Good to see everyone is in good spirits. UB, I still see you're laying the smack down upon these folks. Keep up the good work.
Carry on.
Isn't it 2014 now?
Universal healthcare, from the same idiots who brought us the DMV.
No thanks.
Why do Americans not mind paying tax for certain things but giving your fellow countrymen access to health benefits rubs you up the wrong way.
what do you mean "these folks"?
So these guys are losers. Point taken. But they didn't settle for a fat chick. So they got more swing with the ladies than you do.
like travisw said, let's see a pic of the dude that molested you and we'll compare.
your so whitephobic you should get some help.
these psychosocial conditions are sometimes treatable
Your racism is a different story.
When a progressive(communist) is wrong, he cries racism. When liberals fail, progressives cry racism. When the Dems get in trouble, progressives cry racism. It has become a fucking pathetic comment that we dont take seriously. You have done a great disservice to people who are actually victims of racism You have become background noise, somewhat like a man farting in the air.
When these attacks dont work a progressive/communist then resorts to name calling or some other repulsive tactic much like a 12 year old child really.
Once again you have become background noise, somewhat like a man farting in the air.
Good to see everyone is in good spirits. UB, I still see you're laying the smack down upon these folks. Keep up the good work.
Carry on.
Kristol memo to Republicans in 1993
December 2, 1993 - Leading conservative operative William Kristol privately circulates a strategy document to Republicans in Congress. Kristol writes that congressional Republicans should work to "kill" -- not amend -- the Clinton plan because it presents a real danger to the Republican future: Its passage will give the Democrats a lock on the crucial middle-class vote and revive the reputation of the party. Nearly a full year before Republicans will unite behind the "Contract With America," Kristol has provided the rationale and the steel for them to achieve their aims of winning control of Congress and becoming America's majority party. Killing health care will serve both ends. The timing of the memo dovetails with a growing private consensus among Republicans that all-out opposition to the Clinton plan is in their best political interest. Until the memo surfaces, most opponents prefer behind-the-scenes warfare largely shielded from public view. The boldness of Kristol's strategy signals a new turn in the battle. Not only is it politically acceptable to criticize the Clinton plan on policy grounds, it is also politically advantageous. By the end of 1993, blocking reform poses little risk as the public becomes increasingly fearful of what it has heard about the Clinton plan.
like travisw said, let's see a pic of the dude that molested you and we'll compare.
yeah, and how did that work out for them?
it's inspirational that "we" (leftists) can come together..all colors for the good of america..the pubs?..they're too divisive within their own party..they are the party of "no" which is more forceful than if you were to "compromise"..a concept that is foreign to them..the "my way or highway" is a turnoff..and someone (budleydoright?) hit the nail square on its head..they will continue to lose as they view "facts as liberal bias"..kristols memo to "kill" was a predictor of thing to come in 1993, and like the party they are 20 years later? it has come to fruition.
one things for sure they will NOT change themselves, their message, enough to allow the type of demographic into their party..given 20 all they can do is funnel kock bros money into shell non-profits and try to suppress the vote. how sad and pathetic these money mongers are.
Thanks for that. Of course, the progressives understand that, but the rednecks that you are talking to never will.
So you think single-payer won't work, even though other capitalist societies have done it without great problem.
Keep in mind, it was the "free-market" mindset of mostly Republicans (some Democrats, too, I'm assuming) who perverted the original single-payer proposal into this bastardized version known as the ACA.
Your conclusions are not well founded, IMO.
I know a single-payer system won't work and it doesn't matter in the least even if it could. The Federal government has no authority under the Constitution to enact such a system, even if the populace wants it. Not without an amendment. Not even the SCOTUS could make that dog hunt by calling it a tax or some other bullshit. But, why let that stop you now? One more unqualified, liberal douchebag judge and you and the ilk like you can have it all.
Well, I would, but it's the internet, moreover, it's a pot site on the internet. As a result I keep actual photographs of myself away.
Besides, in the event that I did, you could just as easily charge that it was fake, since after all, it is the internet.
When you did it, we had no doubt it was real, outside of a bbw lovers website, who would fake the picture you showed us? No body.
What is this original single payer proposal you speak of? Obama never proposed any kind of single payer system, so obviously Republicans had nothing to do with bastardizing it. Obama explicitly dismissed single payer as "hugely disruptive" and dropped the task of writing his healthcare reform on the Democrats in congress, who drafted the ACA in its entirety. The Republicans didn't draft the ACA; they didn't weaken it from what it was; they literally had nothing to do with the ACA, because the Democrats weren't even willing to hear their ideas or compromise anything in the package they created. That's why Republicans universally opposed it when it came up for a vote.
Obviously that was the greatest and most significant failure in Obama's presidency. First, letting congress write the bill was moronic--we got the best healthcare system billions of dollars in insurance/drug company/hospital/doctor lobbying money could buy, even though Obama was hugely popular and could have used that political capital to do better. Second, immediately telling the Republicans "Fuck you, you're out, we don't need your votes, we don't want to talk you, fuck you and go to hell" set the tone for the remainder of Obama's presidency. That dreadful error in leadership has dogged him ever since.