Who thinks they are NOT a slave....think again...you are


Well-Known Member
If the argument is how old the fetus must be to survive outside the womb, we need to be allowed to abort our children up into their 20's in some cases. I know some teens that couldn't survive outside the womb without mommy.

Maybe that's not such a bad idea;) It could provide a little incentive to that unruly 10 year old. "you know, you are still young enough to abort, now clean your room".


Well-Known Member
because if anyone knows how to survive without having a job, its unclebuck.
He does probably get out bed. If I gave you a billion dollars in cash, and then sent every trick in the book your way to swindle you...what is that?

The USA. The Big Casino.

You have to work. Even if you are idle rich, you will find yourself working at something, It could wonderful, but it will likely be petty and vapid, dick swinging and waste.

So, it is always work. And idle hands are a workshop for mischief.

And if you don't think maintaining greenhouse income is work...well you have never done it, I guess.

I am the one that doesn't really have to work. I am a sr. tech manager and mascot to the Unix Wizards Phu Bah.


Well-Known Member
Oh, uuuuuppps. My bad.

In fact, there is a balance. When the money goes underground, you have to resurface it for tax. It happened in Prohibition and it is a balance with Tobacco tax. Too much of that will cause big loads of black market moving in.

So much US wealth is off shore and un-tax, black market, etc, something has to be done...for money.

So, I see Johnny Bucky Buds over there as a Patriot. It forces the hand of the States.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Taking the historical example of the vikings who would sail across the seas and go on raiding missions, could you explain the protection mechanism afforded by your societal organization? How are you going to bi-laterally do anything when they are bent on unilaterally raping you and killing your wife?

That's a valid question. Sorry about the long ass article, but this might offer a partial explanation of how things might work. Somewhere there are a couple of videos that illustrate this more concisely, I'll dig around and see what I can come up with, it may take a day or two. Peace.

[h=2]Freedom or Government?[/h][h=4]by Harry Hoiles
Number 106 - Oct 2000[/h]In the foregoing editorial we discussed the idea of freedom or government. We suggest that you read that editorial before proceeding.
"But how about the criminals?" those who are afraid of freedom again ask.
In answering this let's make two observations.
First, as stated above, this is a much smaller problem than is generally recognized. And it would be even smaller were it not for the fact that mankind has sanctioned government power to such an extent that power in itself has thus been sanctioned. By sanctioning government power, mankind has increased the tacit acceptance of power as a means to an end. The criminal believes that the end justifies the means. The increased acceptance of power as a means to an end leads to increased criminality. This is a logical inevitable development of mankind's acceptance of government power as a means to an end.
Second, power attracts criminals. The bigger government gets, the more power it has, the more criminals are attracted to get in government and use this power for their [own] benefit. This is the nature of things.
Therefore, the size of the criminal problem is increased in two ways by mankind's acceptance of government. One, the sanction of government power increases the sanction of power per se, and causes lack of recognition of abuses of power. Two, the existence of government power attracts the criminal and makes it possible for him to do much more harm than he could without this power.
Remove mankind's sanction of government power and the problem of criminality would be greatly reduced.
Another factor which would cause this reduction is increasing individual responsibility.
Government today, far from claiming only to protect the individual from criminals has become a great factor in penalizing the productive and rewarding the non-productive. As a result individual responsibility is on the wane. "Let government do it," is the cry on all sides when a problem arises. The only way government can "do it" is to take assets from those who have responsibly saved these assets and distribute them in a way people who have not saved them desire. This by its nature reduces responsibility and increases irresponsibility. Since criminality is irresponsibility, the actions of government in redistributing the wealth increases criminality.
A person who fears freedom then might say, "Granted government in three ways increases criminality but, even so, there would still be criminals. How would I be protected from them?
The answer is, by private protection agencies. Some of the largest organizations in the world today are insurance companies which now provide protection in areas which have not been usurped by government. Under freedom these companies provide protection which works in these areas. Under freedom, these or other companies could and would provide protection which would work much better than the illusion of protection which we now have in the areas usurped by government.
Freedom works when not outlawed by government. The history of these United States proves that. It cannot work effectively in fields dominated by government. Who can compete with government? Who can compete with dictatorship which is inherent in every government ever organized in human history?
The choice is not between government and anarchy.
The choice is between government and freedom. Or more accurately expressed:
The choice is between dictatorship and freedom.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
how can taxes be theft when you have to agree to them voluntarily first?

no one can tax you if you choose not to sign a W4. no one can tax you on gas if you don't buy gas.

no one has ever forced anyone to sign a W4 or buy gas.

you are a whiny lysander spooner nut hugger.
"Agreements" made under duress or threat of harm can and should be distinguished from agreements made with full consent and no threat of harm. You seem to have a hard time grasping some remedial concepts and using deductive reasoning.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
you are such a clown

Your ability to refute ideas is not strengthened by insults. I realize the conversation has risen to a level beyond your comprehension and that's troubling to you. I know that happens alot to you, but there's nothing I can do for your inadequacies. Maybe you could dress up like a "real biker" and run around the house making vrooom vroom noises?


Well-Known Member
awwww, do i sense a wee bit of derriere devastation?

wipe the tears and cum from your butt cheeks before it evaporates because you are seething with rage.

"i suck dick on craigslist for a living. they're called blowjobs, not blowfuns, bucktard" - spandy

just kidding, you never said that. but you did express your preference for white separatism.

awwwww, does my memory get in the way of you not wanting to be known as a white separatist racist?

there is no need to be upset.

it is possible you may be upset. don't be.

wait, you think it bothers me or something that you bring it up? lol, im gonna put it in my sig just for you.

i almost feel sorry for you, buck. almost.


Well-Known Member
Your ability to refute ideas is not strengthened by insults. I realize the conversation has risen to a level beyond your comprehension and that's troubling to you. I know that happens alot to you, but there's nothing I can do for your inadequacies. Maybe you could dress up like a "real biker" and run around the house making vrooom vroom noises?

I did refute your Ideas by pointing out what a stupid clown you are


Well-Known Member
I find internet bragging a little childish.

Us? Do you have a gerbil in your pocket? Why does the gerbil smell so bad?
I'm not looking for you to brag nor would I belittle you.
Tell us what you have accomplished in life?

Do you need examples?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I'm not looking for you to brag nor would I belittle you.
Tell us what you have accomplished in life?

Do you need examples?

I prefer to keep my life private. I can say that I once wrestled an alligator, dispatched him, ate him and made a wallet out of his hide, a bong from his skull and wear his teeth on a necklace. I did all that while quoting Lysander Spooner and riding a two wheeler with no hands. I don't fear your belittling me, I recognize you are driven by insecurities and have already forgiven you given your obvious mental deficiencies.


Well-Known Member
I prefer to keep my life private. I can say that I once wrestled an alligator, dispatched him, ate him and made a wallet out of his hide, a bong from his skull and wear his teeth on a necklace. I did all that while quoting Lysander Spooner and riding a two wheeler with no hands. I don't fear your belittling me, I recognize you are driven by insecurities and have already forgiven you given your obvious mental deficiencies.

So we can only assume you are a loser in life trying to rationalize his failures on a system he cannot succeed in


Well-Known Member
"Agreements" made under duress or threat of harm can and should be distinguished from agreements made with full consent and no threat of harm. You seem to have a hard time grasping some remedial concepts and using deductive reasoning.
no one has ever threatened to harm me if i didn't sign a W4.
