Report claims with 99% certainty that ACC is real.

Everybody complains about the weather, but nobody does anything about it. Then when somebody does do something about, everybody complains. Really? Water vapor has a hundredfold effect over co2 on greenhouse effect, but you want to worry about the least influential factor?
So, what steps can we take to ensure the survival of mankind and this incredible planet? ACC or not, we are poisoning the planet. What technologies do we need? What sacrifices do we need to make? What's the plan?

I listened to a good radio show last week. Everyone is up in arms about nuclear power and it's effects on the earth, but the host was saying that pollution from fossil fuels actually kills a lot more people in urban areas.
Water vapor has a hundredfold effect over co2 on greenhouse effect

do you actually believe this stuff?

if so, where did you get it from? because not a single scientist anywhere has ever made that claim, not even the paid shills.

where the hell do you get this stuff from?
Everybody complains about the weather, but nobody does anything about it. Then when somebody does do something about, everybody complains. Really? Water vapor has a hundredfold effect over co2 on greenhouse effect, but you want to worry about the least influential factor?

Yes, I was listening to Rosalind Peterson talk about water vapor. It's not something we hear much about.
Yes, it's something to consider. What do you think the effects of heavy air traffic and persistent contrails (vapor) may be on climate? I often see beautiful sunny days turn to overcast milky white skies that block out the sun completely. The cause is air traffic. You can watch it happen. I'm not saying why or how or who or what, but it does happen where I live.
What evidence do you have to support the idea that higher ocean levels will fall in line with history?

What evidence do you have to support this idea? For all we(I) know, higher ocean levels and increased ocean temps will decrease rain to areas in the mainland. Do you have some sort of source that supports the idea you've suggested?

Please provide evidence that burning fossil fuels in abundance will not destroy the planet (in terms of humans using it to live on).

Cro-Magnon. Fun stuff,

I guess we need to back up and make sure we all understand what an "opinion" is.
Yes, it's something to consider. What do you think the effects of heavy air traffic and persistent contrails (vapor) may be on climate? I often see beautiful sunny days turn to overcast milky white skies that block out the sun completely. The cause is air traffic. You can watch it happen. I'm not saying why or how or who or what, but it does happen where I live.

they block out the sun completely? really?

this is a flying pink elephant.

I can't see the effects of air traffic having a measurable effect. We should seal off the oceans and other bodies of water to reduce water vapor emissions. Then we can sell those damn water vapor credits
Actually, they do completely block the sun where I live. Only if you live here would you believe it. Atmospheric conditions have to be right, but yes it happens. By block out the sun I mean complete overcast not total darkness, but that's not what this thread is about.

I'm still waiting to hear some decent proposals rather than sarcasm and criticism. Come on. Help me out.
Actually, they do completely block the sun where I live. Only if you live here would you believe it. Atmospheric conditions have to be right, but yes it happens. By block out the sun I mean complete overcast not total darkness, but that's not what this thread is about.

I'm still waiting to hear some decent proposals rather than sarcasm and criticism. Come on. Help me out.

Nobody owes you anything actually.
Actually, they do completely block the sun where I live. Only if you live here would you believe it. Atmospheric conditions have to be right, but yes it happens. By block out the sun I mean complete overcast not total darkness, but that's not what this thread is about.

I'm still waiting to hear some decent proposals rather than sarcasm and criticism. Come on. Help me out.

you're talking about chemtrail conspiracies and a massive, decades in the making hoax involving thousands of scientists across dozens of nations and higher scientific institutions culminating in tax credits for solar panels (be VERY afraid).

i don't think you're gonna get more than sarcasm and criticism from me.
Persistent contrails and pollution from air traffic are not conspiracy theory. CT comes into play when people claim that unknown organizations are spraying something.That's not my belief. I don't know why you would rather choose to berate someone rather than have a conversation and share your input. Maybe I was too "off the cough" calling it a hoax. My apologies.
Persistent contrails and pollution from air traffic are not conspiracy theory. CT comes into play when people claim that unknown organizations are spraying something.That's not my belief. I don't know why you would rather choose to berate someone rather than have a conversation and share your input. Maybe I was too "off the cough" calling it a hoax. My apologies.

don't take this as me pointing out your complete lack of education, but the term you are looking for is "off the cuff".

well, as i guess you can take that as me pointing out your complete lack of education.