Kyle Greninger
New Member
I grew on a farm out in arcata Ca. It was pretty epic and there is tons of profit in it. PM mr of you want to chat. Is love to know where you are growing. State/country wise.
I swear I have said this shit a million goddamn times....if you are making 4500 a pound you are fucking yourself....$8900 is the ticket
20/g every second of the day...Urban landscape...I am the only one in the CITY with this smoke...I paid my dues by learning how to grow DANK!
4x4 fits 16 buckets....8 mothers trimmed in bonsai stylings, produce 2 clones each...16 clones....devotion is how you step up your GPW ratio.
Leak 48 grams on your !st four units....& word WILL TRAVEL...your smoke will speak for its goddamn self. people you gave your number to a yr. ago will call you out of the blue...
Scared money don't make money....SOME people are foul...they will kill you for anything precious....please respect the fact
This shit Was, Is, & Forever Will Be....ECONOMICS!!!! High Demand...Limited Supply...Shortage...Fair Market Value...Game Over.
im not gonna sit on some corner or in some apt selling grams bags to everuyone and there mama!!! black people can do all that.... I got elbows of indoor for 3500.... and outdoor 2500-3k....... in this state.... other places like co and cali id be cool with 2k-2200 an outdoor unit... and 3k for indoor in that setting
It is simple math. U get an elbow for 2800-3200 in east coast. Only sell zips at no less than 300 a piece. That gives u 4800. That's minimum of 1600 profit off of each one.
Holy shit weeds expensive everywhere. I see 1200 to 1400 outs, 2200 to 2800 ins, really fir shit the most you'll get for it is 3200. California definitely has a lot more competition than wherever you're not gonna sit on some corner or in some apt selling grams bags to everuyone and there mama!!! black people can do all that.... I got elbows of indoor for 3500.... and outdoor 2500-3k....... in this state.... other places like co and cali id be cool with 2k-2200 an outdoor unit... and 3k for indoor in that setting
Well we'll see in a couple of months how much I get and how long it took for me to dump it.
im not gonna sit on some corner or in some apt selling grams bags to everuyone and there mama!!! black people can do all that.... I got elbows of indoor for 3500.... and outdoor 2500-3k....... in this state.... other places like co and cali id be cool with 2k-2200 an outdoor unit... and 3k for indoor in that setting
In central CA a 20 lighter costs about 21,750 grand to do a crop from start to finish. That includes electricity at the residential rate (3000 a month) Depreciation of your gear (500 a month) Mortgage (1200) Nutrients Coco and CO2 (1500 a month) Manual labor ( 2500 a month most of this cost is trimming) If you do a decent job you can easily average about 1.2 pounds per light of good bud and .1 pounds of small buds and .2 pounds of trim. If the product is good and you are selling it in 5 packs in CA you will get about 2,600 a pound for B+ product about 1400 a pound for the small buds and 300 a pound for the trim. That means you'll gross 66,400 a crop and it will cost you 21,750 so you will net 44,650 per crop. You can easily get 5 crops a year if you are using CO2. You can save money if you can get a shop because then you can get an industrial or agriculture rate and then your electric bill will be about 1200 a month on average. You can also double your money from your shake if you make your own wax. Also if you do most of the labor yourself you can save a couple thousand per crop as well. To do a 20 lighter in CEN CAL you will need at least 320 square feet and a 200 amp breaker and at least 72,000 BTU's of cooling power. It will cost you about 20,000 to set up and 21,750 for the first crop so you will need at least 42,000 of seed money.
There used to be great money in growing but all the greedy fuckers have screwed it up. Not only the growers but the state has too. Here locally the county is trying to pass a 45% tax on you energy bill if you use too much power. By too much power I mean 3 to 4 lights along with accessory's there calling too much. Whats next are they going to start taxing us for buying groceries at the super market? If I spend more than $500 bucks a month at the super market the local government well probably to fine me 45% on my bill? When in the hell is the greed going to stop? For many years people have been locked up for growing and now that the light bulb has come on and the government has seen the money they want it all!! Fuck those cock suckers keep selling on the black market and keep the money out of there greasy dick beating hands if you can!!! I need to get out and hit the bong this morning before I dwell on this shit and ruin my day. Have a great weekend all and burn it up!!
Hey big dog i been hearing that alot from small growers that buy salts whats the name of that calculator that tells you exzactly what these nutrient companies use in their bottles do you know the name of it???or link??I can match those harvest numbers with about the same labor... but 1/4 the power cost and 1/3 the square footage. Oh yeah, when buying nutes, first look around and see if you're in a hydro store. If the answer is 'yes', then you're paying too much for nutrients;
I went to a wholesale supplier for dry hydroponic nutrient salts (what's in those sexy looking water bottles, once you take the water out), and paid $650 for exactly 500 POUNDS of them... or, enough to fill TWO 14,000 gallon Olympic swimming pools with nutrient solution. It's gonna last awhile.
Not making all those trips to the hydro store? PRICELESS!
TREES, anyone? LOL
If money is your main goal, you can make much more money by buying weed from smaller growers
and re-selling it to other lowly drug dealers , elevating yourself to middle man drug dealer status LOL
overall there is less risk and you make money faster since you are not doing any growing yourself
many smaller growers will take cash for their whole grow it saves them weeks of paranoia selling it in ounces
you show them 20k and their hands shake with excitement lol
you get 30k of weed for 20k , you have made 10k , it has taken the grower 3 months to grow
a good drug dealer would make in a week , what a grower makes in 3 months
so if money is your prime concern i suggest a career move from grower to middle man drug dealer
also have you used the fuel cells??? were would be the best place to buy one??
Hey big dog i been hearing that alot from small growers that buy salts whats the name of that calculator that tells you exzactly what these nutrient companies use in their bottles do you know the name of it???or link??