U.S. Job Growth Slows Sharply


Well-Known Member
Nah actually, i'd like to see you call my girlfriend a "meth head" to her face - your reaction would be priceless. She'd slap the shit outta you, you'd step up and give me just cause...
yeah, probably not wise to inflame a psycho bitch who's already cracked out on some rock.

i would ask her if she enjoys supporting a PTSD ridden, armchair patton loser.


Well-Known Member
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]This is even more dire than I initially thought.
[/FONT]This does not bode well for the future.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Five years in to Barack Obama’s presidency, the number of African-Americans participating in the labor force [/FONT]has hit rock bottom[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif].[/FONT]

The news media has ignored this stunning revelation from Friday’s monthly jobs report by the Labor Department.
The exception has been PBS, which interviewed economist Dean Baker who had written about it in a report published Friday.
“The drop in labor force participation was sharpest for African Americans, who saw a decline of 0.3 percentage points to 60.2 percent, the lowest rate since December of 1977. The rate for African American men fell 0.7 percentage points to 65.6 percent, the lowest on record. The decline in labor force participation was associated with a drop in the overall African American unemployment rate of 0.5 percentage points to 11.9, and a drop of 0.6 percentage points to 11.6 percent for African American men.”
Baker, Co-Director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research, told PBS’s Judy Woodruff Friday that contrary to those who spin the falling labor force participation rate as mainly coming from retiring Baby Boomers, young workers are dropping out by the millions.
“…it is easy to see the big falloff in labor force participation is among prime age workers, 25-to-54-years-olds. That is down by four full percentage points. That is equivalent to five million people in their prime ages. They are not retiring at age 50.”
The White House fed black media the news that black unemployment was down five points from its 2010 high of 16.9% but did not say that this was largely the result of more African-Americans giving up on finding jobs in the Obama economy.
While black support for Obama is over 80%, some in the African-American community put their desire for a job ahead of their pride in the first black president in the 2012 election. According to Pew Research, 19% of young black men voted for Republican Mitt Romney—a loss of 14% for Obama from 2008.
Economist Walter Williams put black labor force participation in historical context in a column published last April by pointing out that up until the 1960s blacks were as well or better represented in the labor force than whites.
“From 1900 to 1954, blacks were more active than whites in the labor market. Until about 1960, black male labor force participation in every age group was equal to or greater than that of whites. During that period, black teen unemployment was roughly equal to or less than white teen unemployment. As early as 1900, the duration of black unemployment was 15 percent shorter than that of whites; today it’s about 30 percent longer.”
What happened after that? Liberalism–and now Obama.

Shhh, please do not tell anyone that things are so grim, as they may therefore be inclined to vote against the Dems???
Uh oh, we can't have that.



New Member
yeah, probably not wise to inflame a psycho bitch who's already cracked out on some rock.

i would ask her if she enjoys supporting a PTSD ridden, armchair patton loser.
a psycho bitch who's already cracked out on some rock... Make sure you repeat that verbatim in person. We have been discussing coming over during the 2014/15 holiday season but considering the weather you guys are experiencing its looking more like 2015. Those temps are just too cold to holiday in.



Well-Known Member
a psycho bitch who's already cracked out on some rock... Make sure you repeat that verbatim in person. We have been discussing coming over during the 2014/15 holiday season but considering the weather you guys are experiencing its looking more like 2015. Those temps are just too cold to holiday in.

View attachment 2961605
it's 55 fahrenheit and sunny here, pussy.


New Member
a psycho bitch who's already cracked out on some rock... Make sure you repeat that verbatim in person. We have been discussing coming over during the 2014/15 holiday season but considering the weather you guys are experiencing its looking more like 2015. Those temps are just too cold to holiday in.

View attachment 2961605
BRRRRrrrr...that is waaay ttoooo ccccold for me.
Yeah, all that carbon in the atmosphere is really screwing the place up.
I hear all the polar bears that were missing in the North Pole, were found migrating to New York!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, all that carbon in the atmosphere is really screwing the place up.
I hear all the polar bears that were missing in the North Pole, were found migrating to New York!
Aww Finthere tried to make a funny. But it didn't work. It's not funny and your penis is small.


Well-Known Member
It was 61 where I'm at. Next week will suck donkey balls though.

Edit: You can see where a former president was killed down here. And some stockyards that are kind of Wild West style. Otherwise... We got nothin.


Well-Known Member
Hahahahaheheheh. sorry, but it was 82F here today, and it is about 76F outside right now.
South FL baby!


Well-Known Member
Labor force participation rate should be increasing, not decreasing. More people turn working age each year than are retiring.

FWIW assuming 10,000 boomers retire each day because 10,000 were born each day assumes that everyone lives to retirement and none continue working.


Well-Known Member
I dont act differenty
But you wouldnt get away with the shit you say here in real Life
And you know it
Not only would I, I do. Just because you interpret something the way u want doesn't mean it's right. You are wrong way more than right.


Well-Known Member
best euphemism ever.

"geographical locations"

This is why I think you are a dumbass. Geography can compare similar traits like skin color but differing physical attributes like height.

Your mind auto goes to black/white every time.

The same holds true for brown people. Different regions of brown people can have evolved according to needs.

You look for racism in every post by anyone who gives you shit. You will always find it even when not there. Sucks to be you housebitch.


Well-Known Member
Labor force participation rate should be increasing, not decreasing. More people turn working age each year than are retiring.

FWIW assuming 10,000 boomers retire each day because 10,000 were born each day assumes that everyone lives to retirement and none continue working.
We need to get those retired people back to work and find some way of getting toddlers into the labor market


Well-Known Member
This is why I think you are a dumbass. Geography can compare similar traits like skin color but differing physical attributes like height.

Your mind auto goes to black/white every time

The same holds true for brown people. Different regions of brown people can have evolved according to needs.
Of course white people evolved smarter and black people more athletic (sarcasm)

You look for racism in every post by anyone who gives you shit.You will always find it even when not there. Sucks to be you housebitch.
Found it
I always imagine that you are in a wheel chair Like Charles Krauthammer


Well-Known Member
You say I'm the one projecting. I can compare white to white and show how different regions have diff characteristics and you will say something idiotic like you just did and make it black white thing.

You need help. You say I would never talk to anyone in real life like I do here, yet I challenge you to find a post of mine that was out of the way to anyone here that wasn't that way first. Even you. Your dipshitted ass started it but get all butthurt when you get it back. You can even ask your housebitch. I sent him a pm a long time ago letting him know I prefer a cordial discussion and learning from each other, but if he'd rather roll in the mud I can do that too. He chose mud because he couldn't (or wouldn't) carry on an intelligent give and take.

Call any women you've never met a fat cunt lately you hypocrite? Would being in a wheelchair make me less of a man in your eyes you piece of shit?