Report claims with 99% certainty that ACC is real.

tutt tutt tutt.

i know where I would get the compressed O2 and H2, and how to handle it, the key is, every jackass on the planet is not qualified to keep a 20 liter cylinder of each in his hooch, nor are they qualified to operate a fuel cell in their sheds.

fuck, i wouldnt feel confident with one of those operating at my place, and if i thought some of my dipshit neighbors were using fuel cells i would fucking move quicker than shit.

hell most apartments and condos dont even have a gas stove or water heater any more, cuz dumbasses are always out looking for new ways to dumbass, and even the lowly gas pipe is too much responsibility for the lowest common denominator to handle.

giving them a jug of liquid O2 and H2 then expecting them not to fuck up is just retarded.

goddamned bomb making equipment in every shack, shanty, hooch, mc mansion, crackhouse, heroin flop, and crackerboard tract home in america? fuck no!

but thats eco-loons for you.

a thousand grand schemes, zero common sense or logic.

that technology is fine on the international space station/money pit, where everyone aboard is a qualified expert and theres not a Johhny Knoxville fan in sight, but it's nowhere near ready for home use.
Fuel cells do not require o2 or h2. Commercial sized fuel cells are automatic and autonomous, requiring no human interaction at all. Smaller, residential sized units are being developed, tho the smaller sized commercial units are suitable for that use, they are cost prohibative. There are large efficiency gains to be had by generating electricity on-site.
gotta agree. those cities that they have found under water intact as though they were built there before Caesar Augustus. they didn't build them underwater. lol. . water covered them through time which would support that the earths climate has shifted since the dawn of time. its a natural process

Or, more likely, that the land under those cities subsided.
gasoline isnt an explosive gas compressed at 142 psi, with shiny brass fittings just waitng for some idiot kid to try and huff it, or for some dipshit to back his suv over the valve.

20 liters of gasoline in the hands of a fool is a housefire, 20 liters of liquid hydrogen in the hands of a fool is half a city block in ruins, and if theres a few more cylinders of O2 and H2 in that radius you get a daisy chain of delight and a sweet new area open for the construction of wal-marts and sports/entertainment venues

Again, h2 is not needed to operate a fuel cell. The city gas line already in place will power your fuel cell.
It can have a very positive impact by reducing the need to produce more new stuff to replace that which can be recycled or reused.
Recycling requires nearly as much energy as using raw materials, sometimes even more. Reusing is the best option. Homeowners replacing materials in their homes with recycled materials are increasing the waste stream, not decreasing it. Being "green" is often just an excuse for just buying new stuff.
No, you're mixing up my example of an impossibly long running but slow burning volcano with a 'supervolcano', which still goes off all at once instead of over time. Yes, those are indeed much bigger, but not the same as what I was referring to.
So referring to volcanoes didn't mean volcanoes? The volcano I referred to erupted for hundreds of thousands of years. Even a moderate eruption lasting a few days will inject more co2 and co than man does in dozens of years. co2 has almost no effect at all compared to water vapor. We are trying to reduce traffic fatalities by mandating square knobs on the radio.
Again, h2 is not needed to operate a fuel cell. The city gas line already in place will power your fuel cell.

Hydrogen is most commonly used. The electrolytic substance determines the fuel. Therefore he is correct that H2 is needed for a KOH electrolyte fuel cell. O2 comes from the air, but in space you'd need an O2 canister too.
Your continued whining that we are somehow obligated to tell you how to prove your points make you look like an idiot.

My point is there isn't anything you would accept, and every time I ask this question to scientifically illiterate, overly opinionated knuckleheads like you who can't come up with an answer other than "you tell me", you prove it!

You're not a skeptic, you're a denialist. You deny all valid scientific research that contradicts your beliefs, and it's hilarious pointing it out!

Evolution, anthropogenic climate change, the big bang, racial equality.. you people are all the same. It always comes back to anything that threatens your conservative, traditional worldview where white Christian men are the leader of the pack, it's so played out by now that it's expected. You can pinpoint who will accept valid science simply by observing their beliefs. To any scientifically minded person, that fact alone tells you their beliefs are pure bullshit and they're believing in grown up fairy tales.

I think you need a little more pixie dust, Red, maybe that'll help..
My point is there isn't anything you would accept, and every time I ask this question to scientifically illiterate, overly opinionated knuckleheads like you who can't come up with an answer other than "you tell me", you prove it!

You're not a skeptic, you're a denialist. You deny all valid scientific research that contradicts your beliefs, and it's hilarious pointing it out!

