Lake County 'right to grow plants' proposed ballot measure should be state wide...


Well-Known Member
its still in the organizing stage in lake co, but its better than anything being considered at the state level and its worlds apart from the fed aproved con jobs going on in WaCo...

The Lake County 'Right to Grow Plants' Human Rights Initiative.Whereas on this day in the State of California the people of the County of Lake do hereby find that:

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for people to reaffirm and reestablish the fundamental human rights that they are naturally endowed, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's origins entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of humankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to come forward in the reestablishment of those rights.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all humans are created equal, that they are naturally endowed with certain Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,
--That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to re-declare and reestablish the inherent human rights that would intrinsically correct such governmental negligence, and to reconstitute such in a form as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness, and in accordance with the 9th amendment of the constitution of the United State of America:
Amendment IX
"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."
Whereas disregard and contempt for certain human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of humankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people, it has become necessary to reaffirm and specifically constitute that:
(section) 1.
Humans are naturally endowed with the fundamental right to posses the seeds of and partner with and grow the plants of this earth for their own uses as individuals in pursuit of life and in effort to live, and that such basic human rights exist and are held in perpetuity outside of the constitutional responsibility of government to protect an individuals right to engage in commerce.
(section) 2.
Should any neighbor complaints arise as an official complaint to the county as a result of individuals exercising the rights as described in section 1., (not withstanding any effected party choosing to seek remedy and or reparations by way of litigation through civil proceedings), all the effected parties shall be directed to mediation provided for by the County of Lake, and if resolution between the effected parties cannot be achieved in a reasonable effort to mediate, the effected parties shall then continue mediation at their own expense (to be equally divided between the effected parties) until a resolution between the parties can be agreed upon, or until the effected parties agree to withdraw from mediation.
All who exercise the rights described in section 1., shall take care to prevent environmental destruction, and are responsible to mitigate any possible foreseen negative impacts on the natural environments of the County, and all persons who fail or neglect such practices shall be subject to the authority of any County of Lake ordinance(s) that would provide reasonable remedy.
(section) 3.
All County, State or Federal criminal laws that exist in conflict with individuals exercising the human rights as described in section 1., are to be set aside unless it can be determined that the individual circumstance is occurring within the context of 'commerce' related activities as defined herein,
--For the expressed purposes of this document the word "commerce" shall be taken to mean:
'The buying and selling of goods in any form, as between individual humans, and in direct reference to the exchange of United States currency (or other such legally recognized tender) for such goods or services,'
we have about a week to finalize the wording on this proposed ballot measure if it is to have any chance of meeting all the scheduling and signature requirements etc and getting on the november ballot for lake county...heres the latest version
(ps..because of the low turn out in the last governors race we only need 2,115 valid sigs in our county lol = prolly a good opportunity for ballot measures in every cali county))

