I'm sick from smoking some contaminant in my BHO

I'm thinking that there may be a way to get rid of "Contaminates" by bonding them harmlessly to the THC molecule, and basically creating "Designer" THC molecules. You would have to do this in liquid, which would add another end filter phase to your BHO. But still leaves the issue of waiting for these things to evaporate, though many of them can just be heated away.
cb1 receptors respond to the c-9 position of the cyclohexane ring, the phenolic hydroxyl and carbon/non polar side chains at c3...

check structure of win 55,napthalene ring and cyclohexane ring, carbonyl group and phenolic hydroxyl, and morpholinoethyl group

2 oxygens a phenolic hydroxyl at position 1 and an oxygen pyran ring opposite,interacting through hydrogen bonding with a lysine residue,the opening of the pyran ring not being significant...

fin you can't just attach something to a drug like molecule.

and we have lots of synthetic cannabinoids and such, when attempting to make it more potent you lose the safety aspect as well.. a full agonist is never good..
I'm thinking that there may be a way to get rid of "Contaminates" by bonding them harmlessly to the THC molecule, and basically creating "Designer" THC molecules. You would have to do this in liquid, which would add another end filter phase to your BHO. But still leaves the issue of waiting for these things to evaporate, though many of them can just be heated away.

Ummmmm, the chemistry involved eludes me, but I'm an ooooolde simple minded and superannuated manufacturing engineer, not a chemist. My discredit! Could you elucidate?
cb1 receptors respond to the c-9 position of the cyclohexane ring, the phenolic hydroxyl and carbon/non polar side chains at c3...

check structure of win 55,napthalene ring and cyclohexane ring, carbonyl group and phenolic hydroxyl, and morpholinoethyl group

2 oxygens a phenolic hydroxyl at position 1 and an oxygen pyran ring opposite,interacting through hydrogen bonding with a lysine residue,the opening of the pyran ring not being significant...

fin you can't just attach something to a drug like molecule.

and we have lots of synthetic cannabinoids and such, when attempting to make it more potent you lose the safety aspect as well.. a full agonist is never good..

Thanks for the detailed insight!

cb1 receptors respond to the c-9 position of the cyclohexane ring, the phenolic hydroxyl and carbon/non polar side chains at c3...

check structure of win 55,napthalene ring and cyclohexane ring, carbonyl group and phenolic hydroxyl, and morpholinoethyl group

2 oxygens a phenolic hydroxyl at position 1 and an oxygen pyran ring opposite,interacting through hydrogen bonding with a lysine residue,the opening of the pyran ring not being significant...

fin you can't just attach something to a drug like molecule.

and we have lots of synthetic cannabinoids and such, when attempting to make it more potent you lose the safety aspect as well.. a full agonist is never good..

It would not be hard to break and bond something as simple as Isopropyl alcohol, or Hexane, or Acetone, or something like that.

And I am not saying to work towards making it more potent for one time use, I think we should just work towards the future. And helping everyone understand these things is the way I see to getting there.
If anyone did this they would have to take steps. Like sending a sample to a place that can do a test to see what happened to ALL the cannabinoids, not just THC. Then from there see what can be done.

But I really think people should start thinking about stuff like this. If we are going to call it medicine, let's get pharmaceutical with this shit.
Ummmmm, the chemistry involved eludes me, but I'm an ooooolde simple minded and superannuated manufacturing engineer, not a chemist. My discredit! Could you elucidate?

