U.S. Job Growth Slows Sharply


Well-Known Member
no, no it's not. Nobody takes your claims of racism seriously. Not after you exposed yourself with fake stormfront accounts, set up a fake group to "expose" racists and stalked a man on a dating site. Sorry to ruin your party, but you are a bit of a joke dude. You are the Jerry Lewis of RIU, you are still yelling Laaaaaaady and think it's funny.
lol, your theory about fake white supremacy groups is just about as cool as your sandra fluke conspiracies. you should try to publish it on a right wing website right below the "new world order FEMA camps" posts and right above the "agenda 21 will make your babies gay" posts.


Well-Known Member
UB disagree on things with me, we used to troll each other in the past. Don't think he's ever called me racist.
i disagree with doer on a lot of stuff, almost everything. not racist.

cannabineer and i have many, many disagreements. anyone here think the bear is racist?

trousers is a dyed in the wool conservative and has no problem forming a cogent policy objection to obama. not racist.

flaming pie is a moderate republican who i would likely disagree with on most everything. not racist.

muyloco, for as much as i suspect he is, has never uttered a racist word and i haven't called him a racist.

NLXSK1 went for years without saying anything racist before he exposed himself for what he is recently.

chesus has some absurd notion about relegalization, or at least his version of it, which i find endlessly stupid. not racist.

i will never be as far left as godhere or abandon are, and i find their stances silly. not racist.

ginwilly just needs to evolve from the neck up and stop giving free passes to the white supremacy around here.


Well-Known Member
i disagree with doer on a lot of stuff, almost everything. not racist.

cannabineer and i have many, many disagreements. anyone here think the bear is racist?

trousers is a dyed in the wool conservative and has no problem forming a cogent policy objection to obama. not racist.

flaming pie is a moderate republican who i would likely disagree with on most everything. not racist.

muyloco, for as much as i suspect he is, has never uttered a racist word and i haven't called him a racist.

NLXSK1 went for years without saying anything racist before he exposed himself for what he is recently.

chesus has some absurd notion about relegalization, or at least his version of it, which i find endlessly stupid. not racist.

i will never be as far left as godhere or abandon are, and i find their stances silly. not racist.

ginwilly just needs to evolve from the neck up and stop giving free passes to the white supremacy around here.
That's becuase YOU are the racist Buck


Well-Known Member
butthurt word vomit
Sorry Buck, in my real life experience, I treat everyone the same. work and live in a mixed environment and have never been called racist by anyone other than you and yours here. You on the other hand live in a cocoon. You remind of that guy who would try to "act black" in some crowds like politicians we know and get laughed at behind your back. I don't know what's happened in your personal life over the past 2 years, but you've become an unfunny caricature of yourself. Bring the duck back, at least that guy was likeable.

Free the duck!!


Well-Known Member
Sorry Buck, in my real life experience, I treat everyone the same. work and live in a mixed environment and have never been called racist by anyone other than you and yours here. You on the other hand live in a cocoon. You remind of that guy who would try to "act black" in some crowds like politicians we know and get laughed at behind your back. I don't know what's happened in your personal life over the past 2 years, but you've become an unfunny caricature of yourself. Bring the duck back, at least that guy was likeable.

Free the duck!!
Probably becuase you have the common sense not to say something racist to a minority and get your ass thourougly kicked


Well-Known Member
Sorry Buck, in my real life experience, I treat everyone the same. work and live in a mixed environment and have never been called racist by anyone other than you and yours here. You on the other hand live in a cocoon. You remind of that guy who would try to "act black" in some crowds like politicians we know and get laughed at behind your back. I don't know what's happened in your personal life over the past 2 years, but you've become an unfunny caricature of yourself. Bring the duck back, at least that guy was likeable.

Free the duck!!
Do you remember what comment you made that prompted his allegations of racism?


Well-Known Member
Probably becuase you have the common sense not to say something racist to a minority and get your ass thourougly kicked
I don't live in fear of minorities anymore than anyone else and don't check skin color before voicing anything. If you do, then that's on you man.

Read what you wrote, you think it's common sense to act differently in front of minorities than you would otherwise....


Well-Known Member
Do you remember what comment you made that prompted his allegations of racism?
yes, there was a racist stance here that blacks were less intelligent. I agreed with those who claimed this was racist to say but disagreed that intelligence level between geographical locations was impossible. I stated that evolution has brought significant physical changes based on need and to discount that intellectual changes based on need were possible is slightly idiotic and PC imprisonment. I said that you can see physical differences on the same continent by region, so there is a good chance some developed different intellectual traits such as spacial relations ect. I mocked UB for being too PC to insist that evolution only occurred from the shoulders down.

I went on to say that it has nothing to do with skin color, as it's possible that eastern europeans will differ from western europeans.

Buck went on to insist I meant blacks were inferior. I meant no such thing and still don't. He went that route because he knows I'm right but his PCness would not let him admit it. So......racist is all he has.


Well-Known Member
I don't live in fear of minorities anymore than anyone else and don't check skin color before voicing anything. If you do, then that's on you man.

Read what you wrote, you think it's common sense to act differently in front of minorities than you would otherwise....
I dont act differenty
But you wouldnt get away with the shit you say here in real Life
And you know it


Well-Known Member
LOL... Really El tib? Or should we call you duke? What adds to the hilarity is your inclination towards sock puppetry...
you running my patience and i'm not above sending someone to your (brother's) (and meth head girlfirend's) house.


New Member
you'll probably just pussy out like hemlock the big bad marine, or finthere, the child living with his parents playing adults on the internet.
Nah actually, i'd like to see you call my girlfriend a "meth head" to her face - your reaction would be priceless. She'd slap the shit outta you, you'd step up and give me just cause...