Lake County 'Freedom to Grow Plants' Human Rights Initiative 11564,
Whereas on this day in the State of California the people of the County of Lake do hereby find and declare that:
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for people to reaffirm and reestablish the fundamental human rights that they are naturally endowed, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's origins entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of humankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to come forward in the reestablishment of those rights.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all humans are created equal, that they are naturally endowed with certain Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness,
--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,
--That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to re-declare and reestablish the inherent human rights that would intrinsically correct such governmental negligence, and to reconstitute such in a form as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness, and in accordance with the 9th amendment of the Constitution of the United State of America:
Amendment IX,
"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."
--Whereas disregard and contempt for certain human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of humankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people, it has become necessary to reaffirm and specifically constitute that:
(section) 1.
Humans are naturally endowed with the fundamental right to partner with the soil and posses the seeds of, and partner with, and grow the plants of this earth for their own uses as individuals in pursuit of life and in effort to live, and that such basic human rights exist and are held in perpetuity outside of the constitutional responsibility of government to protect an individuals right to engage in commerce.
All County of Lake residents who exercise the rights described in section 1., and are compliant with section 2.(a), and are gardening outside (outdoor) or in green houses, are exempt from any county permitting or other county ordinances that would limit an individuals home gardening efforts in conjunction with section 1.
The County of Lake shall encourage and cooperate with people exercising the rights described in section 1 in every way available, and individuals exercising such rights in effort to grow food for their own consumption shall be exempt from paying for the portion of their water use that goes to water such food gardens, and such exemptions are to be determined based on garden size and the reasonable amount of water it takes to maintain such, and also based on the physical increase in water usage that exceeds the normal average water usage of the particular household without a food garden.
(section) 2.
Should neighbor complaints that are not related to section 2.(a), or are not related to a specific medically verifiable toxic health risk to the public, arise as an official complaint to the county as a result of individuals exercising the rights as described in section 1., (not withstanding any effected party choosing to seek remedy and or reparations by way of litigation through civil proceedings), all the effected parties shall be directed to mediation provided for by the County of Lake, and if resolution between the effected parties cannot be achieved in a reasonable effort to mediate, the effected parties shall then continue mediation at their own expense (to be equally divided between the effected parties) until a resolution between the parties can be agreed upon, or until the effected parties agree to withdraw from mediation.
All who exercise the rights described in section 1., shall take reasonable care to prevent environmental destruction, and are responsible to mitigate any possible foreseen negative impacts on the natural environments, and all persons who neglect such practices shall be subject to the authority of any County of Lake ordinance(s) that would provide reasonable remedy, but such remedies are to be used to help individuals come into compliance with this section and not to unreasonably burden individuals who exercise the rights described in section 1., and the County of Lake Environmental Health department shall administer over individual circumstances that may arise due to non compliance with this section as well as section 2.(b)
If an individual's income qualifies for the low income standards of the county, then the county shall assist in an individuals effort to comply with section 2.(a) by mitigating the costs of any such remedies, but shall not do so in cases where the environmental damage is occurring from an individuals use of non organic gardening chemicals including but not limited to pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and fertilizers, and the county shall retain the authority to limit the use of such chemicals if such a remedy is applicable to the circumstance(s).
(section) 3.
All County, State or Federal criminal laws that exist in conflict with individuals exercising the human rights as described in section 1., (and not withstanding an individual in violation of using illegal chemicals including but not limited to pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and fertilizers), are to be set aside unless it can be determined that the individual circumstance is occurring within the context of 'commerce' related activities as defined herein,
--For the expressed purposes of this document the word "commerce" shall be taken to mean:
The buying and selling of goods in any form, as between individual humans, and in direct reference to the exchange of United States currency (or other such legally recognized tender) for such goods or services.
here is the final version that is likely to be submitted to the county sometime next week...
due to the conflict of law that arises between county and state it may not be accepted by the county council for the sig gathering process...

-Lake County 'Freedom to Grow Plants' Human Rights Initiative 11564-
Whereas on this day of November 4, 2014, in the State of California, the people of the County of Lake do hereby find and declare that:
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for people to reaffirm and reestablish the fundamental human rights that they are naturally endowed, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's origins entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of humankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to come forward in the reestablishment of those rights.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all humans are created equal, that they are naturally endowed with certain Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness,
--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,
--That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to re-declare and reestablish the inherent human rights that would intrinsically correct such governmental negligence, and to reconstitute such in a form as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness, and in accordance with the 9th amendment of the Constitution of the United State of America:
Amendment IX,
"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."
And, also in accordance with the California State Constitution's Article 1 Declaration of Rights:
Section 21., ...
"This declaration of rights may not be construed to impair or deny others retained by the people."
--Whereas disregard and contempt for certain human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of humankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people, it has become necessary to reaffirm and specifically constitute that:

