I did see that and was very surprised because I tried about 10 different TGA varieties and Ace is one of the only ones that made the cut for me (Qleaner was the other). I couldn't choose between 2 Ace sisters and kept them both. In my circle the Ace is very popular and does get special requests.
Subcool has made announcements like this before.
About a year or so ago, they said they were phasing out Space Queen, in favor of Space Bomb.
Hasn't happened yet.
I also remember him saying that The Flav and 3rd Dimension were getting the axe to make room for new lines.
Hasn't happened yet.
In the case of Space Queen, and now Plushberry, other breeders were using those strains in their own lines at the time of Subcool's announcement (Alphakronik Seeds relies heavily on TGA genetics for breeding stock, as does Breeders Boutique, and others).
If I'm not mistaken, Plushberry, is the mother of the Honey Bee clone that's floating around.
We'll see if Sub goes through with it this time, but based on his past record, I kinda doubt it.
My guess, Subcool makes an announcement on the Weed Nerd, in about 2 months, saying that due to overwhelming patient demand, TGA will continue making AoS and PB.