Had sexual relations with a very ugly girl who my friends know now I'm paranoid.

You gotta step up and tell them yourself.

Sort of a well you guys won't believe what I did the other night, I'm not proud of it, but I fcked __________. I know she's a dog, what can I say I was smashed......

Something along those lines.
My worst one has kept her mouth closed for about 12 years now and not a word. Shebwas def the worst and I was prob her best and that says alot as I am far from perfect but. I am nothin crazy about me just average but I use to give her rides home for blow jobs and etc
You gotta step up and tell them yourself.

Sort of a well you guys won't believe what I did the other night, I'm not proud of it, but I fcked __________. I know she's a dog, what can I say I was smashed......

Something along those lines.

exactly. they'll give you some shit but then it's over with.
This is the problem with you young people these days. You are spoiled and entitled. The world's economy is in a slump, and you don't give it a care, and figure someone else will save you. Think economic opportunity; you can sell the vids to your friends and they will pay to see them.

Fuckin Right! cash on the godamn barrel head buddy

I just gotta say...If you're really THAT worried about what your "friends" are gonna think/say, then you're just a little bitch. You live your life for the approval of others? You're not a man, you're a fucking puppet. You don't have the balls to live your life, and own that shit? Haha...maybe some day you'll see the truth; then again, maybe you'll become next ruler of the western world. Either way, you'll still be a little gutless bitch.

nail on head meta.

My two cents? Seriously? how old are you 16? one chick is going to "ruin your rep" or some bullshit? not your homies, that's not who you're worried about, its other bitches. You're worried she's gonna tell women and then you won't be attractive to them...easy solution, meet new women. but seriously, if you have the kind of friends who would change their opinion of you because you got housed and fucked an uggo, you need some new friends 'cause yours are some uptight prudish punks.

as for the ratings scale, for men there is truly only one scale for the aesthetic rating of women: the trinary scale-- 0, 1, 2
0 = i would not fuck her
1 = i would fuck her, but wouldn't want anyone to know about it
2 = i would fuck her

so, your bitch is a 1. that's all. that's the end of the issue. "hey bros, i fucked a 1 last night...man was i blackout. good on the wench for beating my whiskey dick back to life, but damn, had it been me trying to do that, i'd have given up at the first hand cramp."

seriously though, grow up. you'll probably fuck more than one ugly chick, just wear a rubber and be a man.
but go ahead and make the pussy mistake of denying it.
if you were on the other side of things, and one of your buddies was like "dude, this ugly chick wanted my dick and so i let her have some because i was blacked out. pussy is pussy, whateevr" how would you respond to that? would you reject this friend? if so you're a fucktard, again grow up, drop your balls, and move the fuck on. there is way more important shit to worry about than this.
When I was in high school I slept with a butt ugly mixed chick with a great body. The next day everyone knew about it. I have a friend that still teases me about it 12 years later. I don't care though, I was 17 and she was a great lay. Be a man and accept the consequences of your actions.
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By mixed, you mean hermaphrodite?
The ugliest chick I fucked was back in 9th grade and her name was Emily and she was kinda ugly but had a really nice ass and she had a solid C cup and I was a horny little 15yr old and I was like iam going to fuck this bitch all night and she came home with me and my dad wasn't home so I was like YES SON and we stole his vodka out of the freezer and after a pint of aristocrat vodka she was on my lap and was like I need your cock really bad right now and I was like oh hell yeah let's do this shit and me and her got in position for the act and she was really drunk and I wasn't as drunk anyways we got like a minute into it and well if your a dude and your not a virgin then you know what happens your first time and the rest of the night I sat there staring at the wall with embarrassment of what I have done and I felt like I failed at life and she told all her friends about it and my friends heard and they were like holy fuck I can't believe you fucked Emily and I said well I was kinda drunk and they were like ohh that makes sense and I think me and her were the only people in the whole school that lost our virginity then the first day of 10th grade I broke up with her witch I regret cuz she is hot as fuck now but whatever lol
I suppose the pc term is bi-racial?

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interesting, kelly's sig includes the racial epithet "polak," yet her insinuation is, perhaps, that "mixed" is not preferred nomenclature...