The United States, One Of The Most Gun-Friendly Countries In The World


Well-Known Member
Like i pointed out, over 260 Americans a day die from prescription drug overdose, now that is a crisis, so where is the government or the media on that issue?
Where did your number come from? Everything I see puts it at around 100.


Well-Known Member
When I have the time I will try to find the source I used, but for arguments sake, lets use your figures of 100 deaths per day vs the 30 murders a day(including gang related murders) contributed to guns. Make the argument of which issue is more of a US crisis.


Well-Known Member
dog whistle rant. The romantic notion had nothing to do with self protection, it had to do with the notion that your weapons will save us all from government tyranny. Had you read my post in context rather than trotting out argument #21 describing to the stupid anti gun liberal why you need your weapon, you
could have saved yourself a shitload of time and bandwidth.
Let's be fair now...text takes almost no bandwidth.


Well-Known Member
Make the argument of which issue is more of a US crisis.
Crisis is too grandiose for my tastes. Shit, if I'm being honest, my crisis meter isn't picking up either issue at the moment. Maybe it's broken. As to making your argument, maybe next time.


Well-Known Member
When I have the time I will try to find the source I used, but for arguments sake, lets use your figures of 100 deaths per day vs the 30 murders a day(including gang related murders) contributed to guns. Make the argument of which issue is more of a US crisis.

Voter ID or no Jahbrudda? Which is it?