the ER is meant to save your life , not maintain your treatment.

Go in there with a heart attack and they will save your life but you wont end up with the care you need after you get out of the ER. Same with cancer, broken bones and stiches or anything else you went to the ER in the first place.
Got no insurance? Tough shit. Doctor aint taking charity cases today

AKA the best health care system in the entire world. now give me a bible and a gun and let me go pick on a minority.
Sure it works just fine for killing people. With the Liverpool Care Pathway for example old people were terified to go to the hospital as they might be killed to save a few bucks.

from your own article:

"My mum had a very peaceful passing - clearly the LCP can be used to make sure that people can die with dignity and that families are given time and space to come to terms with what's going on," Sam said.
"My Dad says if he becomes terminally ill he wants to go on the LCP like Mum. But he can't, and I think that's a great shame. I certainly don't think it should be dismissed out of hand."

under the LCP was 90-year-old Kathleen Vine. Four months after doctors at a hospital in the south-east of England used it to care for her, she is back at home and in good spirits.

Mrs Vine was taken to hospital with a dislocated shoulder, and a few days after being admitted she developed pneumonia. All I remember is they weren't feeding me. Up above my bed they put 'nil by mouth' and I was begging for food," "Nan didn't want to die, it wouldn't even have been euthanasia. So, as far as we're concerned, it would have felt to us as if our Nan would have been starved to death and killed," Alison said.

She said that when she asked doctors and nurses for food, she was ignored. "I was being left to die. If it hadn't have been for my family I would be dead now. I would just have been another statistic on the books"She was pleading for water. The nurse said 'I've been told I can't give her anything.'"

Cant keep the old- it costs to much-I am sure Obama would have no problem with this
under the LCP was 90-year-old Kathleen Vine. Four months after doctors at a hospital in the south-east of England used it to care for her, she is back at home and in good spirits.

Mrs Vine was taken to hospital with a dislocated shoulder, and a few days after being admitted she developed pneumonia. All I remember is they weren't feeding me. Up above my bed they put 'nil by mouth' and I was begging for food," "Nan didn't want to die, it wouldn't even have been euthanasia. So, as far as we're concerned, it would have felt to us as if our Nan would have been starved to death and killed," Alison said.

She said that when she asked doctors and nurses for food, she was ignored. "I was being left to die. If it hadn't have been for my family I would be dead now. I would just have been another statistic on the books"She was pleading for water. The nurse said 'I've been told I can't give her anything.'"

Cant keep the old- it costs to much-I am sure Obama would have no problem with this

hmmmm, who to believe? a hysterical old lady who doesn't understand that sometimes fluids or food must be limited in order to conduct tests, or an entire building full of medical professionals whose sworn duty it is to make people better rather than kill them....


massive conspiracy theory, or mundane medical explanation? which to believe.

nice try, toolwoman.

Universal healthcare, from the same idiots who brought us the DMV.
No thanks.

Sure it works just fine for killing people. With the Liverpool Care Pathway for example old people were terified to go to the hospital as they might be killed to save a few bucks.

According to a 2013 Fraser Institute report on Canadian wait times, the median wait time stands at 18.2 weeks. While Canadian wait times studies routinely acknowledge that waiting for care risks death or disability, there appear to be no definitive numbers on Canadian deaths attributed to healthcare backlogs.

Do you know why there are no definitive numbers in Canada? Because it isn't a problem like the 45000 (purported) deaths per annum in the US due to lack of insurance. That would imply there are not even 4500 deaths/yr in Canada due to waitlists, by traditional scalar metrics of population.
However, with that said, I suspect there may be some investigation needed in the cardiac waitlists. If there is going to be any problem, that would be highest risk.

Got numbers?
hmmmm, who to believe? a hysterical old lady who doesn't understand that sometimes fluids or food must be limited in order to conduct tests, or an entire building full of medical professionals whose sworn duty it is to make people better rather than kill them....


massive conspiracy theory, or mundane medical explanation? which to believe.

nice try, toolwoman.


According to British doctors hospitals in England kill people for financial reasons.
I suppose as a an Obama sheep you wouldn't know this.
i've had to fast for a day or two before medical test before, were the doctors at kaiser permanente trying to kill me?
i've had to fast for a day or two before medical test before, were the doctors at kaiser permanente trying to kill me?

Then they were going to save you, so they could charge you double!
It's all a part of that nefarious progressive plan for domination.
So you think single-payer won't work, even though other capitalist societies have done it without great problem.
Keep in mind, it was the "free-market" mindset of mostly Republicans (some Democrats, too, I'm assuming) who perverted the original single-payer proposal into this bastardized version known as the ACA.
Your conclusions are not well founded, IMO.

First off, I don't give a crap what of a bunch of progressives calling themselves Republicans or Democrats did to give us this boondoggle. I'm not a member of either party and hold no allegiance or loyalty to any of them. The fact that not one Republican voted for it and the lies that were required to be told to pass it are very telling.

I know a single-payer system won't work and it doesn't matter in the least even if it could. The Federal government has no authority under the Constitution to enact such a system, even if the populace wants it. Not without an amendment. Not even the SCOTUS could make that dog hunt by calling it a tax or some other bullshit. But, why let that stop you now? One more unqualified, liberal douchebag judge and you and the ilk like you can have it all.

I hope you nitwits get EVERYTHING you want. The sooner the better as far as I'm concerned. I'm one of the fortunate few that will be able to buy my family's well being, regardless of how much people that think like you fuck up the country.
I hope you nitwits get EVERYTHING you want. The sooner the better as far as I'm concerned. I'm one of the fortunate few that will be able to buy my family's well being, regardless of how much people that think like you fuck up the country.

So your point is whatever happens doesn't affect you in any way. Then why are you so unhappy about it?
If it has no bearing on your mode of current existence, everything you posted prior is mere fake outrage.

What's your real motivation here?
The fact that not one Republican voted for it and the lies that were required to be told to pass it are very telling.

Kristol memo to Republicans in 1993

December 2, 1993 - Leading conservative operative William Kristol privately circulates a strategy document to Republicans in Congress. Kristol writes that congressional Republicans should work to "kill" -- not amend -- the Clinton plan because it presents a real danger to the Republican future: Its passage will give the Democrats a lock on the crucial middle-class vote and revive the reputation of the party. Nearly a full year before Republicans will unite behind the "Contract With America," Kristol has provided the rationale and the steel for them to achieve their aims of winning control of Congress and becoming America's majority party. Killing health care will serve both ends. The timing of the memo dovetails with a growing private consensus among Republicans that all-out opposition to the Clinton plan is in their best political interest. Until the memo surfaces, most opponents prefer behind-the-scenes warfare largely shielded from public view. The boldness of Kristol's strategy signals a new turn in the battle. Not only is it politically acceptable to criticize the Clinton plan on policy grounds, it is also politically advantageous. By the end of 1993, blocking reform poses little risk as the public becomes increasingly fearful of what it has heard about the Clinton plan.