Report claims with 99% certainty that ACC is real.

99% certainty that ACC is real.

No comment on how much of an influencing factor it is on climate change.

Statistics being used to sell a story without actually saying anything at all.

According to what I was told from the creators of South Park, there's a 99% certainty you're a ginger with no soul.
Yep, totally. Let's allow China to pollute at nearly twice that of all global cars. So the ones making money, make more money, and let's pretend, "hey every bit counts!" Let's not stop Chinese cargo ships from taking port in our waters and polluting. Because we want to give the people what they want. We won't mention that on the news. It's all we the people's fault! Even if true, if we stopped the pollution from globalization, we could instead use all the gas guzzlers, incandescent bulbs, etc that we wanted to. No way! Let's punish we the people instead cause we're idiots and totally believe Sally Struthers needs stay a fat fuck, but we give her money to feed the poor Ethiopians for a dollar a day rather than being selfish. Sally Struthers needs to gain a few hundred more pounds using our money! More save the Earth.

Please. Fuck off! :finger:
Vegans are such angry people.
are you sure about that?



I'm sorry everything in this post is suspect. Remember, we aren't accepting ANYTHING from skeptical science now that they have been proven to be partisan frauds. They make the Heritage Foundation look like the bastions of truth and knowledge.

Lol @ skepticalscience source....silly rabbit.
I'm sorry everything in this post is suspect. Remember, we aren't accepting ANYTHING from skeptical science now that they have been proven to be partisan frauds. They make the Heritage Foundation look like the bastions of truth and knowledge.

Lol @ skepticalscience source....silly rabbit.


About Skeptical Science
The goal of Skeptical Science is to explain what peer reviewed science has to say about global warming. When you peruse the many arguments of global warming skeptics, a pattern emerges. Skeptic arguments tend to focus on narrow pieces of the puzzle while neglecting the broader picture. For example, focus on Climategate emails neglects the full weight of scientific evidence for man-made global warming. Concentrating on a few growing glaciers ignores the world wide trend of accelerating glacier shrinkage. Claims of global cooling fail to realise the planet as a whole is still accumulating heat. This website presents the broader picture by explaining the peer reviewed scientific literature.

Often, the reason for disbelieving in man-made global warming seem to be political rather than scientific. Eg - "it's all a liberal plot to spread socialism and destroy capitalism". As one person put it, "the cheerleaders for doing something about global warming seem to be largely the cheerleaders for many causes of which I disapprove". However, what is causing global warming is a purely scientific question. Skeptical Science removes the politics from the debate by concentrating solely on the science.

About the author
Skeptical Science is maintained by John Cook, the Climate Communication Fellow for the Global Change Institute at the University of Queensland. He studied physics at the University of Queensland, Australia. After graduating, he majored in solar physics in his post-grad honours year. He is not a climate scientist. Consequently, the science presented on Skeptical Science is not his own but taken directly from the peer reviewed scientific literature. To those seeking to refute the science presented, one needs to address the peer reviewed papers where the science comes from (links to the full papers are provided whenever possible).

There is no funding to maintain Skeptical Science other than Paypal donations - it's run at personal expense. John Cook has no affiliations with any organisations or political groups. Skeptical Science is strictly a labour of love. The design was created by John's talented web designer wife.
I'm sorry everything in this post is suspect. Remember, we aren't accepting ANYTHING from skeptical science now that they have been proven to be partisan frauds. They make the Heritage Foundation look like the bastions of truth and knowledge.

Lol @ skepticalscience source....silly rabbit.
Yeah, just like the question of what you would accept as proof of ACC was answered..

Anyone in science who accepts ACC is a "mainstream fraud" according to you because that's exactly how denial works
You might be right... but it is very far gone now.

To get any meaningful results, the cure is about as bad as the disease.

All the side effects besides ocean rise sound equally positive.

Warmer. The earth has been much warmer in the past.

Yeah, people might have to learn how to be LESS WASTEFUL. The only place on the whole planet that's a problem is right here in the good ol' U S of A. But of course, it's everyone else's problem, because it's inconvenient to recycle...

Hon, remind me to buy a stepladder so you can get up into my pick 'em up truck? You know, the jacked up 4x4 that gets six mpg on diesel, but I never take off road because I'd scratch the paint?
Oh, my mistake. Fuck, shit, that changes everything. It jumps from .0000000297777778 to .0000001142222222. GAME CHANGER!!!

A real professor, you say? From McGill university? Checkmate. Well played sir. I can't speak for the other members on this side of the debate, but I, for one, am now a believer. I'm off to get my lobotomy and tights.

Yeah, do that. We know what climate has been like for the last several hundred thousand years, and even why, based on Antarctic and Greenland ice core projects. We also know the averages of climate for many dozens of millions of years, by studying the ratios of various pollen and plankton in the fossil record.

This has given us a detailed map of the basic parameters of climate, velocity of change, natural causes, etc.

Today's CO² emissions are like a volcano that's erupting continuously... and doubling in size every 50 years. That's unique in the climate record- so oddly enough, it's causing UNIQUE effects.

Stick that in your online statistical calculator, but before dividing by billions, explain why any more than the last few million years of the climate record is necessary to determine if humans are changing it?
The cabal wants all the resources and to starve us. They did it before in Nazi Germany and communist Russia. Globalization pollutes more than anything else, but that's done in international waters where no one can police the cabal's actions. It's a scam to make money. If it wasn't scare tactics, why isn't it mentioned shipping vessels produce twice the pollution than all cars?

Look at this hand, don't watch my other hand copping a feel of your breast. Then you blame the guy behind her, and walk away. Can you blame a brother for wanting to sneak a grope?

you must be a Climate Denier, which is almost as bad as a Holocaust Denier!

you should be imprisoned and subjected to the Obama Approved "enhanced interrogation" techniques (formerly called TORTURE under Boo0o00o0osh) until you recant your heresy!

the absence of evidence for man-made global warming is not evidence of the lack of man-made global warming!~
compared to when?
compared to the New Normal established on July 15 1974, in buffalo new york at 10:15 am.

any deviation from that temperature "Norm" of 72 degrees is Anthropogenic Global Climate Change.

all previous deviations from 72 degrees are irrelevant.

all subsequent deviations are the result of evil human action, and the sort of non-productive mindless destruction you see in the villains from Captain Planet cartoons.

BRB i gotta go clearcut a forest in brazil for no apparent reason, without gaining any profit.

And the seven thousand coal fired power plants worldwide, running continuously and flat out have absolutely NO effect, despite clear and measurable evidence to the contrary? I'm still waiting for a good argument in support of that.
On, and transportation fuels, including cars, trucks, buses, trains, ships, aircraft...
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And the seven thousand coal fired power plants worldwide, running continuously and flat out have absolutely NO effect, despite clear and measurable evidence to the contrary? I'm still waiting for a good argument in support of that.

is it only 7,000? seems low.