Aid to Israel rape of American taxpayer

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Listen up you piece of shit motherfucker. I find your VERBIAGE against jewish people offensive too. If you used those terms in front of me I'd kick your rotten motherfucking teeth down your fucking throat. I'm growing tired of your fat motherfucking old ignorant ass disparaging everyone who doesn't agree with your fucked inthe head ideology. You are nothing more than a bitter, old, hateful, racist cum stain who feels that anyone who doesn't see things your way are ignorant fools. They are not. I am not. And you, you closet faggot, better hope you and I don't cross paths.

This 4th a July I hope someone shoves a Roman Candle up your ass and lights it.

Oh yeah...And fuck you too.

HAHA.. Dave doesn't even swear, never mind all of this.. HAHA

I have the feeling his blood was boiling when he wrote this one :D HAHA


If you you are are politican or public intellectual, Professor you dare not discuss this issue let alone criticize Israel, you career will be ruined, you prob be called anti-semitic, you won't be relected........thanks to the powerful Israel lobby...a group of americans (mostly Jewish) acting perfectly lawfully, who put Israel interests before America, many people like myself and many Jews in Israel have the opinion that the lobby actually hurts Israel interests as well. Thats why the debate in america (publicly) is such one sided , In fact you will find out that theres more debate in Israel that is critical of Israel's policies about this subject than in the the book "Israel Lobby" by Jon Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt here is an overview The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So you'll remain convinced I'm an asshole to the end. Well maybe I am, who knew. I've been fooling all these people in my life for years and a few hypocrites on a pot web site have psychoanalyzed me to a "T", Yeah, I think I'll stick with my friends, thank you.
Aren't you the one who got your SIL a job plucking chickens at a processing facility Med? Why didn't you land him a job as CEO of Bally or MGM? Could it be that your SIL is a worthless piece of shit with no skills? Could it be that he can't string a sentence together in an interview if his life depended upon it? :lol:

Heaven forbid that someone should educate oneself and gain a skill....It should be gifted to him/her compliments of the Fed. Why don't you take him under your wing and support him like I have for the multitude of unfortunate souls to have crossed my door? You know...A rich Libertarian like me doling out charity...:lol:

I'll still bet a years wages that I've spent more money on charity than you ever have. Tell me Med, how much do you charge for blow jobs on the strip? Do they like it when you take out your dentures and "gum them"? :lol:
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I would rather read than sit at the computer trying to listen to a two hour lecture. I'll opt for the book suggestion instead, please. :) (Besides, the book goes into the library with me so much more easily, and no one disturbs me when I'm in the library.)
I would rather read than sit at the computer trying to listen to a two hour lecture. I'll opt for the book suggestion instead, please. :) (Besides, the book goes into the library with me so much more easily, and no one disturbs me when I'm in the library.)
Here's a clue, If the computer disturbs you, (I think you're already disturbed), just turn it off, geeze, common sense 1-A
Aren't you the one who got your SIL a job plucking chickens at a processing facility Med? Why didn't you land him a job as CEO of Bally or MGM? Could it be that your SIL is a worthless piece of shit with no skills? Could it be that he can't string a sentence together in an interview if his life depended upon it? :lol:

Heaven forbid that someone should educate oneself and gain a skill....It should be gifted to him/her compliments of the Fed. Why don't you take him under your wing and support him like I have for the multitude of unfortunate souls to have crossed my door? You know...A rich Libertarian like me doling out charity...:lol:

I'll still bet a years wages that I've spent more money on charity than you ever have. Tell me Med, how much do you charge for blow jobs on th""e strip? Do they like it when you take out your dentures and "gum them"? :lol:
Is that really the best you've got dave, I'm really dissapointed. No "I'll knock your cum stained teeth down your rotten motherfucking throat" today. You demented pathetic violent little man. You've got me scaired to death. I wish I were in my thirties again. Then we'd see whose all that tough. But I'm not, so, I have Samuel Colt for a "pal". Did you know it's a felony to asasault and commit battery on a senior citizen, but no worries, If you assault me, the least of your worries would be the law. I think I liked you better when you just came out and said what you really thought, like how you hated me and wanted to kick my ass instead of halfwitted attempts at getting my goat. Stick to what you know, ignorance and violence.
Both of you stop spaming this thread and take your childish taunts somewhere else...............make up a new thread where you go and call each other names, and threaten each other (med didn't make thread for Go For It)........or meet each other out back by the the playground settle it
get we get back to the subject kids?

