Successful people and suicide

Nah.. Not in every case my friend! In some case yes but sometime it doent work that way.. for exemple... psychological trauma..Because of evil monsters which i suffered in a certain way and that im still having alot of sequel because of it, psychological suffering for a reason or another in my case it would be the imposiblity to trust, or form true link with the others because of our huge differences, since i got backstabed and attacked too many time by some people im also now a very solitary person i spend almost 80% of my time alone since im young..Probably due to the fact that i was getting builled, stealed by both students and teachers for years and years.. my brain developed '' defense '' if i can call my loneliness like that and i could continue like that for a longtime man.. somethings cant be fixed in years and even cant ever be repeared... My first gf cheated me and was surgering me to suicide lol... Want to hear more?
You're obviously very young. Believe me, what you think now is "the end of the world" will be nothing but a faded memory later in life. You'll completely forget that old girlfriend. I can't remember my first girlfriends name, even. You're too young to be living in the past.
You're obviously very young. Believe me, what you think now is "the end of the world" will be nothing but a faded memory later in life. You'll completely forget that old girlfriend. I can't remember my first girlfriends name, even. You're too young to be living in the past.
Well im 19 in a couple of months and im definitly more mature than most adults on this planets, age doesnt mean anything, but the events that we lives do! Like i said up there im not suffering anymore :) well not from my past, like you say its the past :) I have learned about it and took advantage of it because i wouldnt be who i am today if everything didnt happen like it did. Im proud of who i am and of my strenght! The force i had to keep fighting again and again even when i was pulling a knife on my troath.. im so proud of me. Events, sad or happy are only there too help us learn more and more and to help us grow up :) If i had walked on a different path during this life i would definitly had regreat it.. It's a sort of bless to have lived this in my angle of view.. even if it was horrible.. A bad thing in exchange of an awesome one ^^

And personally i'd like too say that i will always remember her. Not just because i got an incredible long term memory ( still remember when i was in my baby sit ) But because i also got a very special way to live and explain my love and my passion. Her name, her good and bad aspect... you couldnt imagine how i was loving this girl.. it was the first person that i really opened my self too and that made me live true happiness for once in my life even if didnt last for too long.. I really dont love like the others at all or at least i should say that i didnt ever meet someone that did love strong as i do.. i have a very unique special way to love.. when im in love with a girl, i will die for her, i will suffer for her and take every knife stabs and bullets that i can take for her.. My only goal become too make her happy and be sure she is safe, that she doesnt miss of anything.. That she doesnt ever suffer! I dont sleep and just keep huging her in my arm.. i love this feeling.. having my girl into my arms, safe.. listening to her breath, feel her body and how soft and warm it is..! All that while flattering her hand, hips, ribs,slowly with pure passion and delicacy..! Thats enough to make me stay awake the whole night.. in my eyes she doesnt have anymore defect but instead only qualities..? She is like an angel in my eyes. I dont see her defects anymore.. i respect and love them. If its a part of her, then i will accept them. I could once again keep going on that subject for a longtime so i beter stop now (:
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Life gets tough sometimes but suicide should not even be an option...thats no game you will destroy the lives of the people you love the most....
Yeah.. but at this point you dont care anymore of anything because you are your self already totaly destroyed and lost.. :s Some will find a way to go trought those evil intentions but some others will never find out how and will just finish to commit the unreapearable... I know it's hard to understand but you will never in anyway find out the logic in a suicidal case unless you know what does it feel to be dead from the inside :S It's imposible to understand from the angle of view of someone that live happy and didnt lived really tragic things to want to loose is life.. it's too unlogic to be simply understood just like that :S There is no logic in wanting to die but from this person eyes.. does it has really any logic anymore to keep suffering and stay there? And just keep dying more and more? Death is easyer, liberator and a chance to start all over.. a chance because.. who know? But this person is suffering so much that it worth to try it and play the game.. Really wish you speak french it would so be easyer for me to explain yall the real angle of view of a suicidal person.. I feel like i repeat my self but that i cant find the words too explain you properly what im trying to say
You seem to think nobody else can have these feelings. You are wrong. When you're dead, you're dead. There is no " chance to start all over". You only get one chance at life. You don't even have it that bad. Millions are born to a life of grinding poverty, starvation, brutality, etc. If losing a girlfriend is enough to do you in, you are weak. Believe me, you'll lose a lot of girlfriends in your lifetime. And you'll probably forget every one.
Also a lot of bipolar people are successful, like fortune 500 ceo successful, and at somepoint they lose it. Mania is a blessing and a curse lol.

