Well-Known Member
Listen up you piece of shit motherfucker. I find your VERBIAGE against jewish people offensive too. If you used those terms in front of me I'd kick your rotten motherfucking teeth down your fucking throat. I'm growing tired of your fat motherfucking old ignorant ass disparaging everyone who doesn't agree with your fucked inthe head ideology. You are nothing more than a bitter, old, hateful, racist cum stain who feels that anyone who doesn't see things your way are ignorant fools. They are not. I am not. And you, you closet faggot, better hope you and I don't cross paths.
This 4th a July I hope someone shoves a Roman Candle up your ass and lights it.
Oh yeah...And fuck you too.
HAHA.. Dave doesn't even swear, never mind all of this.. HAHA
I have the feeling his blood was boiling when he wrote this one