Successful people and suicide

I don't feel bad / sad for people who take their own life. I've been in bad places and never considered it. My dad would have loved to take a life so he could see his kids, grandchildren grow up.

People who commit suicide are selfish and care about no one but themselves.
your words are so general to someone whos never had someone commit suicide near them.

i used to also consider this before my ex boyfriend committed suicide than i realized there is much less selfishness involved
My question is, what could motivate someone who had money, success, and a pretty wife to kill themselves?

Human beings can be pretty lousy at course of action development and decision making, regardless of ca$h, prestige, chicks or toys.

Either it's "faulty wiring" somewhere in the brain / body or it's simply a lack of personal discipline / intestinal fortitude.

Regardless of your current situation, you can always improve it, but you've got to be ALIVE to do so.
your words are so general to someone whos never had someone commit suicide near them.

i used to also consider this before my ex boyfriend committed suicide than i realized there is much less selfishness involved

I had a friend who I grew up with blow his head off. Another kid hung himself. Just like they chose to do that, I chose not to give a shit.
What evidence have you to support your claim that the doc. took his own life..? Spousicide is a lot lot lot more popular than you would give credit too, it is the number one killer out there
your words are so general to someone whos never had someone commit suicide near them.

i used to also consider this before my ex boyfriend committed suicide than i realized there is much less selfishness involved

my dad's mother killed herself.. back then, they didn't send people to rehab for alcohol, they'd send you to a psych ward.. she came home, and three days later jumped from a 3rd floor window to her death.. she died before i was born.. :(
I don't feel bad / sad for people who take their own life. I've been in bad places and never considered it. My dad would have loved to take a life so he could see his kids, grandchildren grow up.

People who commit suicide are selfish and care about no one but themselves.

what if they have no friends or family, perhaps the loneliness was too much for them ?
if they leave no one behind to miss them i cant see how this would be selfish
i guess it could be said they are "weak" rather than selfish for not being able to solve their problems

i still would get no satisfaction from calling them weak or to judge them in any way i still think its tragedy that anyone would kill themselves
they must of been in a lot of pain weather its physical/mental/emotional

i find it hard to imagine how difficult life must be for suicide to be the only solution to solve the problem
no matter how hard life has become for me i can always think of a plan to get myself out of the problem
even if the plan fails i still have a path to follow, a course of action and more plans to try until the problem is solved
i wonder what it would feel like if there was a day when i run out of plans or paths to follow
maybe that's when its time to go
my dad's mother killed herself.. back then, they didn't send people to rehab for alcohol, they'd send you to a psych ward.. she came home, and three days later jumped from a 3rd floor window to her death.. she died before i was born.. :(
very sorry to hear that rb
it is very tragic this stuff
the story i told was my older brother (i might as well fess up)
I'm very private about it and normally never discuss it

seems many of us have seen this
the 'survivor guilt' can be absolutely brutal
we can do our best, as i did and GWN did, and still come up short (or feel that way for a time)
very sorry to hear that rb
it is very tragic this stuff
the story i told was my older brother (i might as well fess up)
I'm very private about it and normally never discuss it

seems many of us have seen this
the 'survivor guilt' can be absolutely brutal
we can do our best, as i did and GWN did, and still come up short (or feel that way for a time)

yeah, i don't usually talk about it either killme, but since a few others were, i decided to open up a bit on the subject..
I watched a show recently about money and happiness. They did a pretty extensive study on it. They came up with a number of $50,000 a year being the number where beyond that money doesn't further happiness. Their premise was that once your creature comforts are satisfied (a roof over your head, food, heat, car, etc) any income beyond that point doesn't make you happier. At a certain income level money actually leads to more stress, pressure, and unhappiness.
I watched a show recently about money and happiness. They did a pretty extensive study on it. They came up with a number of $50,000 a year being the number where beyond that money doesn't further happiness. Their premise was that once your creature comforts are satisfied (a roof over your head, food, heat, car, etc) any income beyond that point doesn't make you happier. At a certain income level money actually leads to more stress, pressure, and unhappiness.

that's the point i was trying to make earlier stow with my mo money, mo problems comment.. it'd seem to me, like you said, after a certain point in time, money isn't going to solve any life problem one might have..
i was reading an article the other day about celebs who had committed suicide, and i was a bit blow away by the number of them who have gone down that road..
I don't feel bad / sad for people who take their own life. I've been in bad places and never considered it. My dad would have loved to take a life so he could see his kids, grandchildren grow up.

People who commit suicide are selfish and care about no one but themselves.
I partially agree, some are selfish some just can't handle. But bottom line is that we aren't in those shoes.
I watched a show recently about money and happiness. They did a pretty extensive study on it. They came up with a number of $50,000 a year being the number where beyond that money doesn't further happiness. Their premise was that once your creature comforts are satisfied (a roof over your head, food, heat, car, etc) any income beyond that point doesn't make you happier. At a certain income level money actually leads to more stress, pressure, and unhappiness.

they have done studies on people who win the lottery too.

initial happiness surge resides back to normal happiness levels.
People who commit suicide care about themselves? Explain.

If they cared about anyone else but themselves they wouldn't do it, right? So they cared enough for themselves at that moment to relieve whatever problem by committing suicide.

Makes sense, right?
If they cared about anyone else but themselves they wouldn't do it, right? So they cared enough for themselves at that moment to relieve whatever problem by committing suicide.

Makes sense, right?

I'm afraid I don't follow your logic. A counter-argument to your statement might be: if everyone else genuinely cared about the victim and not themselves, they wouldn't want him/her to continue to live in 'suffering'.
Not sure I'm following your logic. Good thing we all don't think alike.

So if I'm suffering from mental issues and don't tell anyone... how is anyone else suppose to know / care about my suffering? You know suicides most of the time are not announced, spur of the moment events...

Like the guy who kills his whole family then himself. No one really knew he had financial issues.

If you're referring to someone who has a terminal illness then go up a few posts and read my response.