Could Christ Be Elected President?

What makes people think there even was a Jesus? I know a completely different story. It is the oh so suppressed story and there is research and studies written back in the 1700s even. But, you see how successful this cult has been to re-write history.

It was all a convoluted political plot, that backfired, seems to me. Instead of "Don't blame the Jews, it was these Baptists." Instead of, "It wasn't Herods fault," as the Piso Family insisted. The Cult ended up turning on the Jews forever.

It morphed into blame the Jews as a scapegoat of the world. But, it started as just Roman politics over a period of about 150 years. Those are the dusty years, where, no one is quite sure what happened0 beyond the Lion food. And the "evidence" turns out to be tampered with. And it has been contested since the Dark Ages, when you could simply be burned for "not believing." By 200 AD, this cult was burning out Jews all over.

It is a made up dangerous notion of power and control over the affairs of men. A war cult quite actually.

Peter screwed the pooch on this literally because he was a Baptist that believed the End was Near. He created the Jewish Cult of Christos. It means simply Inner Self, from the Greek. He preached the women of Rome should not conceive. And should not serve their husbands, since the End was Here. And instead, they should come and be celibate and serve his way of gay manliness, Apocalyptic Pray, that exists to this day, as the Catholic Church.

They Cruxed Peter upside down. And the Piso, powerful in the Senate but opposed, could not let this be a Jewish Problem, since they backed Herod.

So, they back rolled the story about 40 years, and built up a cred from a lot of myth around the Baptists. Yeah, there was this guy, and he was.....he was....Cruxed upright, yeah perfect. Don't blame Herod. Yeah, Pilot did it....right. Oh and Josephus, he talked about it.

The Acts of Pilot and the writings of Josephus, are clearly embellished. Earlier copies have been found. Other writing such as the Deal Sea Scrolls and the Essene gospels are so exaggerated they seem to contradict the entire thing.

There were a lot of stories in those days, but the Romans keep careful records as all empires must. All of Pilot's executions and punishments are recorded and collaborated, but there is no listing of 2 criminals and Jew, at the same time.

By the time it got to Constantine, he made it his state Region and got one Monk to edit down the story, so it didn't contain Jesus as a child Warlock and such. After a few years, we have the New Test. "See, there was this guy....."

Still Christo is very much something. Know self. You don't need the ego club to hide behind.
dude you can be a great person with revolutionary ideas and change the world for the better without being jesus!!!! you could be LIKE jesus but i dont know why you feel the need to associate yourself with christ!! it just comes off a little crazy especially when you say you are agnostic

I dont believe Im Jesus, I believe Im Christ and I have My proof and evidence... Check out My signature in the origional post.

Why cant Christ be Agnostic? Agnosticism is the only logical, rational, and reasonable position when it comes to God, I simply dont know if God exists or not. I hope God exists but I dont KNOW; where is the evidence for God? But there is plenty of evidence for Me and Im claiming to be Christ.

Check out both links in My signature in My OP and then we can talk.

I dont believe Im Jesus, I believe Im Christ and I have My proof and evidence... Check out My signature in the origional post.Why cant Christ be Agnostic? Agnosticism is the only logical, rational, and reasonable position when it comes to God, I simply dont know if God exists or not. I hope God exists but I dont KNOW; where is the evidence for God? But there is plenty of evidence for Me and Im claiming to be Christ.Check out both links in My signature in My OP and then we can talk.~PEACE~
I don't believe I'm Peter Rabbit, I believe I'm the Easter bunny. I have chocolate eggs and a basket to prove it. The eggs taste good, I just wish I had more jelly beans.
we already have a black christ elected as president....

you're too late man.

Okay, lets forget about Jesus.
but I want to talk about the REAL Christ- Me!

They're coming to take me away "Ha-Ha"...
They're coming to take me away.....preferred the flip side...
Sounds just like christ... I mean jesus christ is that you?[video=youtube;l-lJZiqZaGA][/video]
The Mormons claim Jesus was born in the USA. lol

Jesus could not be president as he tells the truth.
Unlike other politicians.

