Perpetual Grow - DWC/Waterfarm 432wT5 Veg, 600w HPS Flower


Well-Known Member
Hey man, i'll try to help out :)
I would say the temps are the limiting factor in your plant healing, low temps can almost halt stem growth just like hot temps can affect transpiration and photosynthesis. Try doing it again in the warmer months and see how it goes.
As for the stretch, i find it's strain dependent. You may be getting more indica phenos in the plants you're growing. Most sativa doms will usually give you arm length colas but if theres indica in the genetics then some express more indica traits such as growth. You should see some stretch with the blue dream, ive seen monster plants with that strain ;)


Well-Known Member
Hey man, i'll try to help out :)
I would say the temps are the limiting factor in your plant healing, low temps can almost halt stem growth just like hot temps can affect transpiration and photosynthesis. Try doing it again in the warmer months and see how it goes.
As for the stretch, i find it's strain dependent. You may be getting more indica phenos in the plants you're growing. Most sativa doms will usually give you arm length colas but if theres indica in the genetics then some express more indica traits such as growth. You should see some stretch with the blue dream, ive seen monster plants with that strain ;)

Thanks Easty!
You rule!


Well-Known Member
I break alot of stems trying to get them to bend under the light and they typically develop knuckles. My temps r usually on the lower end at 55-60 lights out. As for stretch I get lots 2-3x start height. But as said lots depends on strain but I seem to get lots lol. My White Russian stretches 3x start height every time, hence the breaking of stems. The Kosher i have had doubled in two and a bit weeks. Hoping it slows down soon!!!! Fyi i also had a 4 foot t5 drop one end landing against the plants and burnt the shit out them :(


Well-Known Member
Here is my Pineapple Express ready to be harvested tomorrow. It will be right at 9 weeks. She could probably go longer, but we are throwing a party to trim her up so, you know. Trust me, we have sampled some of the lower buds we cut off over a week ago and they were good so I know she is going to be awesome to smoke.

Her buds are so hard they make a thumping sound when you move her and they knock together. I have seriously loved growing this plant from day 1 - so pleased with the results. I know people on these forums talk a lot of smack about pretty much every seed breeder/bank around - but all I can say is that G13 Pineapple Express is fucking great in my opinion. One thing for sure, she is not super frosty that far from the actual bud structure. The Blue Dreams can literally cover a large leaf on a bud with crystals, however the PE was not sticky feeling or very frosty looking. But she is very pleasant to smoke. Very social, functional and clear but still with a good feeling both mentally and physically. I didn't keep any clones of her so we will see how she rates. I would definitely grow it out again.


After topping her, she branched out and definitely took on two dominate colas. I've been flushing her the last two weeks or so, so she is running out of steam just at the right time.



Well-Known Member
Here is a Blue Dream @ 8 weeks. I am going to leave her under the LED for another 2 weeks. I have found that letting these HSO BD's go 10 weeks produces the most enjoyable buds. Plus, she is still swelling up noticeably every couple of days so she's by no means done yet. Super sticky and sweet smelling.


And then here is the BD that is on day 8 of flower. She was quite a bit larger so I am hoping for super-sized versions of the ones above :)


I have not grown any other Blue Dream strain from any other breeder. The only other Blue Dream I have smoked is some that my son bought from another kid so not even sure if it was Blue Dream for real, but it was not even close to this Blue Dream. This stuff (at least that plant that grew from the seed I originally started with) is pretty bomb. Any friends I have shared with have all been super into it and ask me frequently if I have any so they can come over and chill.

I love closing the tent and letting it accumulate and then opening it and taking a huge whiff. Stuff smells like fruity candy all the way.


Well-Known Member
I break alot of stems trying to get them to bend under the light and they typically develop knuckles. My temps r usually on the lower end at 55-60 lights out. As for stretch I get lots 2-3x start height. But as said lots depends on strain but I seem to get lots lol. My White Russian stretches 3x start height every time, hence the breaking of stems. The Kosher i have had doubled in two and a bit weeks. Hoping it slows down soon!!!! Fyi i also had a 4 foot t5 drop one end landing against the plants and burnt the shit out them :(
Thanks Dawg!

I have been refining a lot of things in my growing methods so I am hoping to see results that look more like the stuff I see out there and like you are getting. I have the height for big plants so i am trying to figure out what kind of height (in general, understanding that indica or sativa dominance will play into it plant to plant) I need to get in veg to get them where I want in flower. I have a ways to go and I am sure that there are things I still need to add/edit in my growing in order to do so. I have definitely grown some quality, sticky buds, just not huge yields - especially compared to the amount of effort it took :). I have virtually eliminated all my root issues that constantly plagued me through researching and adding the right stuff to my nutes. Right now I am doing the same with growth and the veg cycle because I know that I can improve how and what I feed them in veg.


Well-Known Member
I've some great success and a few not so great runs but I still consider myself a newb with hydro and indoor grows. you've done well my friend!! Some tasty looking buds!!!


Well-Known Member
Little update on the veg area.

Group photo:
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The Bubba Kush is looking awesome. Big, broad, kushy leaves. She has a very big root mass so I am looking forward to see what she does.

