Vertical Scrog LED Closet Grow || Flooded Tube/ NFT || 450w - Headband - 2’ x 3’

Are these LEDs going to produce fat, sticky buds?

  • The buds are going to be amazing and you'll wonder why anyone uses HIDs.

    Votes: 18 19.1%
  • The buds will be good, and the yield will be good compared to the power used.

    Votes: 33 35.1%
  • The buds are going to be fluffy and weak and you'll wonder why anyone flowers with LEDs.

    Votes: 10 10.6%
  • Why not just wait and see?

    Votes: 33 35.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Here's a story that you'll get a kick out of Jig.

We were at a Charger game. We were playing the Eagles.

At some point, a veeeery drunk Eagle fan stood up, turned around,
and said "Yooo guys gots no nationality" (think Foster Brooks)

It was months before it occurred to me that he was actually
very astute in his stupor. In San Diego you cannot look at
a group of us and get a feeling for who lives here....we are a
serious blend.

Onward and upward,



Well-Known Member
Quite the opposite feeling from when I attended an English football match. Not only did everyone look the same, but I swear everyone had the same outfit on. Dark jeans and a big black jacket.

Also why Australia freaked me out. The whole place was white people. It was so odd. There were Japanese tourists too. This was 20 years ago. I'm sure it is more mixed now with malasian/ indonesian people moving there.


Well-Known Member
Quite the opposite feeling from when I attended an English football match. Not only did everyone look the same, but I swear everyone had the same outfit on. Dark jeans and a big black jacket.

Also why Australia freaked me out. The whole place was white people. It was so odd. There were Japanese tourists too. This was 20 years ago. I'm sure it is more mixed now with malasian/ indonesian people moving there.
how do you think hydrogp fells on this it is all the same there. i live in cajun creole country and it is very mixed here


Well-Known Member
You mean the influx of foreigners? It's rapidly changing in scandanavia with all the middle easterners and I think even more so the subcontinent people. Bangledeshi, Pakistani, Bengali, Sri Lancan etc. I visited an RIU'er in Sweden and he was telling me all about it. It was wild to hear him talk because it's so different from here. I think many americans would say his views were racist, but it's so different there. Just wild how things are around the world. I've really only been a handful of places and my mind is pretty much blown whenever a new place is visited. For as much as we are all the same we are all so different. And at the same time for as different as we all are, we are really totally just the same. :)


Well-Known Member
your a bit jinxed lately with your sports jig, what happened to england in the ashes? and i won't even get started on spurs

hopefully your nfl team is doing better!


Well-Known Member
NFL is all I gots left. My baseball team made it to the semi finals this year... so that's good i suppose. We should have made it to the championship. Should being the operative word. Yeah, spurs are shit, but things are looking up with AVB gone. I mean we COULD still make a champ league spot. As long as they quit giving up 5+ every game jeez. England couldn't have been worse in the ashes, it was pretty disgusting. I swear I could have batted better than some of the top order batsmen. Crazy.

I've given up on auto racing for the most part. Not sure why, maybe because the same people win the championship every year in F1 and Nascar? It's just not interesting to me the past year.

WTF was that danny rose shit about the other day!!! Grrrr.... wasn't too much fun watching that match.

EDIT: And no... I never did hear back from the light guy. Poof... he disappeared. ???


Well-Known Member
maybe he's lurking real hard somewhere lol....

and as for defenders acting batshit crazy this season i haven't a clue, it seems to be all over the preimer league, if they weren't being payed so much i would have to say they take a lot of bribes because you just can't write some of that shit!.


Well-Known Member
Thats great, the wife and I got a good laugh. Also on a funny note Chaka, I refer to you as the "gold watch guy" to my wife so she knows who I'm talking about when I refer to your posts.


Well-Known Member
That's funny shit. Both the shirt and the name. lol

plants still growing... getting extremely frosty and amazingly stinky. :) getting pretty fat too.


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to say.... I LOVE CALIFORNIA!!!! and everything it comes with. I love all the different folks, how we all speak different languages. I love all the different foods. I love how we all get along for the most part. I love the ultra liberal folks in SF and the conservative military folks in SD. I love the weather, and I love the coast. I love the attitude and mostly the people. We're a bunch of cool folks (for the most part) out here and I think it's great. :) :)

I am with you. Been loving it all through the Holiday and damn glad I am here. CALI has it's problems but so does everywhere. My in-laws came down for the holidays again and I think they are getting addicted to the weather. They just went back to freezing cold in North ID. I do NOT miss shoveling snow. :-) Sorry jig...

BTW... Wife has totally become californianized..LOL!! we went up to Gregory to walk around it and it was about 57 and slightly windy. We spent maybe 15 minutes before it was too cold...LOL! Wishing you guys well up there buddy. finally saw the vid and things just look great man! I think those LEDs may be worth it eh?.


Well-Known Member
Man I think I would absolutely everything about Cali except the cost of living. I love different types of people, and foods, and obviously the weather would be awesome. I was shoveling about 20 inchs of snow out of my walkway a little while ago. Then spent about 30 minutes helping the neighbor and his girlfriend get their van down the road in -2 degrees :), my wife said I'm way to nice that she would have told them to call a tow truck. I can not swallow paying a grand of more for rent though, along with everything else being expensive too. If I could find a job and an affordable house I think the wife would make me move west she's wanted to her whole life.


Well-Known Member
My neighbor pays $800 a mo rent for a 2 bed 2 bath 1,000 sq.ft. house. :)

If you could save up to buy a place on my street the mortgage would be around $350 a month. Got anyone to hook you up $10,000 for a down payment???


Well-Known Member
Thats certainly a much more doable number!! The down payment, and the credit would be the issues. I know I could come up with the down payment one way or another with a little time, and I've been working on improving my credit the last few years. When we started thinking about buying this place we then realized that no bank is gonna give us any kind of loan any time soon cus I've been off work from my injury so no current job, or the 1-2 years at a job like they want to see. Now if we could rent to own a place on your street, I would be glad to pay 5-600, just need the down payment then :). Then we just gotta find work, my wife has been reading about trying to learn coding it seems like something she could be good at.


Well-Known Member
Sounds good to me!
no shit! i pay 600 where i rent. i will sell my place now tax's are coming, and am going up and have about two weekends worth of work and i am jacking the price up. in six month my credit will get me a va loan. it is still coming back from my ruff start in 2013. me and the wife have talked about moving all over hell we dont know cali could be cool. i have a few people out that way one is a med grower in humbolt. we just need to find a place i can grow and not worry about going to big boy fuck you in the ass prison over a little weed. i would love to grow, breed, and do my art for a living and spend my time with my family and some good friends. i would be the happiest man in the world. i have so many skills a job is tatter i have worked full time since i was 15. anyway i am so jacking you tread here supa that shirt is great we have had a cat most of the time the wife and i have been together.