Is this an accurate depiction of how the medical system in the USA works?


Well-Known Member
but if somebody develops a magic health potion that eliminates all disease and aging, doctors will be out of business since they too "become filthy rich" only when somebody else is suffering.

same goes for medical examiners, mortuaries, grave diggers, coffin makers, homicide detectives, hospice care workers, and members of the clergy who perform funerary rituals (and weddings, lol suffering is their business)
You're taking what I said to the extremes and you're smart enough to know that's not what I meant. Jobs still need to be performed that have to deal with death etc., but to greasing people over that are already in bad situations is immoral, IMO. Hospitals should exist to help people, not line the pockets of board members.

Doctors should be well paid. I'm not sure they should be getting millions of dollars, but 6 figures no question. If the legal system didn't allow for retards in the US to sue people over really stupid things.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
You're taking what I said to the extremes and you're smart enough to know that's not what I meant. Jobs still need to be performed that have to deal with death etc., but to greasing people over that are already in bad situations is immoral, IMO. Hospitals should exist to help people, not line the pockets of board members.

Doctors should be well paid. I'm not sure they should be getting millions of dollars, but 6 figures no question. If the legal system didn't allow for retards in the US to sue people over really stupid things.
there are MANY charitable and non-profit hospitals in the US.

including the Shriners (ZOMG! Freemason Illuminati Shadow Government!!!) Catholic hospitals (Dubble ZOMG!! evil papist religious fanatics!!) Jewish hospitals (Triple ZOMG!! ZIONISTS!!) and Baptist hospitals (Quadruple ZOMG!! crazy evangelicals!!!)

theres even a few run by state county and municipal agencies.

shit costs a lot there too if you can afford to pay, but if you cant, they bump those costs onto those who CAN pay. and they dont do it for profit either.


Well-Known Member
there are MANY charitable and non-profit hospitals in the US.

including the Shriners (ZOMG! Freemason Illuminati Shadow Government!!!) Catholic hospitals (Dubble ZOMG!! evil papist religious fanatics!!) Jewish hospitals (Triple ZOMG!! ZIONISTS!!) and Baptist hospitals (Quadruple ZOMG!! crazy evangelicals!!!)

theres even a few run by state county and municipal agencies.

shit costs a lot there too if you can afford to pay, but if you cant, they bump those costs onto those who CAN pay. and they dont do it for profit either.
Of the 1,877 CEOs at 2,681 hospitals studied, the average compensation was approximately $600,000 per year, though this varied widely. CEOs of small rural hospitals earned salaries and bonuses of just $118,000 a year, while those at the largest urban teaching hospitals earned on average nearly $1.7 million per year. And some CEOs earn considerably more than that. For example, in a recent year, the CEOs of Northwestern Hospital in Chicago and the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center each earned in excess of $5 million in salary and bonus.
Hmmm.... CEO's of hospitals make between $100,000 and $5,000,000/year.... I'm guessing those aren't the 'charity' hospitals.


Well-Known Member
Are you suggesting that a $5,000,000 salary to a single person doesn't affect the rates that people pay at the hospital?