Successful people and suicide

My question is, what could motivate someone who had money, success, and a pretty wife to kill themselves? The next day I saw a guy sleeping next to a dumpster and I was wondering why he hasn't killed himself but a prominent doctor did. Not that I think the homeless guy should kill himself. It was just an example.

My answer is that you clearly have no understanding of depression or stress.

With regard to your example, i personally think a more interesting question would be why hasn't the homeless man killed himself if the doctor has. (if we're working along the lines of not understanding depression and stress.

People who commit suicide are selfish and care about no one but themselves.

A perfect example of how ignorant average joe can be.
My answer is that you clearly have no understanding of depression or stress.

With regard to your example, i personally think a more interesting question would be why hasn't the homeless man killed himself if the doctor has. (if we're working along the lines of not understanding depression and stress.

A perfect example of how ignorant average joe can be.

Ignorant? Whatever you say, champ.
Ignorant? Whatever you say, champ.

Um, yes, you quite clearly have no idea as to how suicidal depression works and how suicide cases feel. The tone of your response only helps to certify that.

I say this from someone who spent 6 years suffering suicidal depression with many acts on his life, and a girlfriend of a similar background. I state that you are ignorant from a fairly well informed position ;) We care about no-one, because you say so, and that means it must be true. Right?
Not sure I'm following your logic. Good thing we all don't think alike.

So if I'm suffering from mental issues and don't tell anyone... how is anyone else suppose to know / care about my suffering? You know suicides most of the time are not announced, spur of the moment events...

Like the guy who kills his whole family then himself. No one really knew he had financial issues.

If you're referring to someone who has a terminal illness then go up a few posts and read my response.

Murder-suicide is a totally different game, and imo not strictly relevant here.

I still don't understand why your feelings of loss, as someone who cares about a suicide victim, supersede the feelings of the suicide victim themselves. It's risky to suggest that people who ignore your feelings don't care about anyone but themselves.
A lot of people commit suicide because they feel they have let others down. They carry guilt and feel that the people around them would be better off if they weren't alive. It's actually the complete opposite of selfishness. It's almost a noble thing.
A lot of people commit suicide because they feel they have let others down. They carry guilt and feel that the people around them would be better off if they weren't alive. It's actually the complete opposite of selfishness. It's almost a noble thing.
Almost. key word i'd say.
Life's precious imvho
Might be better off getting a scanner and die saving people in burning buildings or such.
To me that type of self-sacrifice is a game-changer though it may sound absurd or impractical.
Still, a very noble, honourable death though i prefer life.
Almost. key word i'd say.
Life's precious imvho
Might be better off getting a scanner and die saving people in burning buildings or such.
To me that type of self-sacrifice is a game-changer though it may sound absurd or impractical.
Still, a very noble, honourable death though i prefer life.

A suicidal person might not feel they are good enough to save anyone though. Which is why they are suicidal to begin with. When I said "noble" I was looking at it from the viewpoint of the suicidal person. They may feel as if they are doing something noble. I think we are on the same page with our thoughts though. I agree with what you are saying.
Who? My wife? I thought I saw you post in that "small dick" thread, she doesn't roll like that.
Just a word to the wise.
Don't mind red.
He's a lost little boy who craves whatever attention he gets. Best to humour or ignore him as his tantrums are rather tedious.
Pfff... Some people have no respect and are so ignorant :clap:.. Suicide is a thing that can only be understood by the one/those who lived it...Suffering to a point that death seem to be the only option.. it's something really sad.. I my self went through suicide attempts and severe depression and what some are saying here is really insulting for me and every one that i knew or didnt knew that didnt survived it.. That didnt got the force too fight it... I have respect for those persons...Alot of respect... You just cant imagine the pain and the sort of life some unlucky people can have...Im disgusted... And im out... Gotta smoke and send some good positive vibrations for those who are suffering at the moment
You never know whats going on inside. You can't judge how happy they are by how they appear
Yeah im the perfect type of exemple lol.. I never show anyone when im sad i just keep it inside i cant remember the last time someone saw me cry of pain or sadness even my parents? Even if you ask me i will tell you that im fine unless i have alot ALOT of trust in this person which didnt happen often in my life since everyone that i knew at 90% did always hurt me or back stabed me at a moment or another.. I'm too nice with people and they always, always take advantage of it.

Sometime i feel like nobody on this planet got an heart? Or have anykind of long/short term respect? any kind of empathy? Not gonna lie but i prefer animals and plants over humans. I hate this wierd specie and i dont consider my self as an human/earthling but literaly someone of another specie completly different from this one that is forced to live here. I have nothing in common with 99.9% of the global population and thats sad... Because i cant really form any kind of link with most people since we are simply too much different... Thanks god i got mary jane :joint:
So what are the reasons or problems that would have caused you people to take your own life? Once you answer that maybe I can stop being so ignorant?
So what are the reasons or problems that would have caused you people to take your own life? Once you answer that maybe I can stop being so ignorant?
Like i said it's a sort of pain, something that can be understood only when you live it other wise dont even try... You have to live the situation to understand why would it be easyer and liberating.. and good? To know that soon it will be over and you wont be Forced to endure this anymore.. it's a really special feeling and emotion that you cant understand if you dont live it i dont know how to say it in another way. How could you know what love feel like if you never experienced it? How could you diffentiate evil from good if we were living in a perfect world? Suicide is the exact same thing
everyone that i knew at 90% did always hurt me or back stabed me at a moment or another.. I'm too nice with people and they always, always take advantage of it.

Sometime i feel like nobody on this planet got an heart? Or have anykind of long/short term respect? any kind of empathy? Not gonna lie but i prefer animals and plants over humans. I hate this wierd specie and i dont consider my self as an human/earthling but literaly someone of another specie completly different from this one that is forced to live here. I have nothing in common with 99.9% of the global population and thats sad... Because i cant really form any kind of link with most people since we are simply too much different... Thanks god i got mary jane :joint:
I understand this pespective very well.
If you ever want to talk feel free to pm me.
peace bro
Suicide is a permanent solution to a short term problem. In a year, you would have fixed the problem or forgotten about it.
Suicide is a permanent solution to a short term problem. In a year, you would have fixed the problem or forgotten about it.
Nah.. Not in every case my friend! In some case yes but sometime it doent work that way.. for exemple... psychological trauma..Because of evil monsters which i suffered in a certain way and that im still having alot of sequel because of it, psychological suffering for a reason or another in my case it would be the imposiblity to trust, or form true link with the others because of our huge differences, since i got backstabed and attacked too many time by some people im also now a very solitary person i spend almost 80% of my time alone since im young..Probably due to the fact that i was getting builled,stealed and threatened by both students and teachers for years and years.. my brain developed '' defense '' if i can call my loneliness like that and i could continue like that for a longtime man.. some things cant be fixed in years and even cant ever be repeared... My first gf cheated me and was surgering me to suicide lol... Want to hear more?
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I understand this pespective very well.
If you ever want to talk feel free to pm me.
peace bro
Thanks man i apreciate alot but honestly i never ever talk of my problems too anyone :s! I never really did.. useally im the one that solve others problem ;( and then they backstab me :P... But i will remember what you wrote :) taking a hit for ya bongsmilie

The good point is that today i dont suffer too much anymore from anything since i lived such cruelty.. and i did learn alot from suffering and if i ever had to restart the whole thing again i would with out any doubt.. You know why? Because all those persons contribuated to forge the person that i am today :) which im really proud of! ^^