty doing it for a "cause" you agree with but just wanting to keep more of his money, you'd call them "that old fuck need to pay up too?"
i couldn't agree with you more however it (currently) is government land now and that old fuck needs to pay up.

it's not even like he's a struggling farmer or something..he has the money..multi-milionaire..he does NOT need a subsidy.

He doesn't need to pay up. Parasites that need his money need him to pay up. He seems like he just needs to be left alone.
Governments can't "own" land, just because they stole it awhile ago. To "own" land a person should mix labor with natural resources that somebody else isn't already homesteading. Governments do not mix labor with natural resources. The "resources" they use are human livestock.

What is "owed" everybody is the right to be left alone. He hasn't violate that covenant, the BLM has though.
If it was some lefty doing it for a "cause" you agree with but just wanting to keep more of his money, you'd call them "that old fuck need to pay up too?"

that is correct i believe in wages, have an old fart with all the money in the world and he refuses to pay his bill and keep the $1M that he owes to the government which by the by are the american in essence he's cheating you and i..and then when i qualify for $396 subsidy all the while wintercunt sits on her fat ass collecting royalties..which she begrudges me and is convinced i stole..yeah i stole the right to have health just like governor dick rott had the right to not expand medicaid..i'm just smarter and got what i needed to survive..have costly medication affordable and well patient visits for screenings..ultimately i'm less of a burden on the system for the investment of $396..i won't be walking down the street and have a gush of blood because i have uterine cancer or i see/feel something strange in my breast tissue and then rushed to the hospital causing all sorts of bills for money i don't or ever will have.
leave it to rob to defend a freeloading racist mooch.

not surprising.

If he's a racist, he's probably not somebody I'd want to associate with. As far as being a freeloader, it seems like he's worked hard all his life, I can respect that.
If he's a racist, he's probably not somebody I'd want to associate with. As far as being a freeloader, it seems like he's worked hard all his life, I can respect that.

it seems like he owes over a million dollars for freeloading on land that isn't his.

and what do you mean "if" he's a racist?

that's the problem with half the righties on this forum, either too dumb to recognize their own racism (because that's how they talk with their friends all day) or they like to play dumb about it.
Click your heels three times Dorothy, you'll be home soon. Toto too.

can you show me one single historian anywhere who agrees with your stated position that racist practices in the south pre-civil rights caused no harm to blacks?

just one historian.