Who thinks they are NOT a slave....think again...you are


Well-Known Member

@ Buck, the traditional "slave" is not the definition that is being used in the article, the author even mentions that near the top
a slave is someone who is owned as property by another person.

if we're talking about something other than that, then we're not talking about slavery. define the new term then and use it, instead of using the incorrect term.



Well-Known Member
Of course. Slavery is slavery and Boneheaded idiot is what people are, that stretch words, sofistalistically.

I know I am, but what are you?


Well-Known Member
While not always correct in their decisions, the Supreme Court says requiring ID to vote is not unconstitutional.

Of course it must meet certain criteria and cannot be too strict.


Well-Known Member
While not always correct in their decisions, the Supreme Court says requiring ID to vote is not unconstitutional.

Of course it must meet certain criteria and cannot be too strict.
i guess the republicans realized they can't win on merits alone anymore because their bigoted base of racist assholes is quickly dying off, so they've decided the next step is just to stop people from voting instead.

your own state had to block the voter ID law you bigoted assholes tried to pass because it unfairly targeted minorities.


way to admit that you have the worst ideas that no one wants.


New Member
yeah voter ID is so racist. Why would you want a potential voter to verify their identity before allowing them to vote?

Buck you are a fucking douchebag


Well-Known Member
yeah voter ID is so racist. Why would you want a potential voter to verify their identity before allowing them to vote?

Buck you are a fucking douchebag
[h=1]Texas' voter ID law struck down in federal court[/h]
The court ruled that the new voter identification law in Texas would have an unconstitutional impact on the right to vote for poor people and especially Hispanics and African-Americans - the same minorities who were protected earlier in the week from Republican redistricting by another federal court panel.


i'm sure if texas could join a white supremacy group, they would. just like you did, repeatedly.


New Member
Texas' voter ID law struck down in federal court

The court ruled that the new voter identification law in Texas would have an unconstitutional impact on the right to vote for poor people and especially Hispanics and African-Americans - the same minorities who were protected earlier in the week from Republican redistricting by another federal court panel.


i'm sure if texas could join a white supremacy group, they would. just like you did, repeatedly.
if you object to requiring a valid form of ID before issuing a ballot paper, you are an idiot - pure and simple.

They even have indelible ink these days to go with the electronic ballots...


Well-Known Member
if you object to requiring a valid form of ID before issuing a ballot paper, you are an idiot - pure and simple.

They even have indelible ink these days to go with the electronic ballots...
i object to racism disguised as something other than what it is.

as a former member of white supremacy groups, i know you have no problem with racism.

so basically go fuck off and be racist elsewhere.


New Member
i object to racism disguised as something other than what it is.

as a former member of white supremacy groups, i know you have no problem with racism.

so basically go fuck off and be racist elsewhere.
You're just a fucking idiot who thinks everything is racist. Tell me how requiring ID to vote is racist? Please i'd love to hear this one...


Well-Known Member
Tell me how requiring ID to vote is racist?
i already did.

Texas' voter ID law struck down in federal court

The court ruled that the new voter identification law in Texas would have an unconstitutional impact on the right to vote for poor people and especially Hispanics and African-Americans - the same minorities who were protected earlier in the week from Republican redistricting by another federal court panel.




New Member
i already did.

Texas' voter ID law struck down in federal court

The court ruled that the new voter identification law in Texas would have an unconstitutional impact on the right to vote for poor people and especially Hispanics and African-Americans - the same minorities who were protected earlier in the week from Republican redistricting by another federal court panel.


so the poor don't drive or collect social security of any kind? You really are a fucking dumbass


Well-Known Member
so they enable voter fraud? You only support it because without it fraud cannot be marginalised.
we don't really have voter fraud here that can be prevented with voter ID. there are so incredibly few cases of it that it's a complete non-issue.

voter ID is a racist strategy for republicans who can no longer win on the merit of their ideas because racists like you are dying off in droves.


New Member
we don't really have voter fraud here that can be prevented with voter ID. there are so incredibly few cases of it that it's a complete non-issue.

voter ID is a racist strategy for republicans who can no longer win on the merit of their ideas because racists like you are dying off in droves.
You're too transparent to be taken seriously dumbass. You support voter fraud, your party championed the motor voter act. I guess once you can get all states behind supporting drivers licenses for illegals you'll jump right on supporting id requirements for voting.