Well-Known Member
Thanks, I guess I need a bit more time. Didn't read the wait 8-12 hour part
i once was in a detox center, and being in a new place, couldn't get comfy enough to do what needed to be done.. and everyone knows a few days without some opiates are like turning on the water works..
well, after about 3 days of not being able to go still, i spoke up to the nurse, and she gave me some milk of magnesia, and holy crap, literally, about 3 or 4 hours later and i was glued to that toilet seat.. what a mistake that was.. talk about the most uncomfortable cramps ever, omfg, never again.
Sounds shitty. Sorry had to do it...
I like the ducolax because its fairly gental. Usualy takes about 12 hours to work. The also sell a suppository softener thats good at loosening that 'cork' up lol.
Lucky you bro, in between days of banging heroin and shooting up roxys I usually shit like a damn water fountain.. I have to take 50-100mg of lope to get anything like a solid shit in my days of no opiates..