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Here is the Sour Diesel, she is recovering nicely after the light incident. I had flushed her thoroughly due to some overfeeding issues and she was looking hungry. I wanted her to dry out so I hit her with some H&G Magic Green foliar. Definitely green her up. She did dry out finally so I fed her with some food to see how she responds.

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The Sour Diesel clone in the water farm bucket is doing awesome. Roots are just breaking through the net pot. I use 10" net pots so it take s couple weeks typically. She is growing like crazy and looking so healthy and happy. Loving the water farm :)

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I have put the Sage n Sour into another water farm bucket. I am working on on mainlining her, so here are some before and after pics. This is the second of three toppings. I will let the four tops grow out now, tie them down and top their ends and then let her go. She looks great and responded beautifully to all the training and pruning.


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Here is the Sour Diesel clone in coco. I pruned, topped and LST'd her a couple weeks ago. She looks awesome. Very thick and her six tops are growing up nicely.


And then here are the babies.


Check out one of the buds I was able to harvest off of that Pineapple Express. Several like this. Really nice smoke too :blsmoke:





Well-Known Member
The Blue Dream on deck under the LED right now is doing well. She lived some of her life in a spot that I couldn't access very well so she got a little neglected and stressed (learn from me people, ha ha) and must have hermied. She has some seeds fo sho :-|. I have flowered a lot of clones off of the original mother plant and this is the lone plant to have this occur, so definitely my bad. Oh well, it was bound to happen eventually. seeds!. I kind of wish it would have pollenated the Pineapple Express and made the seeds interesting, but a bunch of Blue Dream seeds make me smile too. Whether you call this Blue Dream "real" or not, it is pretty damn awesome.


This Blue Dream has been in flower for 14 days today. She is still gaining some height - she started at 15" from top of bucket, today she is at about 22". Her tops look amazing. Very thick stems.


Here is a group photo of the ladies in the flower room.


My Blue Dream lady who suffered the tragic light fall incident has bounced back beyond my expectations. She looks so great Lots of new leaves and she is responding to her feeding very well. No burnt tips or other signs of burn.


I will see how she looks in two weeks and, if she is ready, I will put her into flower.


Well-Known Member
So, after germinating 7 seeds, all but Gigabud succeeded. Not sure what happened. She had a good taproot and I transplanted the seed at the exact time and in the same manner as the others. But, what can you do. Still have 6 beautiful little plants starting out now :)


Well-Known Member
Been making sure that the girls in veg are well taken care of. Added H&G Roots Excelurator to the mix after so many recommendations from local grow shop folks. Got the 100ml size for $30 on Amazon. And for systems like mine with added O2, you only use 0.5ml per gallon in the res or 1.1ml per gallon for coco - so 100ml should last me a good while I think. I wanted to test it out and, if I see good results, will buy the 250ml size next time since you do get a better price break as you go up in size. So now here are my mixes:

Veg (per gal)
3ml H&G Aqua Flakes A+B, 1ml Aurora GrowN (if needed), 1-2TBS Growtastic EPG (beneficials, food for beneficials), 1ml Orca, 2-3ml H&G Multi Zen, 1ml/0.5ml (Coco/Hydro) H&G Roots Excelurator.

I am going to be adding the H&G Algen Extract and H&G Drip Clean to the mix in the upcoming weeks.

Bloom (per gal)
7-10ml Heavy 16 Bud A+B, 1-2TBS Growtastic EPG, 1ml Orca, 0.5ml-1ml Roots Excelurator, 5ml Dutch Master Potash+.

I am going to be adding the H&G Top Shooter to the mix and possibly switching out the Potash+ for H&G BudXL once I am out.

Those are kind of the basic formulas for veg and bloom, but I adjust according to the plant and what she is telling me.

In addition to the above, I also foliar feed with H&G Magic Green (again recommended by several local grow shop owners over more expensive stuff like Heavy 16). Plus you use like drops in a spray bottle so it will last for a long time. I find that if you are having some nutrient issues or maybe some lockout type symptoms, you can flush as much as you need while hitting them every 5-7 days with the magic green spray. I really believe this is what brought my Sour Diesel back form what I thought was certain doom for her. One thing I have read however is that you should avoid spraying your clones or seedlings until they are very, very well established and rooted in a cup or other container as you want the plant to develop a strong, effective root system and not just take in food through their leaf system. I absolutely have seen improved veg results by adding this.

I am totally sold on the results of the H&G line, however I do like the ease of using a bloom-specific nutrient and the Heavy 16 is super clean and pH stable in my experience so far. Plus, I have yet to have any slimy roots or other issues since switching to H&G and H16 nutrients.

Here are the girls vegging out:


Humboldt Seeds Organization Bubba Kush


Reserva Privada Sour Diesel


Some Bubba Kush Clones


THSeeds Sage n' Sour I am mainlining, she is taking to it beautifully. My first attempt so trying not to F it up:


In the flower room the HSO Blue Dream is doing awesome - she is on day 17 of 12/12:




Well-Known Member
And here are some pics of the HSO Blue Dream that is at the end of week 9 of 12/12. Super frosty and pretty:



Active Member
Always looking great brother. You train more artfully than anyone I've ever seen. My only question is, do you think that you might defoliate a little too much?