Who thinks they are NOT a slave....think again...you are

the interwebz remembers your racism. And i was calling your stormfrontBUCK* before I actually knew you're a member. You are fucked in the head.

only problem is that the person you're talking lived in maine for 15 years, and i've never even beenthere.

but it still made me laugh, and for that i say thanks.
loaded question with false presupposition, i reject the question entirely.

you are a slave when someone owns you as their property and you are not given the rights of a human being. such practices have been outlawed in this country.

"The rights of a human being" -> life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, those rights?

How does someone not own you when you work for them? When you work for someone else, you are not given the right to quit, you're not given the right to rebel for a higher wage or work for more benefits. You're subject to the employers will. The society we live in demands employment to survive. No employment, likely, no survivability. So, in essence, life requires employment. (as the article stated)

even if that is true, and it is often not, taxation in this nation is not comparable to slavery in any way.

How is stealing the resources I've earned to pay for things I don't support not slavery? Especially since I am forced to pay for them or face incarceration?

being intimidated and being enslaved are not the same.

Slaves were whipped to enforce a sense of security among traders. American citizens are intimidated to enforce that exact same sense of security among those that remain in charge. The practice remains the same, even after centuries of use.

anyone in our country can own property.

Demonstrably false

a slave is owned as property by someone. that practice is illegal in our country.

Owning people as property has been outlawed, you're right. Owning peoples labor has not.

"the state" in our nation is a constitutional republic which forbids slavery as per the constitution.

It forbids chattel slavery but promotes wage slavery

we are "subject to the will" of our democratically elected representatives, who must abide by the dictates of our constitutional republic.

Sure they must..

our democratically elected representatives are "subject to the will" of the people. we are our own masters within the confines of the constitution.


no one is allowed to be owned by another person as property. america is great in that way. no slavery.

More bullshit
How does someone not own you when you work for them?

because you can quit anytime.

slaves didn't have that option.

When you work for someone else, you are not given the right to quit

lol, who told you that?

i have quit many jobs. it's a liberating decision. try it sometime.

again, slaves didn't have that option.

you're not given the right to rebel for a higher wage or work for more benefits.

tell that to cesar chavez.

again, slaves didn't have that option.

You're subject to the employers will.

i have never been subject to rape or whipping at the hands of the employer.

again, slaves didn't have that option.

life requires employment. (as the article stated)

how did we live before employers came along?

How is stealing the resources I've earned to pay for things I don't support not slavery?

loaded question, false presuppositions. i reject it.

taxation is not theft, whether you support what your taxes go to or not.

I am forced to pay for them or face incarceration?[/QUOTE

loaded question, false presupposition.

you are not forced to pay taxes or go to jail. i reject the question.

Slaves were whipped to enforce a sense of security among traders. American citizens are intimidated to enforce that exact same sense of security among those that remain in charge. The practice remains the same, even after centuries of use.

there is no point in even addressing what you have to say from here on out, so i'm gonna choose not to.

nibble on whatever i have fed to you, since you have nothing even slightly coherent to say about anything else.
My employer doesnt own me.
I own him. If i up and quit right now. The company would be screwed.
They pay me appropriatly.
One thing my employer does own though

My Loyalty.
I can move anytime I want. If I wanted small goverment low taxes and Liberty. I would move to Somalia.

Oh wait a minute, that would suck ass.

you shouldnt have to move to not participate. just because the other system is shitty means nothing and its a guess that it would suck ass. keep believing ur happy and be productive u free range american. and a "state" is not a piece of land <random factoid
Not sure if slave is the correct word for it
maybe "pet" works too since pets are also a form of property
pets tend to get treated slightly better than slaves compared to the typical idea of a slave (black slaves) or slaves during the roman empire lol
although many abuse their pets

Libertarianism has never been tried. But if it was, the only thing it would accomplish is to remove all restrictions on business and enable the strong to prey on the weak.

The closest thing you can get to a libertarian state is Somalia. Yet no one here wants to move there. Why is that?
Libertarianism has never been tried. But if it was, the only thing it would accomplish is to remove all restrictions on business and enable the strong to prey on the weak.

The closest thing you can get to a libertarian state is Somalia. Yet no one here wants to move there. Why is that?

you should move there, you'd probably get a cheap wife with the good exchange rate.