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You seem to think nobody else can have these feelings. You are wrong. When you're dead, you're dead. There is no " chance to start all over". You only get one chance at life. You don't even have it that bad. Millions are born to a life of grinding poverty, starvation, brutality, etc. If losing a girlfriend is enough to do you in, you are weak. Believe me, you'll lose a lot of girlfriends in your lifetime. And you'll probably forget every one.
You didnt read my others posts lol D: It's not the girl friend but the combination of everythings that happened to me that caused all of this ;( And you have no idea at all of what i had to endure in my entire life.. You didnt had to live what i had to live everydays.. I am also far from having count the whole story.. feel like you are abit close minded D; You are free to think what you want ^^ But in my opinions the end of this life is not the end of the road :) I do believe in god, but in my own and personal way :) Not the cruel god of the bible, i dont believe in anykind of hell too.. but i wont talk about my spirtual believes here i dont feel like its the right place and in English it would be simply way too complicated for me to count it
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You didnt read my others posts lol D: It's not the girl friend but the combination of everythings that happened to me that caused all of this ;( And you have no idea at all of what i had to endure in my entire life.. You didnt had to live what i had to live everydays.. I am also far from having count the whole story.. feel like you are abit close minded D; You are free to think what you want ^^ But in my opinions the end of this life is not the end of the road :) I do believe in god, but in my own and personal way :) Not the cruel god of the bible, i dont believe in anykind of hell too.. but i wont talk about my spirtual believes here i dont feel like its the right place and in English it would be simply way too complicated for me to count it

Don't mind nutes. He doesn't remember his 'girlfriends' because they were actually blow-up dolls. He's just a lonely internet troll and not a very smart one at that.
Curious HnK, is your first language spanish or something else?
You didnt read my others posts lol D: It's not the girl friend but the combination of everythings that happened to me that caused all of this ;( And you have no idea at all of what i had to endure in my entire life.. You didnt had to live what i had to live everydays.. I am also far from having count the whole story.. feel like you are abit close minded D; You are free to think what you want ^^ But in my opinions the end of this life is not the end of the road :) I do believe in god, but in my own and personal way :) Not the cruel god of the bible, i dont believe in anykind of hell too.. but i wont talk about my spirtual believes here i dont feel like its the right place and in English it would be simply way too complicated for me to count it
You have your family, your health, and your freedom. Many do not. You think you have it bad, but you don't. You think your problems are unique only to you. They're not. Quit feeling sorry for yourself. You're an adult, now. Grow up.
Don't mind nutes. He doesn't remember his 'girlfriends' because they were actually blow-up dolls. He's just a lonely internet troll and not a very smart one at that.
Curious HnK, is your first language spanish or something else?

Wow, you got a serious case of butthurt there. You going to follow me around to every forum and whine like a little bitch? I've counted three so far.
You didnt read my others posts lol D: It's not the girl friend but the combination of everythings that happened to me that caused all of this ;( And you have no idea at all of what i had to endure in my entire life.. You didnt had to live what i had to live everydays.. I am also far from having count the whole story.. feel like you are abit close minded D; You are free to think what you want ^^ But in my opinions the end of this life is not the end of the road :) I do believe in god, but in my own and personal way :) Not the cruel god of the bible, i dont believe in anykind of hell too.. but i wont talk about my spirtual believes here i dont feel like its the right place and in English it would be simply way too complicated for me to count it

A couple points need to be made here: there is no god or heaven. I can't be 100% certain of that (nobody can either way), but I'm certain enough to say don't count on it if it makes the thought of killing yourself seem more palatable. Also, these struggles that you're going through at a young age will serve you well down the road. We need some heartache in our lives to truly have the capacity to appreciate the good things in life. If it were all sunshine and happiness we would not have that capacity. You may not understand that now, but you will likely look back on this and view it as a good thing at some point. It can, and should make you a better person if you are open to learning from mistakes and struggle.

I won't pretend to understand where you're coming from, and I won't judge you for it. I can't relate. I have a wife and 3 kids, and I would never consider suicide an option. I wouldn't put my loved ones through that.