Defoliation Experiment - Side by Side Sister Clones


Well-Known Member
lol@ neo using my words against chuck hahaha ..

You are a foolish young man neo.

we know who needs to read around here ;)
It clearly states in the Groweedeasy article not to defoliate plants then flip to 12/12, so I don't get your point as Chuck has clearly not read or understood it?

I keep asking for something from you to read, some evidence to prove your theory?

You claim you've tried defoliation and it didn't work, but you 'forgot' to take any pictures which would have shut us leaf plucker's up once and for all!!!


Well-Known Member
the two lights/rooms idea someone had is not a bad idea to rectify this though.
Hey hey someone noticed my idea. I know that this would be way more work but I feel it is the only way to do a true comparison grow. Then you can not say the defol plant is stealing the control plant's growing "mojo". Plus like I said before you could keep the light closer to the defol's since that is clearly a point of contention in this thread. I just do not see how you do not look at an uneven canopy as a variable since you are either going to fry the control trying to keep the light close to the defol'd or the defol'd is gonna stretch and get leggy as hell to catch up with its untouched brethren. Bottom line is only way I see this going well with no cry of foul play is divided growing areas. Will 1 defoliated plant measure up to 1 untouched plant? Probably not is the same room together, they want different things, but same type of environment (light, temp, CO2 if any) then its anybody's game if you ask me.
Have not tried defoliating (what I think is defoliating) but I do a fair amount of trimming and can speak to the fact that my plants take off when the roots only have to feed 50 bud sites instead of 100 so I am a fan of pruning in veg and it has its benefits, but it does slow the plant down. This is not everyones goal but fore me I need my plants to take a lil sequester from non stop growth or I would be overrun with foliage lol. Here is a pic of what I trimmed up this weekend, give ya the before and after
2014-03-07 17.19.31.jpg2014-03-09 18.06.34.jpg2014-03-09 18.06.59.jpg2014-03-09 18.06.53.jpg
*DISCLAIMER* I am not a defoliator but I do like to touch lil plants from time to time....

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
I have done the math obviously you haven't
more nodes(aka bud sites) closer to light think thats bad......atypical multiple main branch plannts...also bad for you

interersting, i think i understand

how many cycles a year do you run if i may ask ?


Active Member
Well keep on defoliating and paying for the extra electricity for the plant to recoupe back to normal, I know where I'm investing my money with more sheep lining up!


Active Member
more nodes(aka bud sites) closer to light think thats bad......atypical multiple main branch plannts...also bad for you

interersting, i think i understand

how many cycles a year do you run if i may ask ?
6 cycles a year like clock work and I don't spend extra time pulling leaves off my plants.


New Member
What if I add one more plant, a second "defoliatus". I will keep one bottom level and one canopy. Don't worry, during the test I will keep even light distribution. If we generate enough interest I will put the room on a live feed throughout the experiment.

Sound good?

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Hey hey someone noticed my idea. I know that this would be way more work but I feel it is the only way to do a true comparison grow. Then you can not say the defol plant is stealing the control plant's growing "mojo". Plus like I said before you could keep the light closer to the defol's since that is clearly a point of contention in this thread. I just do not see how you do not look at an uneven canopy as a variable since you are either going to fry the control trying to keep the light close to the defol'd or the defol'd is gonna stretch and get leggy as hell to catch up with its untouched brethren. Bottom line is only way I see this going well with no cry of foul play is divided growing areas. Will 1 defoliated plant measure up to 1 untouched plant? Probably not is the same room together, they want different things, but same type of environment (light, temp, CO2 if any) then its anybody's game if you ask me.
View attachment 3020169
Have not tried defoliating (what I think is defoliating) but I do a fair amount of trimming and can speak to the fact that my plants take off when the roots only have to feed 50 bud sites instead of 100 so I am a fan of pruning in veg and it has its benefits, but it does slow the plant down. This is not everyones goal but fore me I need my plants to take a lil sequester from non stop growth or I would be overrun with foliage lol. Here is a pic of what I trimmed up this weekend, give ya the before and after
View attachment 3020174View attachment 3020175View attachment 3020178View attachment 3020179
*DISCLAIMER* I am not a defoliator but I do like to touch lil plants from time to time....
yep, prune in veg and around two weeks into flower for hid grown plants. eazy peazy the structure of the plants in that last pic is close to what I shoot for.
although much thicker and more full due to hid instead of led...other than that...LIKE

and I end up with all nice colas and very little popcorn.

Of course I only due this for my large moms... not as an entire grow. I like to be able to get something out of my moms every several months instead of just throwing them out and starting new ones.


Active Member
Do what you have to professor I've grown for long enough to understand what happens when you defol a plant that heavily.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
What if I add one more plant, a second "defoliatus". I will keep one bottom level and one canopy. Don't worry, during the test I will keep even light distribution. If we generate enough interest I will put the room on a live feed throughout the experiment.

Sound good?

sounds GREAT! Live feed...that will dispel the naysayers and people who think you are cheating somehow...Like me perhaps :?



Well-Known Member
why the fuck would I take pics of an underperforming plant newb?

and btw...i don't post pics.

Yes I'm new to the forum in comparison to you, your point is?

You talk the talk but don't walk the walk, forums are full of people like you.


Why are you even posting in this thread, you don't think it works and that's fine. We understand that is your point of view and you won't provide any information to back your claim. I think you've made your point now so why not go and troll another thread so we can concentrate on having a grown up discussion?

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Yes I'm new to the forum in comparison to you, your point is?

You talk the talk but don't walk the walk, forums are full of people like you.


Why are you even posting in this thread, you don't think it works and that's fine. We understand that is your point of view and you won't provide any information to back your claim. I think you've made your point now so why not go and troll another thread so we can concentrate on having a grown up discussion?
This thread is suppose to be about the professor's results, not your butthurt little need for some kind of proof. Just STFU and let's see what happens.


New Member
Do what you have to professor I've grown for long enough to understand what happens when you defol a plant that heavily.
For the record I do not defoliate. This all started because I trim my mother plants. I half the leafs. Then after the topic was brought up I thought, "sure this could be a good experiment and could provide documentation either way". It will be run fair and I will provide all findings and records.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
@neo..cuz i'ma do what i want ;)

happy now?

the real question is why are you posting here? You know it the world. walk the walk

throw up some pics of your awesome plants


Well-Known Member
Ya the LED's is part of the reason why I have to thin so often, gotta aim for a flat canopy and do not leave anything growing 16in. below the canopy. Kinda back handed comment with the stature thing but its whatever lol, never expecting to here a compliment from hid growers so any recognition of having done something right is fine by me. FYI only reason they look a lil thin in the stem dept is cus I have been lax on the supercropping cuz been busy cropping out one of my flowering tents, and the one on the left got split in half when I got to aggressive tieing her down (oops first time for everything). Anyways carry on with the poo flining fellas be waiting for this experiment to get under way.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
For the record I do not defoliate. This all started because I trim my mother plants. I half the leafs. Then after the topic was brought up I thought, "sure this could be a good experiment and could provide documentation either way". It will be run fair and I will provide all findings and records.

I only half the leaves on my clones..and this is to prevent wilt. Why would you do it on the mother?

Not trolling, serious question.