The United States, One Of The Most Gun-Friendly Countries In The World

First it was the question of the Jews being able to defend themselves during the Warsaw Ghetto uprising if they were not stripped of their right to own guns by Hitler.
The it went to the Jews not being exterminated if they didn't have guns, now it's would WW!! have happened if the Jews owned guns.

Where exactly would you prefer the goalposts?

you and your idiot friend made those claims, i called all of them false.

you're really, really bad at this.
The anti gun proponents are purposely misleading the public into believing that gun violence is an epidemic in the US, they refuse to admit that the biggest culprit is street gangs. Of the 11,000 gun related homicides in this country, 80% are attributed to gangs.

I guess the saying "outlaw guns, and only outlaws will have them" rings true.
The anti gun proponents are purposely misleading the public

says the dumb fuck who refuses to accept that the jews lost the warsaw ghetto uprising.

go strap on a tin foil hat, grab yourself a soap box, and find a nice street corner to pitch your nonsense, you deluded blatherskite.
hitler did expand gun rights, and the jews were not exterminated because they had no guns.

as has been pointed out, it took a totalitarian effort from several countries whose fighting forces far outnumbered the jews by millions and millions and millions.

your version of history is something a retard would come up with.

wow, you are literally making up history as you go.

tell me again about how the jews in the warsaw ghetto stood down the nazis, instead of the actual events that history records wherein the jews were crushed by the nazis.

jesus fucking christ.

I will tell you how they stood them down in sort. the jews who realized it is fight or die with ramshackle bunch of shit guns and gas/oil molotavs. always low ammo with almost no good leaders and no military experience stood up to the nazies for several months (more? I hae to bother looking). against all odds. yes they lost, this was only one city as well.
if jews in all major cities would have been armed like the citizens of the US and most had resisted before ww2 started they would have tied up the Nazis for years if not stall the whole war indefinitely.

are you aware what handfuls of untrained guerrillas do to modern armies even these days? think Iraq an Afganistan? we lost those wars the most powerfull nation on earth and one capable of of beating any standing army but not capable of fighting insurgents. well the Nazis would have done no better and likely, no actually if they had resisted from the start with legal owned guns history would be different. and you know it why argue?
Paranoid schizophrenia is a terrible malady. :-(

We love you, Buck, in all of your incarnations.

No, I did not knowingly join a white supremacist's group. I did not know that Shotgun420 was/is a white supremacist, and I still don't know that. What was the name of the supposed group, "Freedom of speech" or some such? I realize that Buck and a few others absolutely hate the constitution, so maybe a group named after the most cherished constitutional right would trigger their gag reflex but most normal people would not respond that way.
so did the jews win the warsaw ghetto uprising, like dopeydog claimed?

or is this a case of DERP?

did I say they won? no go back and read i said they stood them down. they fought for many months and if all had done so the results would have been much different.

it would rather be like if a hostile gov't came to take American to prison camps an being a gun rich society only the defenseles , government trusting ones would be the guys going the gulag while the free would fight and die for freedom. while you would likely believe the lies all the way to hell.
stood down means they defended themselves to the last and it took the Nazis much resources and men to defeat them. any time a superior force get hung up for months fighting men with no training that to me is being stood down. your just picking the nitty bullshit now. I believe you understand fully and agree inside as you now as well as i the outcome would have been differant had all the people who got carted to the gulags fought when the gestapo came to their door.

tell me do you honestly believe in Germany had all the Jews and other people who were took to concentration camps had guns and had fought do you realy think Germany would have conquered so much, or any? fighting at home with their own people would have stopped their momentum likely altogether as has been shown by guerrillas fighting in many places around the world now and in the written history as long back as they have been written.

you just want to argue as you seem to just be one of those type. also the type who can not have an intelligent conversation without personal attacks a certain sign of your own insecurity. I have seen it on may of your posts. as you've over 50,000 I can't help but run across them.

take it easy buck maybe someday you can have an intelligent conversation without believing in your own personal superiority and lack of open mindedness.
stood down means they defended themselves to the last and it took the Nazis much resources and men to defeat them. any time a superior force get hung up for months fighting men with no training that to me is being stood down. your just picking the nitty bullshit now. I believe you understand fully and agree inside as you now as well as i the outcome would have been differant had all the people who got carted to the gulags fought when the gestapo came to their door.

tell me do you honestly believe in Germany had all the Jews and other people who were took to concentration camps had guns and had fought do you realy think Germany would have conquered so much, or any? fighting at home with their own people would have stopped their momentum likely altogether as has been shown by guerrillas fighting in many places around the world now and in the written history as long back as they have been written.

you just want to argue as you seem to just be one of those type. also the type who can not have an intelligent conversation without personal attacks a certain sign of your own insecurity. I have seen it on may of your posts. as you've over 50,000 I can't help but run across them.

take it easy buck maybe someday you can have an intelligent conversation without believing in your own personal superiority and lack of open mindedness.

it took the combined efforts of several nation and tens of millions of trained forces using every tool in their arsenal to take down the nazis.

when you're not outright lying about historical facts, you're deluding yourself into believing a few million jews with guns would have prevented the entire nazi regime.

just go away with your lies and revisionism.
you're deluding yourself into believing a few million jews with guns would have prevented the entire nazi regime.

What a naive, unfounded, ignorant post...
Apparently this is Bucks preferred MO?

Now for a lesson in reality:

"It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men." -Samuel Adams

And history has proven such to be true on several occasions.. I think Buck may need to take up a new hobby. He sucks at what he considers "debate". Sad (and hilarious).:clap:
Just one ignorant one with 50000+ posts..

tell me again how a disorganized, geographically disparate force of untrained jews would have taken down the nazis when 40+ million trained soldiers with all the equipment they could get fighting by land sea and air could barely do the same, enlightened one.

sock puppets love to have fists up their asses.
when 40+ million trained soldiers with all the equipment they could get fighting by land sea and air could barely do the same, enlightened one.

Could barely do the same? The allies didn't BARELY win, they outright kicked ass, by the largest margin ever in the history of war. The US suffered almost no damage, while the enemy's countries were pulverized or irradiated.

It was a huge victory for the allies, a complete ass whooping for the Axis.
Could barely do the same? The allies didn't BARELY win, they outright kicked ass, by the largest margin ever in the history of war. The US suffered almost no damage, while the enemy's countries were pulverized or irradiated.

It was a huge victory for the allies, a complete ass whooping for the Axis.

Even in defeat, buck just can't help himself from defending Adolf Hitler.