Javadog's Next Adventure


Well-Known Member
dude...I am so lazy...LOL I have never rinsed it off really... I guess after a couple of days I just spray with water but thats it. If you control/eliminate the problem in veg hopefully no problems in flower. I have noticed the AC can allow me to dip the temps low enough pests hate it.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Mad. Can you point us to the thread that shows how
to deal with Slime In Hydro using Teas?
This thread?
OK Bass, I was too lazy to run back and find your post about
the formula, again, but I did just grab this:
View attachment 2993545

Now to find that post....7g? :0)

They say 7g and you can just use as much as makes your ppm what you like.

I followed the Lucas rec for the Flora series, and ended up with 1500ppm/2.1 ec and some pissed off girls.

I am gonna use less now and shoot for 800-1000ppm.

For reference my tap is 150 ppm (this week)


Well-Known Member
Thanks for stopping in Team!

The Breeder's Boutique selection is delectable.

I only need about 4 or five breeds to run their tasty table. :0)

I have Smelly Cherry, Jake's Dream, Blue Pit, and Engineer's Dream
as small plants that still need to be sexed. I am happy to be
at least trying to flower clones to check a couple of these. I had
thought to make a small box for this, but had not gotten around
to it. My trick above is east to try.

About The Dog, you are right Hydro....I had prepared for a much larger
stretch, but I am *very* happy to miss on the low side rather than
the to have missed on the high side.

I have had to snap tops over (the breeds, very OGK, had very woody stems)
and it was not fun nor was it good for my yield.

I have the breed saved and will likely run it again with a longer Vegged plant.

TC, Thanks, yes, that was indeed the post I was referring to...the thing was
that there were two products that one could use but that one could get away
with using just one of the two, and I wanted to confirm that I had gotten
the right one.

I got the cheaper one. LOL...when in doubt, be a cheap ass bastard!
If I need the other, then I will just have both to use.

I am pretty sure that I am cool, as one of the other products is just
the "Grow" version, a la MaxiGrow....but there was a third product...
...I am looking for it...I think that it was KoolBloom, and that is not
a nute but a supplement. Yeah, I am on it. Thanks again.

Whew....anyone get through all of that?



Well-Known Member
Fuck, I took so long Bass answered the question.

LOL, yeah, that is it.

I am interested in the simple formula because of how
my going perpetual has made for a variety of needs.

I will still give the Big Bud and Overdrive, when I do,
separately to the plants, based on where they are at
in their budding cycle.

Thanks all!



Well-Known Member
its fun to hunt from seed sometimes. Jig and I just got 3 for 3 female on the deep psychosis and 1 for 3 female of Engineers dream. :) That brings us to:

Deep psychosis
engineers dream
cherry pie
mk ultra
blue dream
pre98 bubba kush



Well-Known Member

cherry pie
mk ultra

I need to do these.

I have zero issues with getting males. Anything too
close to 100% begins to look less than "regular". :0)


P.S. I should add that my TGAs are taking work too.
I have popped my last bean of both Jack The Ripper
and Jacks Cleaner 2. Well, I bought 3 and 2 seeds
respectively (I lost one JTR) so I ran this chance, and
I knew it up front. Oh, and all the TGA gear that I have
grown was tremendous (Only three so far, only one smoked,
but the AOS is insane at 30 days. I know that it will rock)


Well-Known Member
This bubba I have is phenomenal. At least for pain and sleep. Holy cow. I made extract from the fluff buds and its damn near narcotic.

cant wait to proliferate the mk and cherry pie. Im sure we can hook up some clone trading after I get all the ducks in a row if your interested.


Well-Known Member
I remember someone posting a link to that thread I linked here.
I wasnt sure if it came from this thread or Jigs maybe.

I got outside help to finish my trimming.
All the garage cleaning and moving weights etc in there.
I am just burned out and sore.

The dehumidifier was going non-stop for like 10 days to keep the RG low enough for these girls that have been in paper bags and hanging over 3 weeks.

The bill is gonna be higher, I just know it!

Anyway just a lil Rascal's Og left to trim and I am done.

So the girls in the garage are doing well, and all have at least one lil rootout the bottom of the inner pots now.
None of the hempys that are using the ebb n gro pots have any exposed roots.
Maybe they wont ever show as perlite is different?
One of the 3 hempys hasnt really grow at all, and none have shown the growth rate of the hydro ones, which as I said might be entirely my fault from watering them on a poor/inconsistent schedule.