(section) 1.
Humans are naturally endowed with the fundamental right to partner with the soil and posses the seeds of, and partner with, and grow the plants of this earth for their own uses as individuals in pursuit of life and in effort to live, and that such basic human rights exist and are held in perpetuity outside of the constitutional responsibility of government to protect an individuals right to engage in commerce.
(section) 1.(a)
All County of Lake residents who exercise the rights described in section 1., and are compliant with section 2.(a), and are gardening outside (outdoor) or in green houses, are exempt from any county permitting or other county ordinances that would limit an individuals home gardening efforts in conjunction with section 1.
(section) 1.(b)
The County of Lake shall encourage and cooperate with people exercising the rights described in section 1 in every way available, and individuals exercising such rights in effort to grow food for their own consumption shall be exempt from paying for the portion of their water use that goes to water such food gardens, and such exemptions are to be determined based on garden size and the reasonable amount of water it takes to maintain such, and also based on the physical increase in water usage that exceeds the normal average water usage of the particular household without a food garden.
(section) 2.
Should neighbor complaints that are not related to section 2.(a), or are not related to a specific medically verifiable toxic health risk to the public arise as an official complaint to the county as a result of individuals exercising the rights as described in section 1., (not withstanding any effected party choosing to seek remedy and or reparations by way of litigation through civil proceedings), all the effected parties shall be directed to mediation provided for by the County of Lake, and if resolution between the effected parties cannot be achieved in a reasonable effort to mediate, the effected parties shall then continue mediation at their own expense (to be equally divided between the effected parties) until a resolution between the parties can be agreed upon, or until the effected parties agree to withdraw from mediation.
(section) 2.(a)
All who exercise the rights described in section 1., shall take reasonable care to prevent environmental destruction, and are responsible to mitigate any possible foreseen negative impacts on the natural environments, and all persons who neglect such practices shall be subject to the authority of any County of Lake ordinance(s) that would provide reasonable remedy, but such remedies are to be used to help individuals come into compliance with this section and not to unreasonably burden individuals who exercise the rights described in section 1.
(section) 2.(b)
The County of Lake Environmental Health department shall administer over individual circumstances that may arise due to non compliance with section 2., section 2.(a), and section 2.(c), but all such administrative authority and 'compliance checks' shall be restricted to circumstances where a verifiable neighbor complaint has been officially registered with the county, and such authority shall not be blanketly imposed on those who exercise the rights as described in section 1., or 1.(a).
(section) 2(c)
If an individual's income qualifies for the low income standards of the county, then the county shall assist in an individuals effort to comply with section 2.(a) by mitigating the costs of any such remedies, but shall not do so in cases where the environmental damage is occurring from an individuals use of non organic gardening chemicals including but not limited to pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and fertilizers, and the County of Lake retains the authority to limit the use of such chemicals if such a remedy is applicable to the circumstance(s).
(section) 3.
All County, State and Federal criminal laws that exist in conflict with individuals exercising the human rights as described in section 1., (and not withstanding an individual in violation of using illegal gardening chemicals including but not limited to certain pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and fertilizers), are to be set aside unless it can be determined that the individual circumstance is occurring within the context of 'commerce' related activities as defined herein,
--For the expressed purposes of this document the word "commerce" shall be taken to mean:
The buying and selling of goods in any form, as between individual humans, and in direct reference to the exchange of United States currency (or other such legally recognized tender) for such goods or services.
(section) 3.(a)
If any provision of this Initiative or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of the Initiative which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this Initiative are severable. The People of the County of Lake hereby declare that we would have adopted this Initiative irrespective of the invalidity of any particular portion thereof.
damn read like 300 words then got bored

laws are boring until they either kick your ass or save it...

looks like it addresses personal rights, (already stated in State and Federal law), not so much about cannabis.

The County of Lake shall encourage and cooperate with people exercising the rights described in section 1 in every way available, and individuals exercising such rights in effort to grow food for their own consumption shall be exempt from paying for the portion of their water use that goes to water such food gardens, and such exemptions are to be determined based on garden size and the reasonable amount of water it takes to maintain such, and also based on the physical increase in water usage that exceeds the normal average water usage of the particular household without a food garden.

plan on growing a few acres of cannabis/food and have someone else pay for the water? Dude, you are talking a 5000% rate increase in the water bill to break even.. Showers and toilets would be done above their garden to claim its for food. Who's to declare that the water is not going to waste, a mediator? oh geez, busy much during when everyone will be trying to get free water by growing food or whatever, human food,? cannabis? major drought in Cali.. IDK..

Sorry dude, it needs to go back to the drawing board before I would EVER sign that.. I want to see protection in a patients right to grow their own cannabis, I give two fucks about someones dream of having a 500 acre ganja or apple farm and the state picking up the water bill. This bill would be an agricultural nightmare and cost the waste of too much water. Reality.

and are compliant with section 2.(a), and are gardening outside (outdoor) or in green houses, are exempt from any county permitting or other county ordinances that would limit an individuals home gardening efforts in conjunction I have to grow outdoor to be exempt from local ordinance? You need to rethink a few topics, bro. :weed:
looks like it addresses personal rights, (already stated in State and Federal law), not so much about cannabis.

plan on growing a few acres of cannabis/food and have someone else pay for the water? Dude, you are talking a 5000% rate increase in the water bill to break even.. Showers and toilets would be done above their garden to claim its for food. Who's to declare that the water is not going to waste, a mediator? oh geez, busy much during when everyone will be trying to get free water by growing food or whatever, human food,? cannabis? major drought in Cali.. IDK..

