Well-Known Member
How come you don't give unclebuck shit for playin the racist card 24/7
probably because unlike you, he is not a racist POS.
How come you don't give unclebuck shit for playin the racist card 24/7
Bro, that's the second time you've avoided a simple question.
Actually this is the part where you stand on your own, or not.
Me asking you a question, is hardly attacking your character, I'm just testing it.
hitler did expand gun rights, and the jews were not exterminated because they had no guns.
as has been pointed out, it took a totalitarian effort from several countries whose fighting forces far outnumbered the jews by millions and millions and millions.
your version of history is something a retard would come up with.
wow, you are literally making up history as you go.
tell me again about how the jews in the warsaw ghetto stood down the nazis, instead of the actual events that history records wherein the jews were crushed by the nazis.
jesus fucking christ.
i'm defending historical fact from racist revisionist fucktards like you and dopeydog, who thinks the jews won the warsaw ghetto uprising.
Do you keep a copy of Mein Kampf at your bedside?citew some more white supremacists and make up some more fake history, you fucking retard.
Do you keep a copy of Mein Kampf at your bedside?
you are literally retarded.
i am simply pointing out historical facts that make your pussy sore.
So sorry bud, anyway you look at it, you are defending Adolf Hitler.
You got stuck between two issues, gun control and Adolf Hitler and the extermination of the Jews.
Unwittingly, you let the cat out of the bag trying to defend one over the other.
Where I come from, we call that, BUSTED.
I would suggest you go back to "where you came from". Wherever the fuck that is.
Don't you and your nazi white trash friends have something super-important to teabag about anyways, dummy?
Why do you take it upon yourself to feel so much anguish when buck makes an ass of himself?
So sorry bud, anyway you look at it, you are defending Adolf Hitler.
You got stuck between two issues, gun control and Adolf Hitler and the extermination of the Jews.
Unwittingly, you let the cat out of the bag trying to defend one over the other.
Where I come from, we call that, BUSTED.
It could be argued that your gigantic patriotic erection for bucky is bigger than mine. Still haven't answered my simple question from earlier....yawn.....
You'd have to be a mindless imbecile to make a remark the Hitler expanded guns rights, while completely ignoring the fact he banned them from an entire race, then went on to exterminate millions because of it. You are quite a gem mr buck.
in the warsaw ghetto the jews stood the Nazis down what would have happened if all jews had guns? and all had resisted? no WW2 that is for certain
Sorry bro, it's buck who has the obsession, not me.
He follows me around from thread to thread, kind of creepy if you ask me.
i'm not your bud, douchebag.
and i'm not defending hitler or any of his actions.
i am, however, correcting your revisionist history.
to point out the historical fact that hitler expanded gun rights is not defending anything hitler did. it is simply pointing out the historical record.
to point out that the jews stood no chance, armed or not, is not defending hitler. it is simply pointing out that the combined forces of several major nations was needed to take down hitler and end WWII, something that a few million jews with guns would have been utterly incapable of doing.
where i'm from, you sound precisely similar to beenthere.
my apologies that you are so woefully ignorant of historical facts, and a shitty sock puppet to boot.
now go cite some more white supremacists and invent new versions of history for my amusement.
Sorry bro, it's buck who has the obsession, not me.
He follows me around from thread to thread, kind of creepy if you ask me.
You got busted trying to defend guns rights and unwittingly defended the biggest white supremacist of all time, it's all laid out for everyone to see, you're a fraud and got caught at it.
please point out where i defended anything hitler did, beenthere.