I grow for myself and can't keep up supply. Please private message me with the name/contact info for a doc that writes for increased plant count.
That's pay for play my friend. That game has more to do with the docs business model than our MMMP Act.Good luck finding one to write for more plants.
I don't know if its were I live or what but the one doctor here in my town that write scripts is mean as hell.
Drilled my buddy for 15 minutes, finally agree to give him a card if he signs up for physical therapy too...
Do you think they are getting stricker or Is it just my town.
But when you're dropping pounds per plant the State & Feds will treat you exactly like a trafficking drug cartel member and you will face all the same denial of Constitutional rights and mandatory minimums that this "War on Drugs" has manufactured regardless of your patient/caregiver status. Essentially you become the "clowns with pounds" (low lying fruit) this Justice industry is currently exploiting for subsistence today. That said, in the end this MMMP Act is nothing more than Entrapment when the State & Feds simply choose to interpret it that way. A Section 8 defense and/or Jury Nullification is your only hope once the Justice industry sets it's eyes upon you and neither has to do with (12) plants and/or 2.5 ounces.Huel had it, you need more books info experience and watts not plants
Quoted for truth.But when you're dropping pounds per plant the State & Feds will treat you exactly like a trafficking drug cartel member and you will face all the same denial of Constitutional rights and mandatory minimums that this "War on Drugs" has manufactured regardless of your patient/caregiver status. Essentially you become the "clowns with pounds" (low lying fruit) this Justice industry is currently exploiting for subsistence today. That said, in the end this MMMP Act is nothing more than Entrapment when the State & Feds simply choose to interpret it that way. A Section 8 defense and/or Jury Nullification is your only hope once the Justice industry sets it's eyes upon you and neither has to do with (12) plants and/or 2.5 ounces.
Many long time patients, myself included, consume over one ounce per week legitimately. How does your math work out from that prospective? Regardless the possession with intent to distribute at those limits could get you 10-20, so plant count becomes irrelevant. If curing is important to you, you're looking at lifeI don't know how someone growing for themselves only couldn't keep an uninterrupted supply with the current limits. The only thing that makes it tricky is staying within a 2.5 limit which is infuckingpossible.. you should easily pull 2oz per plant under a 600.. fitting 4 plants under it is 8oz.. that should be plenty to last through the next run.. if not veg 4 while 4 are flowering.. 2 8oz harvests within a 4 month period or so... You really can't keep up a personal supply?