Sorry dude, it needs to go back to the drawing board before I would EVER sign that.. I want to see protection in a patients right to grow their own cannabis, I give two fucks about someones dream of having a 500 acre ganja or apple farm and the state picking up the water bill. This bill would be an agricultural nightmare and cost the waste of too much water. Reality. I have to grow outdoor to be exempt from local ordinance? You need to rethink a few topics, bro. :weed:

good points, in fact we struggled with the water sec allot...its not meant for any commercial ops, only food for personal use, in other words not involved in commerce...
the grape growers and other commercial ag get big subsidies on water usage here while we who are growing our own food at home are getting stabbed and robbed over our rates, so much so that most folks cant afford the water for food gardens in my idk either, its a tough one...
truly do appreciate your input, if you think it should drop the water sec or it could be written differently or if you have any other probs with it tell me now cause i need to be turning it in this week, thanks...
ok pSi007 i agree its out of place so i have removed section 1.(b) :)
also yesterday i went to the county elections division and things are looking even better then i had anticipated because apparently the county council does not have the authority to keep it off the ballot, and the only one who can is a judge and that would take the county to file suit against it, which is perfect because either way we will be changing the local discussion about the issue...
planning now to submit to the county on monday...
i've changed some words...kinda pulling my hair out trying to fine tune this before monday...could sure use any other input anyone else has that might help make this a better measure...before monday though would be nice lol...thanks...

---Lake County 'Freedom to Grow Plants' Human Rights Initiative- Ordinance 11564---
Whereas in the State of California, the people of the County of Lake do hereby find and declare that:
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for people to reaffirm and reestablish the fundamental human rights that they are naturally endowed, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's origins entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of humankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to come forward in the reestablishment of those rights.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all humans are created equal, that they are naturally endowed with certain Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness,
--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to re-declare and reestablish the inherent human rights that would intrinsically correct such governmental negligence, and to reconstitute such in a form as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness, and in accordance with the 9th amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America:
Amendment IX, "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.",
And, also in accordance with the California State Constitution's Article 1 Declaration of Rights:
Section 21., ..."This declaration of rights may not be construed to impair or deny others retained by the people.",
And,--Whereas disregard and contempt for certain human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of humankind, and in the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people, it has become necessary to reaffirm and specifically constitute that:
(section) 1.
Humans are naturally endowed with the fundamental right to cultivate and grow the plants of this earth, and posses the seeds thereof, for their own needs as individuals in pursuit of life and in effort to live, and that such basic human rights exist and are held in perpetuity outside of the constitutional responsibility of government to protect an individuals right to engage in commerce.
(section) 1.(a)
All County of Lake residents who exercise the rights described in section 1., and are compliant with section 2.(a), and are gardening outside (outdoor) or in green houses, are exempt from any county permitting or other county ordinances that would limit an individual's home gardening efforts in conjunction with section 1.
(section) 2.
Should neighbor complaints that are not related to section 2.(a), or are not related to a specific medically verifiable toxic health risk to the public arise as an official complaint to the county as a result of an individual(s) exercising the rights as described in section 1., (not withstanding any effected party choosing to seek remedy and or reparations by way of litigation through civil proceedings), all the effected parties shall be directed to mediation provided for by the County of Lake, and if resolution between the effected parties cannot be achieved in a reasonable effort to mediate (to be determined by the mediator), the effected parties shall then continue mediation at their own expense (to be equally divided between the effected parties) until a resolution between the parties can be agreed upon, or until the effected parties agree to withdraw from mediation.
(section) 2.(a)
All who exercise the rights described in section 1., shall take reasonable care to prevent environmental destruction, and are responsible to mitigate any possible foreseen negative impacts on the natural environments, and all persons who neglect such practices shall be subject to the authority designated under section 2.(b) herein, but such remedies are to be used to help individuals come into compliance with this section and not to unreasonably burden individuals who exercise the rights described in section 1.
(section) 2.(b)
The County of Lake Environmental Health department shall administer over individual circumstances that may arise related to section 2., section 2.(a), and section 2.(c) herein, but all such administrative authority and compliance inquiries shall be restricted to circumstances where a verifiable neighbor (or resident of the county) complaint in writing has been officially registered with the county, and such authority shall not be blanketly or randomly imposed on those who exercise the rights as described in section 1., or 1.(a).
(section) 2(c)
If an individual's income qualifies for the low income standards of the county, then the county shall assist in an individual's effort to comply with section 2.(a) by mitigating the costs of any such remedies, but shall not do so in cases where the environmental damage is occurring from an individual's use of non organic gardening chemicals including but not limited to pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and fertilizers, and the County of Lake retains the authority to limit the use of such chemicals if such a remedy is applicable to the circumstance(s).
(section) 3.
All County, State and Federal criminal laws that exist in conflict with individual's exercising the human rights as described in section 1., (and not withstanding an individual in violation of using illegal gardening chemicals including but not limited to certain pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and fertilizers), are to be set aside unless it can be determined that the individual circumstance is occurring within the context of 'commerce' related activities as defined herein,
--For the expressed purposes of this document the word "commerce" shall be taken to mean:
The buying and selling of goods in any form, and in direct reference to the exchange of United States currency (or other such legally recognized tender) for such goods or services.
(section) 3.(a)
If any provision of this Initiative or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of the Initiative which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this Initiative are severable. The People of the County of Lake hereby declare that we would have adopted this Initiative irrespective of the invalidity of any particular portion thereof.
looks like it addresses personal rights, (already stated in State and Federal law), not so much about cannabis.