Evolution, anthropogenic climate change, the big bang, racial equality.. you people are all the same. It always comes back to anything that threatens your conservative, traditional worldview where white Christian men are the leader of the pack, it's so played out by now that it's expected. You can pinpoint who will accept valid science simply by observing their beliefs. To any scientifically minded person, that fact alone tells you their beliefs are pure bullshit and they're believing in grown up fairy tales.

I think you need a little more pixie dust, Red, maybe that'll help..

You don't believe in science, you believe in manufactured consensus which comes from faulty conclusions made by government funded propaganda of said science.
You don't believe in science, you believe in manufactured consensus which comes from faulty conclusions made by government funded propaganda of said science.

"Manufactured consensus", that's funny, is that what you call an independently reached conclusion by dozens of national science academies, hundreds of thousands of independent researchers and decades of published peer reviewed papers?

Just like the success of vaccines is all a manufactured consensus, right?
"Manufactured consensus", that's funny, is that what you call an independently reached conclusion by dozens of national science academies, hundreds of thousands of independent researchers and decades of published peer reviewed papers?

Just like the success of vaccines is all a manufactured consensus, right?

Look up Edward Bernays, you're being played. You'd be more amusing if such stupidity didn't affect me.

Vaccines aren't a success. Health, sterilization and containing the vector are what cause success. Vaccines impair the immune system and only provide temporary prevention the specific vaccine targets, at the expense of your health. The more vaccines you take, the weaker your immune system.

The increase in cancers, health problems like diabetes and autoimmune disorders are a result of improper health. One factor is the vaccine decreasing immune response. But the major problem is all the processed foods, sugars, oils and chemicals such as preservatives.

A proper diet would provide a better result than vaccines at preventing illness. Along with the other non-vaccine procedures we have in place.
Vaccines aren't a success. Health, sterilization and containing the vector are what cause success.

Pretty easy to figure out it takes a little more than that to be safe from disease. Why weren't people safe from disease before the invention of vaccines, and as soon as they were invented, you see huge rates of decline in infected people?

Did health, sterilization and containment all magically improve at the exact same time (coincidentally) the vaccine was invented??

Vaccines impair the immune system and only provide temporary prevention the specific vaccine targets, at the expense of your health. The more vaccines you take, the weaker your immune system.

Yeah, that's why so many more people are dying of contractible diseases than before vaccines were invented..

The increase in cancers, health problems like diabetes and autoimmune disorders are a result of improper health. One factor is the vaccine decreasing immune response. But the major problem is all the processed foods, sugars, oils and chemicals such as preservatives.

I wonder why none if this information is published in any scientific journals..

A proper diet would provide a better result than vaccines at preventing illness. Along with the other non-vaccine procedures we have in place.

That retarded information could actually kill someone
That retarded information could actually kill someone

I've felt so much better and my health improved ever since I didn't believe doctors and did my own research. My mood disorder which isn't supposed to be curable, bi-polar, is 100% gone. You can look it up yourself that those diagnosed with bi-polar can't survive a happy life without medical treatment, and most likely will commit suicide. I actually feel so happy now.

The only thing super centarians have in common which isn't genetic is a proper diet.

I'll risk my retarded information killing me if it means I no longer feel like shit everyday. Before I was living how you do where scientists were correct. Global warming is real. Etc Etc.

My life is perfect. You complain the boogie man is out to get you. Yet you keep it up. Who's the retarded one?
Fuel cells run on natural gas and methane, too. Other fuels, also. Liquid oxygen is not needed. Currently, several models and sizes of fuel cells are available. Google has them powering a server farm in California. The technology is tried and proven, is even subsidized and "fast tracked" by the Federal and state governments. His proposal is extremely "doable".
you got an example of this new technology i can look at? cuz all i'm seeing is H2/O2 electrolysis fuel cells that cook at ~2000 degrees. (yes, Two Thousand Degrees F, there's no extra zeros in there)

You're a badly underinformed windbag about nearly everything you've said regarding modern fuel cell technology. It's abundantly clear that you have done zero research on the subject lately.

Therefore, I find it likely that the rest of your opinions, political or otherwise, are just as hoary and unexamined.

I don't wish to debate with the close minded, so I won't.

Enjoy your weekend.
no link to demonstrate your vast wisdom (cuz they all start with "Someday...", "Emerging developments..." or "In the future...")

so you declare i am uneducated, boring and closed minded.

nice move. It's very original.

clearly you are winning the debate, Obama Style.

Next Stop: "That's Racist!"
Hydrogen is most commonly used. The electrolytic substance determines the fuel. Therefore he is correct that H2 is needed for a KOH electrolyte fuel cell. O2 comes from the air, but in space you'd need an O2 canister too.
most fuel cell applications need higher purity O2 sources than air, someday maybe they might be workable but they are currently a heavily subsidized white elephant suitable for use only by institutions