I'm afraid I'm going to have to agree with natrone23 here. The subject matter of this thread is far too serious to be hijacked by individuals taking personal swipes at each other. We need to get back to debating the very serious topic of American taxpayers being raped of their hard-earned tax dollars just so members of congress can continue to play Israel's little lapdog.
i agree, you two have both lost credibility in my eyes. sheesh. or get on msn chat or something, spare us the grief
I have done some posting that reflects my views on the Jewish controlled congress, presidency, and the world. The Jews own the world. Try telling that to muslims. They insist they dont own muslim land and they'll die for that idea. Now who are the crazy ones??? The jews are killing Muslims on a daily basis and the world looks the other way, What's up with that
I have done some posting that reflects my views on the Jewish controlled congress, presidency, and the world. The Jews own the world. Try telling that to muslims. They insist they dont own muslim land and they'll die for that idea. Now who are the crazy ones??? The jews are killing Muslims on a daily basis and the world looks the other way, What's up with that

Thats the medias fault. Maybe the media is owned by Jews:confused:

You look like an ass singling out a an ethnic background/religion when you should be more talking about the NWO(New World Order) people.

Does that make sense? I'm sure everyone involved in the NWO are not all Jews. And not all Jews are involved in the NWO. Isn't the Rothschild family Jewish though?:?... Either way, unless you want to look like a bigot, I would blame the NWO people rather than Jews.. Just my honest and humble opinions:mrgreen:


thats The Medias Fault. Maybe The Media Is Owned By Jews:confused:

You Look Like An Ass Singling Out A An Ethnic Background/religion When You Should Be More Talking About The Nwo(new World Order) People.

Does That Make Sense? I'm Sure Everyone Involved In The Nwo Are Not All Jews. And Not All Jews Are Involved In The Nwo. Isn't The Rothschild Family Jewish Though?:?... Either Way, Unless You Want To Look Like A Bigot, I Would Blame The Nwo People Rather Than Jews.. Just My Honest And Humble Opinions:mrgreen:

Ron Paul Revolution
here's My Question To You We, Are You A Jew? If So Or Not, I Suggest You Do Some Research On Who Really Runs The World. I Have Nothing Against The Jewish Religion Or The Bloodline Of Jews, Just That The Rich Ones Control The World. I'm More Against The Rich Than Any Ethnic Group, Check Out Who Does Own Things,, Government, Media, Corporations Etc. The Majority Of Them, 95% Are Rich Jews. I Am A Pretty Liberal Person When It Comes To Ethnic Backgrounds, But It Is The Rich Jews That Run The World, Check It Out Before Calling Me Names. btw, I Don't Think Calling Someone A Jew Is A Bad Thing, Do You? Now A Fucking Jew Is Different~peace~
Last edited:'s My Question To You We, Are You A Jew? If So Or Not, I Suggest You Do Some Research On Who Really Runs The World. I Have Nothing Against The Jewish Religion Or The Bloodline Of Jews, Just That The Rich Ones Control The World. I'm More Against The Rich Than Any Ethnic Group, Check Out Who Does Own Things,, Government, Media, Corporations Etc. The Majority Of Them, 95% Are Rich Jews. I Am A Pretty Liberal Person When It Comes To Ethnic Backgrounds, But It Is The Rich Jews That Run The World, Check It Out Before Calling Me Names. btw, I Don't Think Calling Someone A Jew Is A Bad Thing, Do You? Now A Fucking Jew Is Different~peace~............[/color]

I'm not a Jew.:mrgreen:

I was just saying that unless you want to look like a Nazi bigot than you shouldn't be singling out the Jews. Any Jewish person reading this post will most likely hate you. I'm not trying to be critical of you(no malicious name calling from me), just some constructive criticism. In my honest opinion its the people that are pro NWO who are the enemies of the USA and the world. If they just so happen to be Jewish, than so be it- off with their heads! (ya digg?)

Do you have a source/link to support your claim? Just That The Rich Ones Control The World.......The Majority Of Them, 95% Are Rich Jews



I'm afraid I'm going to have to agree with natrone23 here. The subject matter of this thread is far too serious to be hijacked by individuals taking personal swipes at each other. We need to get back to debating the very serious topic of American taxpayers being raped of their hard-earned tax dollars just so members of congress can continue to play Israel's little lapdog.

Frankly, your topic has been hi-jacked by a senile old coot who should be in adult day care. I don't really care what he thinks. This forum is NOT about him.

The real issue here is what causes trouble in the Middle East. The troublemakers are the Jews of Israel. Not so much for what they do, but, because they live at all. So, do we commit to generations of support or do we walk away? I say we stay and support our friends. Israel, is the major stumbling block to muslim world domination.
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