Like if you have your THC extract in Isopropyl alcohol. If you could find the right catalyst, maybe (I am not suggesting you do this, give me a few weeks and I will start drawing up molecules, but until we can at least start theorizing at what should happen NO ONE should even think about trying it) you could just make Isopropyl THC. the Isopropyl would be altered to attach to the THC molecule, and you would basically just have a THC molecule with a different (possibly unknown) effect.
I really think some form of Myrcene THC molecule could be EXTREMELY effective at crossing the Blood Brain Barrier to get you high on way less, but that is just a complete guess, not even a theory.
Also, once people get into this stuff THC will probably start becoming more pure. And since THC isn't actually what the dogs smell for, cops are going to have to decided if they want to make the natural form legal, or let people get away with synthetics and lab grade hash while they arrest people who just smoke plants. Which is already happening, they will just be faced with it once it is common place.
acyclic ring was found to be better than a heterocyclic ring, with a cyclohexane ring being optimal. In addition, the size and the position of the substituent on the cyclic ring is important to maintenance of CB1 affinity...position of double bonds within the cyclohexane ring effect activity. For example, moving the double bond of Δ9-THC to position 8 (as in Δ8-THC) decreases CB1affinity.
methyl (less likely to hydrogen bond) ethyl etc generally kills short side chains kill activity, 4-6 is best, branched chain increases activity.. increasing ring size to say heptane increases activity of both, conversion to a pyran cuts cb2 .adding oxy, hydroxy ketones increase cb2 .a sulfur substitution anywhere ruins it.
oxy in the phenyl ring increases cb1 can't substitute the phenol or alter placement as I was mentioning about delta 8, serious alterations ruin it
, degree of saturation as well as the position of the double bond in the cyclohexane ring effects cb1

I could literally carry on for a whole page.. why cant anyone just listen.
you can't just attach crap to thc.. it relies on the 3 things mentioned in my post above with slight variations drastically altering binding affinity and huge changes kill it. what your suggesting is worthless.. and I mean worthless as in inactive.
you can't just attach crap to thc.. it relies on the 3 things mentioned in my post above with variations drastically altering binding affinity. what your suggesting is worthless

"Worthless" and "Useless" are 2 different things. I might not make a wonder drug with Isopropyl alcohol, but someone else might read what I've said here and realize something amazing.
acyclic ring was found to be better than a heterocyclic ring, with a cyclohexane ring being optimal. In addition, the size and the position of the substituent on the cyclic ring is important to maintenance of CB1 affinity...position of double bonds within the cyclohexane ring effect activity. For example, moving the double bond of Δ9-THC to position 8 (as in Δ8-THC) decreases CB1affinity.
methyl (less likely to hydrogen bond) ethyl etc generally kills short side chains kill activity, 4-6 is best.. increasing ring size to say heptane increases activity of both, conversion to a pyran cuts cb2 .adding oxy, hydroxy ketones increase cb2 .a sulfur substitution anywhere ruins it.
oxy in the phenyl ring increases cb1 can't substitute the phenol or alter placement as I was mentioning about delta 8, but any serious alterations ruin it
degree of saturation as well as the position of the double bond in the cyclohexane ring effects cb1

I could literally carry on for a whole page.. why cant anyone just listen.
you can't just attach crap to thc.. it relies on the 3 things mentioned in my post above with variations drastically altering binding affinity. what your suggesting is worthless

see this is what i don't get about fin, and i don't mean any sort of shit towards him, but when i hear people like qwizo, or mreduck, or cannabineer, or annie, talk about this sort of thing, i realize just how ever my head most of it is, and i don't think of myself as an idiot, far from it matter of fact, yet i realize there are people in this world who are much better suited for this type of academics over myself.
this is why i wouldn't go on spouting things i know very little about, in an attempt to w/e it was that i was doing it for..

oh well, don't know if the point i'm trying to make is very clear or not, so i'll just shut up now..
Yeah the problem is some people do not know what they do not know.


lmao, thanks for the tl,dr version char.. sometimes i run off at the mouth and have a way of talking around a subject, then someone likes you chimes in and says it all in one sentence, what can i say? lol.. :D
You just dont see how long it takes me to form a thought.
Type, delete, type Delete.
Im like a stoned steamroller operator.

oh, maybe that's my problem, i'm a half way decent typer so i can put out loads of shit in seconds without ever skipping a beat..

you just reminded me of a friend of mine. we'd talk on yahoo chat, and when the other person is typing, they lil space bar blinks so you know they're writing something. anyhoos, this friend, the space bar would be blinking for like 10 minutes straight, and i'd all be expecting a book to come through, and most of the time it'd be something like.... lol.. shit always killed me..
Yeah that is funny.
Fb had the same fype of notice.

Dipshit is typing ..............................................................................................................................................................................<3
“The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence.”

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."

People that have nothing but this (you are not the first troll to act like posting that quote is epic) to say about people that share things, should not speak out. You are just displaying an example of your own quote when you don't have anything to actually say.

Especially when you are posting after 2 trolls.