plan on growing a few acres of cannabis/food and have someone else pay for the water? Dude, you are talking a 5000% rate increase in the water bill to break even.. Showers and toilets would be done above their garden to claim its for food. Who's to declare that the water is not going to waste, a mediator? oh geez, busy much during when everyone will be trying to get free water by growing food or whatever, human food,? cannabis? major drought in Cali.. IDK..

Sorry dude, it needs to go back to the drawing board before I would EVER sign that.. I want to see protection in a patients right to grow their own cannabis, I give two fucks about someones dream of having a 500 acre ganja or apple farm and the state picking up the water bill. This bill would be an agricultural nightmare and cost the waste of too much water. Reality. I have to grow outdoor to be exempt from local ordinance? You need to rethink a few topics, bro. :weed:

Found a picture of who wrote this initiative.


Doing whatever you want when you want regardless of impact is a human right. Also, someone else should pay for it.
Found a picture of who wrote this initiative.


Doing whatever you want when you want regardless of impact is a human right. Also, someone else should pay for it.

not only is that not who wrote it, and of course anyone who reads it can see for themselves that it does not at all claim as you imply, but your comment above says far more about you DK than it does about anything else ;)
so now it might be constructive to examine what it infers about any thoughts?
i have some, but maybe you should go first :)
wow guys/gals.. I'm impressed at the higher level of effort you are putting into the cannabis movement. Bravo..

As always, anything worth a deep thought will need a couple of corrections (as any well written piece). These laws are usually written by lawyers and politically motivated individuals. In this case, the motivated individuals are looking out for all of our fair and safe access to cannabis. I`m dealing with a newborn right now but when I get a minute, I will totally look over all of these awesome Legal statements.

you never know... A morning coffee, a little editing of rough drafts, and law may become a standard for the democracy.
wow guys/gals.. I'm impressed at the higher level of effort you are putting into the cannabis movement. Bravo..

As always, anything worth a deep thought will need a couple of corrections (as any well written piece). These laws are usually written by lawyers and politically motivated individuals. In this case, the motivated individuals are looking out for all of our fair and safe access to cannabis. I`m dealing with a newborn right now but when I get a minute, I will totally look over all of these awesome Legal statements.

you never know... A morning coffee, a little editing of rough drafts, and law may become a standard for the democracy.

right on pSi007, i look forward to your review :)
Found a picture of who wrote this initiative.


Doing whatever you want when you want regardless of impact is a human right. Also, someone else should pay for it.