Well-Known Member
I thought I would add that the EBB plants have officially TAKEN OFF.

I was spraying them down and realized there was way more to them as compared to 2 days ago.
It actually seems like they are 30% or so bigger.

Weird thing is 1st 7 days or so after they went into the ebb they went stagnant, and actually looked sick

I have read on here and elsewhere that when they hit the res it will happen, but stems dia. and width to the indicas is coming in every day.
The sativas are shooting up.

I think I was starving them before, but now they are really green and healthy, but Pineapple and SLH are showing some stress from over-nute most likely as they are clawing.
I have one res, so I cant make em all happy at the same time, but I will rinse them down once daily with a diluted batch prior to lights out.


Well-Known Member
I thought I would add that the EBB plants have officially TAKEN OFF.
Excellent excellent excellent!!

I will say I-told-you-so: I told you so. There!

LOL, well, I had no idea really, but this is what I was hoping for after all.

Damn, but learning from experience can be less than perfectly comfortable...

BUT all is well that ends well. Post some pics! ;0)

BTW, congrats on getting the trimming done. I have heard very good
things about that Rascal OG. With your other strong and recent find, this
might be a great cycle for you.

SG, I would be happy to set you up with some good genetics. I would love
to have someone else grow out the Somango.

Oh, and on the topic of the Lucas formula. I got MaxiBloom which I believe
was the one product that could be used alone....

....but I also got a big new bottle of ProBlend Bloom, so I have options.


smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
i would love to do more tga gear but the price is a little high for reg beans. if i was going to buy any i guess i would use hemp depot.

i did the jilly bean and had 2 phenos that were good. i used a male for a bunch of crosses that are untested as of now.

i have been looking at the A.O.S. since it came out but didn't pull the trigger.

also would love to try some of the kush crosses tga has now. i need at least 3/4 of my med. cabinet full of kush before i add other non-kush strains in there.


Well-Known Member
That is good to hear about JB. I am pretty certain that that is the plant
currently vegging in its hempy bucket that will need to go into the tent

The Sour Kosher is half way through Week 10 now. Gravy Time!

The next rack of entrants is perhaps more interesting, as it is not clear
yet which plants will be best ready.

The next out after SK are The Dog, Sour Cherry, and Cheese Surprise.

Onward and upward,



Well-Known Member
Excellent excellent excellent!!

I will say I-told-you-so: I told you so. There!

LOL, well, I had no idea really, but this is what I was hoping for after all.

Damn, but learning from experience can be less than perfectly comfortable...

BUT all is well that ends well. Post some pics! ;0)

BTW, congrats on getting the trimming done. I have heard very good
things about that Rascal OG. With your other strong and recent find, this
might be a great cycle for you.

SG, I would be happy to set you up with some good genetics. I would love
to have someone else grow out the Somango.

Oh, and on the topic of the Lucas formula. I got MaxiBloom which I believe
was the one product that could be used alone....

....but I also got a big new bottle of ProBlend Bloom, so I have options.

I have some updates.
I called GH 30 min ago.
They told me to use .50 conversion scale, and I was on .70
This made a huge difference on PPM readings.
A 1150ppm reading went down to 815ppm after switching to .50
I was starving them previously at the .70 with a reading of 800 which was more like 550 I think.

And yeah the Maxi Bloom is meant as a stand alone with regard to the Lucas Formula.
Only drawback is time and effort to properly dissolve the powder.

Thanx JD and everyone on here for the support.


Heres some pics 10 days ago^^^^^^

View attachment 2994859View attachment 2994870View attachment 2994874


Well-Known Member
Ha ha ha ha! Excellent!

I was looking at the first set, readying myself to be as positive
as possible, but then I got to the real set. Yay!

The first grow with a new tech is nervous work. :0)

I look forward to some real bushes there. I will do this too, soon enough.



Well-Known Member
Ha ha ha ha! Excellent!

I was looking at the first set, readying myself to be as positive
as possible, but then I got to the real set. Yay!

The first grow with a new tech is nervous work. :0)

I look forward to some real bushes there. I will do this too, soon enough.

Yeah I was totally like how do ppl grow this way.
I also thought I was right for not trying hydro sooner.

My 1st set of soil plants 3-4 yrs were totally miserable as well.
Anyway I think my next run will have a better start than this one.

Looking at my BBK in hempy compared to the ebb one, and no comparison.

I am not doing traditional hempy though.

You are a much better grower than me and I think you'll adapt much faster!