Democrats Pull Political Stunt to Cover IRS Scandal


Well-Known Member
I watched the hearing more than a few times, this is what I got out of it.

After repeatedly taking her 5th amendment right against self incrimination, it was clear Lois Lerner was not going to testify, so the hearing was adjourned.
Rep Elijah Cummings went on to say that he had a procedural question, with a little posturing and hesitation, Darrel Issa agreed to let EC ask his question.
But there was no question, instead he went into full meltdown, blaming the republicans of attacking the administration, that the investigation was a political allusion.
He went on to bring fox news into his rant, this was no procedural question. It was nothing but political grandstanding to redirect the focus from the IRS scandal nd portray it as a republican witch hunt.

What is shocking to me is the fact that Lois Lerner (IRS) takes the 5th amendment and a ranking member on the committee on government oversight and reform wants to claim the investigation is a political stunt. Then why is Lois Lerner taking the 5th, if she has nothing to hide, why not cooperate?

I can hear the media now, no doubt they will try to turn this into something about race.

What mystifies me is people really fall for this horse shit.

i know, i'm right there with ya.

how silly is it that the right has manufactured a scandal where none exists and so many racist idiots like you and winter woman fall over themselves in apoplectic rage?

i mean, we all know that this whole thing got started when a "conservative republican" IRS employee flagged certain groups for extra scrutiny. we found that out when mr. cummings released the FULL transcripts, not the partial and redacted ones that jackass issa released.

hell, mr. cummings even gave that jackass issa every chance to release the full transcripts himself, but he wouldn't because he was hiding the truth on purpose.

why was issa purposely hiding the full truth?

because this whole thing is manufactured drama by obama derangement syndrome racists like yourself.

and that's the full explanation.
The republicans invented the IRS scandal

now you've finally got it right.

[h=1]'Conservative Republican' at IRS defends treatment of Tea Party[/h]
John Shafer, who described himself as "a conservative Republican," told congressional investigators he flagged the first application for tax-exempt status from a Tea Party-aligned group that he and a lower-level agent came across in February 2010 because it was a new, high-profile issue.
Asked if the lower-level agent sought to elevate the case to Washington because he disagreed with Tea Party politics, Shafer said that was not the case.
"We never, never discussed any political, personal aspirations whatsoever," he said, according to a transcript of his testimony reviewed by Reuters on Tuesday.
The Shafer transcript was released by the top Democrat on the House of Representatives committee leading a probe of the IRS, Representative Elijah Cummings
The look on his face is hilarious, I wish the text didn't cover it, but I was in a hurry. Oh hai catshit. Are you up to three boxes yet?
gee, i wonder why issa would refuse to release the full transcript?


just kidding, we all know why.

Representative Darrell Issa, the Republican chairman of the committee, has released excerpts from some interviews with IRS workers, but resisted calls to release the full transcripts.
The look on his face is hilarious, I wish the text didn't cover it, but I was in a hurry. Oh hai catshit. Are you up to three boxes yet?

hey racist!

got any more pictures of buds that we can literally see through (despite your shitty trim job) to prove how awesome that filthy utility closet is at growing?

i guess it's all you can afford in your shitty little one bedroom apartment world.
Aww he's still mad. Have fun being angry I can't laugh at you today its 66 degrees outside.

if i was a grown man living in a tiny apartment growing airy buds in a filthy utility closet, i'd probably have nothing better to celebrate either.
I see you're still a pathalogical liar. Looks like you're also happy too, good to hear. Rofl, such an angry little man.
It's a fake scandal, but Lois Lerner takes the 5th amendment, explain that one.

the constitution.

can you explain why issa refused to release the full transcripts that shows that this was started by a "conservative republican" at the IRS, rather than an edict from the white house?

thanks again, beenthere.
It's a fake scandal, but Lois Lerner takes the 5th amendment, explain that one.

You do know that pleading the 5th doesn't mean you're guilty of the charges against you, right? She may be guilty of something that would have come up when they started digging.
You do know that pleading the 5th doesn't mean you're guilty of the charges against you, right? She may be guilty of something that would have come up when they started digging.

When it comes to operating the IRS, there is NO g'damn reason ANY of those motherfuckers should HAVE to plead the 5th.


Matter of fact, that goes for any g'damn government agency, and if any one of those bastards opts to "plead the 5th", than those motherfuckers need to be out the door and sent back to whence they came.