Jesus couldnt be the President because hes dead, unless someone can PROVE Me otherwise.

On the other hand, I am alive, Im claiming to be Christ- the Savior. I was born in the USA, theoretically, I could be the President of the USA but I highly doubt it. Plus, I would rather be the King of the world.

Jesus couldnt be the President because hes dead, unless someone can PROVE Me otherwise.

On the other hand, I am alive, Im claiming to be Christ- the Savior. I was born in the USA, theoretically, I could be the President of the USA but I highly doubt it. Plus, I would rather be the King of the world.


you could claim to be napoleon bonaparte, alexander the great, or the king of old siam.

it doesnt matter.
crazy people say crazy shit, jesus was a mythological chracter, and claiming to BE a mythological character is either a sign of mental instability or a craven desire for attention.

given the tortured manner by which you parse your "christness" i can only assume you really really really want some attention.
Jesus couldnt be the President because hes dead, unless someone can PROVE Me otherwise.

On the other hand, I am alive, Im claiming to be Christ- the Savior. I was born in the USA, theoretically, I could be the President of the USA but I highly doubt it. Plus, I would rather be the King of the world.


I hope you realize you can be quite mistreated by the true Christians. Many in history were able to able to figure that out. Joan of Arc, your average babbling old gal, Jews, desirable young girls.

This talk could bring a little ole informal Inquisition on your head, by Bubba and his toothless friend.

Go into a Baptist church and say that. They probably already have a rope, handy.

So, you are tell us, child, that if you claim this, you can run for President as New York City???? (get a rope)
I'd vote for Christ tomorrow! I hear that guy can turn water into Wine!!! Where's he hanging at nowadays?
I'd vote for Christ tomorrow! I hear that guy can turn water into Wine!!! Where's he hanging at nowadays?

Im hanging out in Massachusetts, noadays.

At least I would have one vote, lol.

I cant turn water into wine, I can create a paradise if I was the King of the world.

Im hanging out in Massachusetts, noadays.

At least I would have one vote, lol.

I cant turn water into wine, I can create a paradise if I was the King of the world.


If he was "King of the World" - minorities, and women be on guard. Oh, and anyone that doesn't agree with the KKT-Party, seek shelter immediately....
George, I'm certain that (even if none of it AFTER age 28 was included) your mental history would insure you didn't get far in this particular endeavor.

Yeah, but its fun to dream.

If I were the King of the world, I would terraform this planet into paradise and the moon and mars too, to start off.

You have no idea what I would be capable of if I were the King of the world.

If he was "King of the World" - minorities, and women be on guard. Oh, and anyone that doesn't agree with the KKT-Party, seek shelter immediately....

Whats "KKT-Party"?

Why would women and minorities need to be on guard?

Im not racist or sexist, Im actually open minded.

Yeah, but its fun to dream.

If I were the King of the world, I would terraform this planet into paradise and the moon and mars too, to start off.

You have no idea what I would be capable of if I were the King of the world.



"You haz no idea what I r capable of" - King of duh World
you could claim to be napoleon bonaparte, alexander the great, or the king of old siam.

it doesnt matter.
crazy people say crazy shit, jesus was a mythological chracter, and claiming to BE a mythological character is either a sign of mental instability or a craven desire for attention.

given the tortured manner by which you parse your "christness" i can only assume you really really really want some attention.

Please mate, you may not believe in Jesus , or that he (jesus) is the son of god , thats your opinion ,but he was a real person not a myth and that is a fact ,he is a real historical figure, a real person
I just like to dream, Pinworm.

Im an aspiring "King of duh World".

I might have a chance to be the DEAD King of the world, after I die, lol. Kind of like "Jesus" is today.


Oh! Well. Comparing one's self to Jeebus. That's pretty cool, actually. And, using air quotes was just some icing on the irony cake. Yewnaohazmyrespect.