U.S. Job Growth Slows Sharply


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
of course he would.

obama is from a "geographical region" where people failed to evolve from the neck up.
Is that what you think I claimed? No wonder you called me racist, you are a bit of a dumbfuck. (actually a lot of a dumbfuck, but I'm working on my cordiality).


Well-Known Member
So where did they get these IQ results on Obama?
No idea where those scores for any of them came from, are they wrong? Do you have other sources?

I'll rephrase my stance to, according this site, yes. If this site is wrong and his is higher, then no.

(I actually googled before answering because I didn't know)


Well-Known Member
No idea where those scores for any of them came from, are they wrong? Do you have other sources?

I'll rephrase my stance to, according this site, yes. If this site is wrong and his is higher, then no.

(I actually googled before answering because I didn't know)
So they pulled the scores out of their ass like you did


Well-Known Member
So they pulled the scores out of their ass like you did
So you have no source?

Just being a dick back huh?

Cheesus, I'll extend the olive branch right now. If you agree to play nice and assume I actually mean what I write (I am free from PC shackles that allows me to do this) and not what you think I mean, I'll be cordial with you and apologize for being such a dick to you. I really do respect your opinion and insight when discussing bikes and guns, your knowledge obviously exceeds mine in those subjects and I quite enjoy it. I much prefer it to our exchanges lately.

If you want to continue in your same manner though, I'll respond in kind. Nobody else wants to read that horseshit though, we bring the property value down.


Well-Known Member
So you have no source?

Just being a dick back huh?

Cheesus, I'll extend the olive branch right now. If you agree to play nice and assume I actually mean what I write (I am free from PC shackles that allows me to do this) and not what you think I mean, I'll be cordial with you and apologize for being such a dick to you. I really do respect your opinion and insight when discussing bikes and guns, your knowledge obviously exceeds mine in those subjects.

If you want to continue in your same manner I'll respond in kind.
How do I prove that which does not exist?

Here I didnt google it when I put my answer up

Read the last paragraph


Well-Known Member
How do I prove that which does not exist?

Here I didnt google it when I put my answer up

Read the last paragraph

I agree with the last paragraph. I've even said so in the thread that you claimed I was claiming blacks were inferior when I wasn't. IQ tests use subjective measures.

I did however blow his estimated SAT scores out of the water, but then again, with his records sealed, he may have blown away the estimations, we may never know. Also, SAT scores can be argued there is subjective scoring. So even those are not an absolute. I prefer the ACT (but then, that's how I scored my scholarship to Univ of MI so I'm biased :)).

I did clarify my answer to your (obviously now impossible to answer) question. That IF that's his score, then yes, IF it's actually much higher then no.


Well-Known Member

you're right.

we should do a better job at forgetting history so that we may repeat it because you can't stand multiculturalism and love excusing failure on a melanin dependent basis.

you are such a visionary. truly a man ahead of his time.


Well-Known Member
74,000 found jobs, but it takes 100,000 just to stay even. 470,000 left the workforce.

How many bridges have you purchased in your lifetime?
Dont extend unemployment
Watch people get off their ass and find a job. Plus December is the worse time to find a job. All the Holidays are unpaid becuase you are a new employee

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
This is a logical fallacy. Living beings cannot have evolved from inanimate objects. That is the dumbest argument I have ever heard. It wasn't funny, and your penis is small. So very small.

Your fixation on male genitalia is noted. As an aside you can't imagine how hard it is to find proper shoes in my size, 16.5...on second thought I have no idea what you can imagine.

Since you appear to be a Buck relative , I dug up own of your family photos...cheers.


Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Dont extend unemployment
Watch people get off their ass and find a job. Plus December is the worse time to find a job. All the Holidays are unpaid becuase you are a new employee
ha ha ha ha ha ohh you re sooo dumb.

"Plus December is the worse time to find a job. All the Holidays are unpaid becuase you are a new employee"

the employee's desire for paid holidays (a rare breed for the new employee at any time of the year) has no impact on your employment prospects.

the post holiday slump sucks for job seekers, because the employer usually doesnt need any more people as he JUST FINISHED increasing his workforce for the holiday season, and now is most likely overstaffed.

you view everything from the perspective of the proletarian/99%/gimmee gimmeee, when the perspective of the employer is what determines whether you get hired or not.


Well-Known Member
I must admit to both of youse guys ... I have seen no racism from ginwilly. You want racism? Check El Tib or BnB. But ginwilly? Can you provide a clear example?
Appreciate the kind words cn, but I'm not sweating it. C4 is just a parrot and having fun and well, we all know about UB by now. Being called a racist by him is like being called fat by Chris Christie when you are half his size. He's been in a strange mood lately, let him hang himself. I had a double post that I deleted that he thinks was more than one and claims he knows it wasn't really a double post it was some comment that I made or something. I forget exactly what he was claiming, but after that, I pretty much knew he was just on a troll kick and I just skim past his posts now, life is too short.

