Report claims with 99% certainty that ACC is real.

O2 tanks are a horse of a different colour. when their valve gets damaged they become a torpedo, when O2 builds up, even the smallest spark becomes and inferno, and if they get too hot they go off like a bomb.

in a welding shop, the 02 tanks are the ones best protected.

In every shop, site, dock I've worked at, all bottles are stored in the same way; stand them up, collect them together, and put a chain in front of them, just in case of an earthquake. I don't recall anyone treating any gas in a bottle as being more special in handling. If your experience is different, then perhaps there is another reason for such precaution?
According to advanced medicine it meant my being on beta blockers, anti-convulstants, blood pressure and pulse lowering medications, which caused me to taste everything as sour, tingly cheeks, and nose bleeds from dryness. Eating the standard meat and cheese healthy diet meant I felt bloated, like there was pressure on my sphincter and felt like I needed to shit all the time, constant stomach aches, and cramps. I'm sure missing out on a wonderful life from not utilizing advanced modern medicine and eating right.

Currently unhealthy me went from advanced medicine 160/130 and 145 pulse to 115/78 and 75 pulse. You all convinced me, I'm going back to accepting conventional science!

All you boneheads think this is Debate of the Red Herrings.

If I were to tell you what to do.....well.....I don't. But, in the same way your experiences are only meaningful to you.
I showed it to one of my homosexual friends and he said using gays like that for his agenda was insulting to all he had to go through all his life.

So, is this the key to life or something? ...don't offend anyone?

If you all want to give away your own personal Atma, just follow this New Key.

Give it ALL to the other guy to say if they are offended?

I think not. So, we have Buck and Rabbit. I don't know them. Then this other "gay guy" who rabbit spill the RIU guts to. Why???

To insult him, me, Buck and yourself.

Good job trying ot to offend anyone!


The gay guy needs a thicker skin and you, a more fulsome brain,
PhotoVoltaic is the wave of the future. Solar Panels that is. I have been running mine for 7 years now, and making a few dollars each month when the Power Co. sends me a check.

Wish for oil to be gone as a fuel? Then wish the dollar to have no value as they are extricably interlinked with one another.
PhotoVoltaic is the wave of the future. Solar Panels that is. I have been running mine for 7 years now, and making a few dollars each month when the Power Co. sends me a check.

Wish for oil to be gone as a fuel? Then wish the dollar to have no value as they are extricably interlinked with one another.

As were whale oil and kerosene
As were whale oil and kerosene
keosene is not obsolete.

kerosene is what powers goddamned jets, as "Jet Fuel" and heats houses as "home heating oil"

it may go by other names now, but it's the same damned fuel oil.

and FYI whale oil may make a comeback as "renewable biofuel"
This is classic kynes material here.
yep, that so cannot happen.

you mighty lefties wouldnt allow it.

until diane feinstein's limousine runs out of gas and her DC mansion's pool isnt heated to a prefect 82 degrees all winter (while she is in bermuda)

as soon as limousine liberals are inconvenienced in the slightest, the waling fleet will get cracking
Yeah, that's true. Fuck the whales. Gotta keep Feinstein's pool nice.


Only a fool has a pool and keeps it full.
keosene is not obsolete.

kerosene is what powers goddamned jets, as "Jet Fuel" and heats houses as "home heating oil"

it may go by other names now, but it's the same damned fuel oil.

and FYI whale oil may make a comeback as "renewable biofuel"
it the dollar is not inextricably linked to either one.