New Room On The Way


Well-Known Member
Panhead, so would a single 12 gauge cord run all that safely? you sound like you know what you are talking about, If i was to runn 2 400 watters, 80 watts floros and some fans, would it be possible to runn all that off one extension cord safely? And if so what gauge would that require in about a 25 ft run?
A single 12 gauge should work well.


New Member
A single 12 gauge should work well.
Done, dedicated circuit on a 30 amp breaker, I may leave the extension cord in place anyway, as we re-wired the whole basement and it is on a different circuit, just as a backup plan in case we ever trip the new circuit and need a quick fix.

Carpentry seems to be the main thing i have left before i can get in and get the lights and fans up. Seems to be the thing everyone wants to put off everytime we start working. But we will get it done soon.



Well-Known Member
wassup man,would like to hear sum updates or something,ganna be awsome to see that finished.
best of luck to ya


New Member
yeah been at a stall lately, no cash for supplies at the moment , will update as soon as the false wall goes up.

Sorry to keep you all waiting, it's killing me too.


Well-Known Member
oh nah bro i now how that cash stall works.
my setup is in the garage(horrible heat issue)so i had to get a portable air cooler,setting me back to.
but all good things come in time i guess


New Member
The Wall is framed in and as soon as we can afford a fucking sheet of plywood i will be able to get started . Privacy is the name of the game on this one and i have been unable to really start moving until that wall is up.

I have a Durban Poison X UK Cheese mother that will be giving up 10+ clones as soon as she has a private room to do so in, Plant looks lovely BTW. While the Poison Cheese veg under 18/6 we plan to do a Mass LowRyder 2 run then when thw LR2 is harvested we will switch the lights to 12/12 and bud the Poison Cheese.

Due to rising summer heat issues it looks like we will have 3 400 watt lamps going and may get a 1k in a few months Most likely we will run 2 hps and 1 mh the whole time, I have vegged under HPS before with great results and given that the LR2 will be blooming while the cheese veg in the same space it seems like a good compormise.

Stay Tuned


New Member
the current plan is a supply run tomorrow, Should have the wall up and the super stealth door in then. Hopefully i can then take some clones and start a hundred LR2 seeds then. Once the door is up i can run a 4' T12 for that, I don't think ventilation will be a problem with just that light on, Once the seeds a started and the clones are rooting we can get to the lights and ventilation. At least were making progress.

And this just gets me thinking, I am a reasonably intelligent person with a skillset that easily lends itself to this hobby, and i am having trouble getting even this small grow room up and running. So the next time you see sombody with 3 posts talking about there new Mega grow room with 8K watts of Hps and 500 plants and there asking what you think there yeild will be, Just remember you are either talking to a wealthy newbie or some ass who needs sombody to tell him that this is not a role playing site. and to STFU

I love you


Well-Known Member
or the people who grow with flashlights and want 3 pounds a week.I've tried candles, but all I got was a small quick high when my plants caught fire and I ran into the room..

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
LOL----no shit---I've been upgrading my rooms(veg/flower/water) and the shit takes forever--I feel like I work 2 jobs-I completely tore down 2 walls and raised the floor a foot--added tile---getting ready to built 2 tables and all the shit that goes with it-I still have to redo the frame walls as well---I'm worn the %^^% out!!!-----.


Well-Known Member
LOL----no shit---I've been upgrading my rooms(veg/flower/water) and the shit takes forever--I feel like I work 2 jobs-I completely tore down 2 walls and raised the floor a foot--added tile---getting ready to built 2 tables and all the shit that goes with it-I still have to redo the frame walls as well---I'm worn the %^^% out!!!-----.

I know how you feel, but you wouldn't trade it for an easy way out, would you? I love projects like these. I'm doing a stealth room. building the whole room from scratch. the door is almost done. just have to finish mounting it and hook up the keypad and magnetic door lock. then I have to put the actual room together.


New Member
Yeah Dr. i read of your troubles with the rain in your living room, sucks but you still get no pity from me mr floor drains in the grow room. I'm still trying to work some kiddy pools into the budget to catch the runoff.

I went over today and hung the chains for the lights, Tomorrow should be the big day, my wall should finally be up


New Member
I still envy your floor drains Dr., No matter how much work went into them. I'm still trying to work a few kiddie pools into the budget to catch the runoff.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
The floors are done now---I have to put up the walls I tore down---I will take some pics for sure tonight---looks like a bomb went off----there is shit all over the place.---have to go work on the rooms---You have a partner helping you with the build right?

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
I still envy your floor drains Dr., No matter how much work went into them. I'm still trying to work a few kiddie pools into the budget to catch the runoff.
I did the 5gall buckets to catch run-off for a while---when the rooms are done, i"ll just have to bleach mop the floors with 10% once a week---easy as pie.


Well-Known Member
wow, nice floor. so far, best growing room I've seen. mine will have some kind of flood drain, but nothing as nice or well done as your tile


New Member
Ok major update.

Walls and stealth door are up. 2 400 watters are hung aswell as a 2 bulb 4 foot t12 fixture. I cut 12 clones from the poison cheese today and started them under the fluros.

Still need to lightproof the room and get the ventilation squared away, Air cooled the 2 400 watters but for the moment it doesn't exit the space. Another exhaust fan [ considering a stanley blower mod to keep it cheap anyone have any experience with them?] some fans to circulate the room and some panda plastic and we will be good to go. Still it stays at 75 with one 400 and the fluro running even without any active exhaust. Not expecting problems since it's essentially just holding clones and a single 2' mother plant for the moment. Will get it all vented before we really get going.

Stealth door is a little small, can't gain any weight or i'm fucked.