I don't get it, but if that's how he gets his pleasure then I don't want to rob him of it.


Well-Known Member
Appreciate the kind words cn, but I'm not sweating it. C4 is just a parrot and having fun and well, we all know about UB by now. Being called a racist by him is like being called fat by Chris Christie when you are half his size. He's been in a strange mood lately, let him hang himself. I had a double post that I deleted that he thinks was more than one and claims he knows it wasn't really a double post it was some comment that I made or something. I forget exactly what he was claiming, but after that, I pretty much knew he was just on a troll kick and I just skim past his posts now, life is too short.

I don't get it, but if that's how he gets his pleasure then I don't want to rob him of it.

should be a post similar to post 18, but with different words after the polling data at the end of the post. claims it was a double post that occurred 13 minutes apart with several posts in between and what i saw was different words at the end than on post 18.

he lied about every single other thing in that thread, i won't be surprised when we find out his deleted post is unique and not a double post.


Well-Known Member
I must admit to both of youse guys ... I have seen no racism from ginwilly. You want racism? Check El Tib or BnB. But ginwilly? Can you provide a clear example?
it's a cumulative case, not the least of which was a carefully worded defense about how certain people from certain "geographical regions" might not have evolved from the neck up.

but like i said, most of it is cumulative, offering comfort and aid to the enemy. he'll even preemptively mock anyone who claims to see sexism in clearly sexist remarks.

that sort of thing, but apply it to race issues as well.


Well-Known Member
Buck, nobody believes you, appealing to a mod doesn't really help your cause any, it just makes you look even smaller than you already do.

Let's not forget, I called you out on being a liar and a thief and you have gone off the deep end since. I touched a nerve obviously. It's pretty obvious to everyone else. Each time you use your shovel to dig out, the hole gets deeper.

When you say you defaulted on monies owed "strategically" and thought you were sticking it to the back, it showed your lack of integrity, your lack of business sense and your lack of how markets actually work.

You justified not honoring your debts as any liar and thief would. I imagine you still don't see it because most likely you will justify it again.


Well-Known Member
Buck, nobody believes you, appealing to a mod doesn't really help your cause any, it just makes you look even smaller than you already do.

Let's not forget, I called you out on being a liar and a thief and you have gone off the deep end since. I touched a nerve obviously. It's pretty obvious to everyone else. Each time you use your shovel to dig out, the hole gets deeper.

When you say you defaulted on monies owed "strategically" and thought you were sticking it to the back, it showed your lack of integrity, your lack of business sense and your lack of how markets actually work.

You justified not honoring your debts as any liar and thief would. I imagine you still don't see it because most likely you will justify it again.

echelon1k1 likes this.
you claimed support for obamacare was dwindling, when it has been steady for months and years. LIE.

you claimed i said obamacare was over 50% (you also claimed chesus said obama was gonna legalize). BOTH LIES.

you claimed that obamacare was at 35%, which was a massive outlier. LIE.

you claimed that because obamacare was over at 50% at one point and now it's not, that made your claim about obamacare's current popularity dwindling was correct. LIE.

you claim that strategic defaults are not good business sense and a form of theft. LIES.

LIES LIES LIES LIES LIES. that's all you have. short on facts, long on lies.

edit: but at least you got a like from a known white supremacist. :clap:


Well-Known Member
Dig that hole, you are bound to get out of it eventually.

Support IS dwindling whether you admit it or not. I showed more than just one article, I purposefully grabbed them from left leaning sites, are they all outliers?

I said I thought that was who made that claim and if it wasn't I apologized. I was man enough to admit if I was wrong then I'm sorry, you are not man enough to accept it. Dig Dig.

I said to Cheesus " I THOUGHT you predicted O would legalize next term". I wasn't going to go back and sift through an old thread, so I went directly to the source and asked him. Do you remember his answer? It was "well he kinda did". That left me believing I remembered correctly. If he had said, no, I didn't make that claim I would have said OK, my mistake. Now that the thread is bumped I see that's not what he said. My track record shows that's what I do, yours shows you run and hide and start a new belligerent thread. Dig dig dig

If support for Obamacare was over 50% at one time and now it's under 50%, that's called a decline. You are the only one that purposefully left data off a graph that showed your claim was false, I just posted the rest of it and you went off and moved your goal post. Don't know how else to explain simple math to you. Dig dig

When you have the means to pay back money that you borrowed yet default anyway and proudly brag about it, you are a thief. I've never met an honest thief. Dig

put the shovel down man, it's sad how bad you are exposing yourself.