Javadog's Next Adventure


Well-Known Member
No, I am kinda new. :0)

I have The Dog, Sour Cherry, and Cheese Surprise in the tent,
and Blue Pit, Engineer's Dream, Deep Psychosis, and
ED X Deep Blue (Jake's Dream) in the Veg area.

I think that I will have to work with the seeds that I have
for a while. I still have the DNA Lemon Skunk to start. :0)

I also have Old Timer's Haze hiding back there somewhere.

LOL, I need to have my IRL better together before I start
a breed that will take six months to finish.

Take care,



Well-Known Member
kinda new my ass ur a beast my friend dont sell ur self short, dna lemon skunk one of the first strain i ran was straight dank has a great lemon flavor to


Well-Known Member
LOL Thanks Bro.

I am new to BB though, and loving their stuff. Good dudes too.

Too bad about the 600 Club though. LOL



Well-Known Member
Oh JD still aint in the 600+
Then ill have to show you what i made today :) Dog Rick Simpson Oil. for mother in law. She has inflamation in the nerve endings(not shure its translated correct) among other painful things. Hope its not to strong.
Lemon Skunk is very underrated! Its all time favorite whoever tastes it. Mine is ghs and thats a bad rep in itself. Doesnt change the flower though. Dang i love me Lemon :)
View attachment 3007272


Well-Known Member
Nice work!

I am very happy that your Mom has you there to help.

I will pop one of the Lemon Skunks, and soon, but I need to clear a
few breeds. I have about 10 that need sexing and up-potting.

I have a few that at fem and will proceed apace. These include
a Dinafem Cheese, a G13 Purple Haze, and the Soma NYCD.

I am checking the clones for roots this afternoon, and look forward
to putting a few more into the tent to force sex.

The Blue Pit worked in about a week. I have an Engineers Dream in there
now, and hope to add a Panama and Purple Haze....I want to flower
some insane Ace genetics. :0)

More photos later.



Well-Known Member
Good morning all.

After getting Blue Pit to show her tits by hanging her in the
corner of the tent, I wanted to get a few other breeds to show.

LOL, I had to get creative, as I already have the Engineer's Dream
in the other corner (and am only using the two corners on the
side of the tent that the door is in):


These two are Smelly Cherry and Jack's Cleaner 2. This is my second try with both,
as I got males for both previously. They were reeeeallly strong males though.

This is my last JC2 bean, so cross your fingers. :0)

Onward and upward,



Well-Known Member
Thanks team.

I went ahead an up-potted the Blue Pit:

This is a very stinky plant in Veg. This is a nice sign.
You can see that I buried this one deep. The next slots
in the flowering tent are already taken (more on this later)
and this baby seems to grow pretty fast.

I made a point of pre-charging the hempy material with a
small amount of Plantone fertilizer, for the bacterial units,
and some mycos to add good fungi.

I add very little. It is just to give the medium some flavor
for the plant to enjoy. :0)

OK, here is the Veg closet this evening:

Both the Purple Wreck and the Sour Cherry #2, hidden at the end of
the closet, are going to go into the tent next, along with the Holy Grail Kush
that you can see above on the far left.

So, you can see the main effort try to have
plants perfectly Vegged at the moment a slot becomes free.

The first flowered BB breeds (The Dog, Sour Cherry #1, Cheese Surprise)
will come out in about three weeks.

Then, two weeks later, the Ace Of Spades and Trainwreck #1 will come
out...and which will be the two then is really hard to know for certain.

The two oldest at that point will be the Green Crack (under the HGK,
on the left in the top photo) and the Trainwreck #2 on the far right.

....but this means that every other plant will be getting at least six more
weeks, as there will be two more weeks until the next slots are free again.

The Blue Pit just might get out of control. We will see.

Just to complete the set, here is the clone table:

Onward and upward,



Well-Known Member
Thank you TC. I will sit there and watch them....trying to
figure out what's what.

I have seen them slowed by my initial foray into dry nutes,
and then rebound with extra vigor after the initial shock.

I am seeing them vary in their reactions to their env.

The Super Lemon Haze started off as a genetic mutant,
shooting straight up so fast that I just chopped it off at
the knees, then it up and died in pissed off reaction to
what I had done. As if in revenge, the clones also were
slow to take and then slow growers. Finally, I have a clone
up-potted to a 5 gallon hempy and it is starting to take off. watch, as it will start the rocket-growth shit again. :0)

I just got done feeding the ladies in the tent. I added a ton
of Fertilome Triple Action plus and then used my mister
to dispense the material, directly onto the hempy material's
surface. Nothing was put on the plants. This was done to
control the gnats. They are not a problem for me, but stuff
like this is probably why.

Onward and upward,



Well-Known Member
I hesitate to even post these, as they do zero justice to
what wonderful little shrubs both the Trainwreck #1 and
Sour Cherry #1 have turned into:

I also noticed that Bubba Bush is growing right out of the light:
Bubba Bush Hits The Dark! .jpg

The stretch is fully done on this one, and I might just see of I can
make it without having to take the lights off their pull-ups, to be hung
directly from the ceiling, to make more space.

Onward and upward,



Well-Known Member
Thanks BW!

LOL, I am doing pretty well, but not big enough to need this yet:

It is being offered on Craigslist. (it is a giant bud trimmer)




Well-Known Member
if u ever do some outdoor treez u will probably need that have like 10 5 pound each treez oh yeah i cant wait for spring to get here im going to do some major gorilla growing this year and i just took my room apart i plain on makeing it bigger and sealing it up all the way to keep all my co2 in, im going to add another 1000 watter to so ill be up to 3000 watt, i want to do half hydro and half soil and veg until there 4 feet and have like 6-7 foot monsters, im going big this round


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, checked the trichs of the Cheese Surprise this morning. Clears.

I am indeed looking at a full 9 or maybe 10 weeks on these three BB plants.

No worries. I am not taking them until the stink cracks the windows. :0)



Well-Known Member
The funny thing is that Ace Of Spades is reported to take 8 weeks.

...and it is looking like this might be true...

This would have it finishing at the same time as the BB breeds!

I am fairly certain that I will be giving it an extra week, but the trichs will tell.



Well-Known Member
Nice Grow man yet again.
JD I don't know there are times I wish I had a auto trimmer I mean to use for a hour not to buy the good ones are crazy, the money they want for them.