yep lake county harbin bitch

so, if i'm not mistaken, the two scholars quoted above have no knowledge of being born with certain rights, right?
seriously folks do your comments here summarize the depth of your understanding of this issue?
maybe you think cannabis is the only useful plant 'we' would ever want to grow?
if you think this is just about cannabis then you are simply not ready for prime time...
the jurisdictional issues at play here go directly to your human right to grow any plant for your own use...
you seriously need to have a better understanding of how law works before you start thinking you know what the laws should look like...
i'm guessing you both thought sb420 was well written, such is now screwing us all county by county, thanks ;)
from that perspective maybe you would like to fight this regulation battle over every plant species on earth one species at a time, hell why not, got nothing better to do right?...and if human rights are none existent or irrelevant as seems to be the case in your minds then of course we need to spend the next 500 years deciding which plants should be prohibited and scheduled and regulated or not that about right?
carrots and tomatoes were never criminalized and carried prison sentences. I think the lake county BOS needs to get thr priorities straight though. driving thru that county on hwy 20 is seriously depressing clean up the front yards and do something about the tweekers then worry about ppl growing on the land they own
carrots and tomatoes were never criminalized and carried prison sentences. I think the lake county BOS needs to get thr priorities straight though. driving thru that county on hwy 20 is seriously depressing clean up the front yards and do something about the tweekers then worry about ppl growing on the land they own

right lol, if you can outlaw (regulate) one species of plant then you can outlaw (regulate) any species of plant, that's how law works...
so you are saying you are a prohibitionist right? (of plants and human rights etc)
you are also saying your extremely anal-retentive about peoples yards meeting your particular standards right?
wow bro, i'm thinkin you would do well working for the state or feds :D
wow guys/gals.. I'm impressed at the higher level of effort you are putting into the cannabis movement. Bravo..

As always, anything worth a deep thought will need a couple of corrections (as any well written piece). These laws are usually written by lawyers and politically motivated individuals. In this case, the motivated individuals are looking out for all of our fair and safe access to cannabis. I`m dealing with a newborn right now but when I get a minute, I will totally look over all of these awesome Legal statements.

you never know... A morning coffee, a little editing of rough drafts, and law may become a standard for the democracy.

still editing, but we cut this section all together:
(section) 2(c)
If an individual's income qualifies for the low income standards of the county, then the county shall assist in an individual's effort to comply with section 2.(a) by mitigating the costs of any such remedies, but shall not do so in cases where the environmental damage is occurring from an individual's use of non organic gardening chemicals including but not limited to pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and fertilizers, and the County of Lake retains the authority to limit the use of such chemicals if such a remedy is applicable to the circumstance(s).
so, if i'm not mistaken, the two scholars quoted above have no knowledge of being born with certain rights, right?

Correct. We all are entitled to certain rights. Unlimited growing of whatever you want, where ever you want, when ever you want is not one of those rights.

seriously folks do your comments here summarize the depth of your understanding of this issue?

No. Just not talking you particular seriously because the argument you're making is kinda weak IMO.

maybe you think cannabis is the only useful plant 'we' would ever want to grow?

How about opium poppies and coca plants. I want to grow them right next to a middle school because I have a right to do whatever I want right?

the jurisdictional issues at play here go directly to your human right to grow any plant for your own use...

I don't think you understand what "human right" means.

you seriously need to have a better understanding of how law works before you start thinking you know what the laws should look like...

I have a very clear understanding of how laws work.

i'm guessing you both thought sb420 was well written, such is now screwing us all county by county, thanks ;)

No. I think prop215 and sb420 were both poorly written. In order to write a good law it requires a collaboration of legal minds and industry professionals.

from that perspective maybe you would like to fight this regulation battle over every plant species on earth one species at a time, hell why not, got nothing better to do right?

Correct. I do not think the regulations for growing carrots should be the same as the regulations for growing opium poppies.

...and if human rights are none existent or irrelevant as seems to be the case in your minds then of course we need to spend the next 500 years deciding which plants should be prohibited and scheduled and regulated or not that about right?

This all comes back to the fact that you have no idea what human rights really are.

People like you should be dropped in North Korea, DRC, or Belarus for a few years and find out what the phrase "human rights" really means.

In North Korea you can be sent to a concentration camp for the rest of your life if your parents or children speak out against the government. In the DRC at 10 year can be forced into military service. In Belarus they can simply scoop you off the street and torture you without being convicted of a crime.

Those are human rights issues. "I want to grow whatever plant I want because I feel like it" isn't a human rights issue.

When that is your fundamental argument it's hard to take you seriously.
right lol, if you can outlaw (regulate) one species of plant then you can outlaw (regulate) any species of plant, that's how law works...
so you are saying you are a prohibitionist right? (of plants and human rights etc)
you are also saying your extremely anal-retentive about peoples yards meeting your particular standards right?
wow bro, i'm thinkin you would do well working for the state or feds :D

Keep comparing everyone who has a slightly different opinion than you to DEA agents. See how far that gets you changing people's minds.